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12 most common flower type in the UK

The UK has a wide variety of flora and fauna and to pick a list of the favorite 12 amongst these is a bit challenging.

In this article, we have shared with you the names of 12 common flowers that you can find in Britain.

12 common show Stealers flowers of UK 

Flowers can enhance the mood of anyone due to their beautiful colors and intoxicating fragrance.

The list of flowers we have shared with you here has both these qualities that make them such popular amongst the populace.

Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris)

Pasque Flower

This attractive looking flower is shaped like a bell and is generally found in the open ranges.

It grows in alkaline soil and is purple.

It requires well-drained soil to flourish.

This flower blooms during the spring season and its availability depends a lot upon grazing.

Primrose (Primula Vulgaris)


This is considered one of the favorite flowers of the British people.

This flower blooms during the spring season and it appears in big clumps. Its pale yellow color creates a stark contrast against the green foliage.

While it is considered to be a spring flower it sometimes grows in early December also.

This flower can be seen throughout Britain and it generally grows in the shade.

Stinking Iris (Iris foetidissima).

Stinking Iris

This is another native flowering plant in Britain that grows in many parts of England and also some parts of Wales.

This flower blooms during the spring or even in the early summer and it mainly occurs in clusters.

It has a bluish-purple color and has orange-red seeds. Although this flower looks amazing, it has an unpleasant smell.

Stinking hellebore (Helleborus foetidus)

This flower is a native of Britain and it looks like small red-rimmed green bells.

This early flowering plant is found mainly in the woodland clearings in the South and West parts of Britain.

As the name suggests it produces an unpleasant odor.

Snakeshead fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris)

Snakeshead fritillary

This beautiful looking flower is chequered purple (it sometimes also blooms in white-collar) when gently swaying on their slender stems give the appearance of the movement of a snakehead due to which it is named as a snake’s head.

These flowers generally occur in clumps and are found in central southern England as well as in East Anglia.

A new hybrid of this flower appears in white, purple, and smoky shades and can be found in the wet meadows.

Golden Shield fern (Dryopteris affinis)

This beautiful flowering plant grows all over the British Isles, especially in the deciduous woods and conifer forests.

It thrives in the shady areas and prefers lime-free soil.

This beautiful looking flower has upright fronds that are divided into leaflets that have golden scales on its midrib.

It is a tough plant and can even withstand a drought-like situation.

Cheddar pink (Dianthus gratianopolitanus)

This summer flowers bloom either in pink or pale purple shade.

The plant on which this flower grows has low tufted mats of slender grayish leaves that contrast beautifully with the vibrant color of the flower.

It has a strong, distinct clove scent that makes it a magnet for bees and butterflies. 

Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis)

This fragrant, spring bell-shaped flower generally occurs in the dry shade.

It can thrive in unexpected places, like Ashwoods, limestone pavements, and others.

These flowers bloom in pink shade and have double and variegated forms.

Wood anemone (Anemone nemorosa)

This wildflower blooms during the winter season and has a pearly white shade.

It mainly grows in deciduous shrubs and trees and can be found throughout Britain and Ireland.

Corncockle (Agrostemma githago)

This common cornfield weed grows all over Britain.

It has a beautiful magenta shade flower that grows on tall and slender stems that sways in the wind create a beautiful sight.

Corn marigold (Glebionis segetum)

This yellow wildflower is native to Britain and it mainly grows in newly cultivated soil.

It grows among other wildflowers that need full sun to thrive.

It requires well-drained soil and is found all over Britain.

Dog Rose (Rosa canina)

It is a summer flower that has a pink shade.

This wildlife plant has a beautiful scent that attracts bees, moths and birds.

It forms a thick shrub that many times acts as a shelter for birds and small mammals.


While Britain has a huge range of wildflowers that are native to the land, we have only shared with you a small sample of this wide variety.

Out of all the flowers, Roses are highly popular. To purchase roses or any other flowers, we suggest one florist which offers roses delivery in the UK.

You can give any of these flowers to your loved ones on any special occasion. One better strategy is to combine two or more flowers from the above list and make a beautiful bouquet and then give it to your loved ones.

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