For such a small package, the Apple Watch offers plenty of versatility for its size. From listening to music to monitoring your workouts to viewing your images, depending on your Apple Watch model, there are a variety of settings to tweak.
We’ve got our top Apple Watch ideas, whether you’ve got the latest Collection 7 or an older model. Even though you may have tried some of these options earlier, there are still probably some things your smartwatch can do that you didn’t know.
Listen to music
With an Apple Watch running watchOS 4.1 or higher, you can listen to Apple Music (if you’re a subscriber), Spotify, Pandora, and iHeartRadio stations, along with songs, albums, and playlists.
Podcasts are great
With Apple’s Podcast app for iPhone and Apple Watch, you can listen to podcasts on your iPhone and your Apple Watch if you’re running watchOS 5. You can listen to podcasts without hopping on Wi-Fi if you’ve got an LTE-enabled Apple Watch.
You can swipe through your subscribed podcasts or individual episodes using the Podcasts app on your watch. It’s easy to pause, resume, skip 30 seconds, return 15 seconds, change the speed, and change the volume from the Podcast player.
You should monitor your exercise.
In terms of health and wellbeing, the Apple Watch shines, and one of its best features is the ability to track your exercise. With the Exercises app, you can track your progress in all activities, including biking, walking, mountaineering, jogging, rowing, ellipticals, stair steppers, swimming, and yoga at the gym.
You can monitor your heart rate.
Apple Watch has a built-in app for monitoring your heart rate. The app will measure your heart rate right now. Measurements are taken periodically for your charge as long as your watch is in show mode. Otherwise, you look at it. Tap the arrow to the left; the app shows your current, resting, average, and certain charges.
Check your ECG
The Apple Watch Collection 4 and up will let you take an electrocardiogram, which will check your heartbeat and alert you if it’s irregular, like atrial fibrillation. This isn’t something you’d usually need to do unless you have a heart issue or are experiencing symptoms.
Check Your Blood Oxygen Level
Blood oxygen levels can be measured with a built-in oximeter on an Apple Watch Collection 6 and 7 if you have watchOS 7 or later. 95% to 100% is a good score. Anaemia may cause low blood oxygen levels.
Wash your hands at the right time
Since COVID-19 spreads like wildfire, washing your hands is an important strategy to keep germs at bay and prevent infections from spreading. The moment you leave a public place or come into contact with germ-infested surfaces, you should wash your fingers for at least 20 seconds.
Make sure you listen to what you want.
Besides being annoying, loud noises probably damage your hearing. Apple’s Noise app in watchOS 6 warns you when your surroundings sound too loud, resulting in hearing issues. The app will send you a notification if the ambient sounds reach a certain volume.
Mindfulness is key
Please take advantage of your Apple Watch’s Mindfulness app to get away from the daily grind and concentrate on something other than the stress and pressure we all experience. Mirror mode lets you ruminate for a minute or so on one thing in your life-a problem, an issue, a hit, a remembrance, or an idea.
Keep track of your sleep.
Apple has since released watchOS 7 with its built-in sleep tracker if you need to monitor your sleep. It measures how long you spend sleeping during the night, analyzes your nighttime schedule so you can learn how to get better sleep, and records your sleeping pattern over time.
Turn on Do Not Disturb
Like your iPhone, the Apple Watch has Do Not Disturb mode, so you don’t get interrupted by calls, texts, or other stuff. Your watch mirrors your iPhone’s Focus setting by default.
Name the emergency providers.
You can name emergency companies right from your watch if you own the mobile collection 5, 6, or 7. This feature lets you call emergency services worldwide regardless of your provider or where you live. For instance, you can call 999 instead of 911 if you’re an American visiting London.
Set up a watch for someone in the house
Apple Watches used to be simple to set up and use with an iPhone. However, watchOS 7 lets you give Apple Lookaheads to people who don’t own iPhones. Using the Watch, they can make and receive calls, send texts, use many built-in features, and run apps.
Talk to Siri
Siri will be on your watch so that you can talk to her. And Siri will even speak to you again if you have the Apple Watch Collection 3 or later. When you long-press the Digital Crown, Siri will appear, waiting for you to speak. If you have watchOS 7 or higher, you can talk to Siri more frequently and ask for translations.
Using Siri Shortcuts
You’ll be able to use Siri Shortcuts from your Apple Watch even faster if you use Siri Shortcuts on your iPhone. The watch now has a Shortcuts app with watchOS 7 or higher. View all of the supported shortcuts from your look using the app. If you tap a shortcut, you can run and handle it right out of your wrist.
Get to know your iPhone
Have you lost your iPhone? You can find it with your Apple Watch. Access Management Heart by swiping up from the bottom. Locate the ringing phone icon. Tap it, and your phone will emit a pinging sound as the icon turns blue.
Pictures to browse
The watch lets you see certain images from your iPhone. The watch shows your favourites, but you can change the album. You can do that in the My Watch section of the Watch app on your iPhone. Change the Synced Album by tapping Pictures.
You can dictate an e-mail or a text.
There are a few different ways to enter text on your Apple Watch. Use the QuickPath keyboard with Collection 7 or later. Scribble characters on your Collection watch or tap them out on your iPhone. However, dictating text is a fast way to create content. Choose to Create Message, Add Message, or iMessage from the Mail or Messages app. You can speak your text by tapping the microphone icon. You can fix mistakes by tapping within the area and then tapping Backspace. Send it when it’s full.
Organize your apps
You can rearrange the icons on your property display to work best for you. Open the Watch app on your iPhone. Change your icons in the App Format section of My Watch.
Launch apps from the dock
Using the dock, you can quickly access your favourite apps. Press the side button and scroll through the list until you find the app you’re looking for. The dock will fill up with apps. You can take one away by swiping to the left and tapping the X.
Hand gestures for managing your watch
Watch faces and buttons aren’t always tapped and pressed to adjust their settings. You can use your watch-wearing hand through gestures if you can’t use your different hand. You must turn on AssistiveTouch and Hand Gestures in Settings > Accessibility > AssistiveTouch.
In a display or inventory, pinching your thumbs and forefingers moves to the next item, double-pinning your fingers to the previous item, clenching your hand unlocks your current item, and double-clenching opens a menu with instructions.