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3 Things to consider while Creating a Conscious Brand

Building and online brand

Today more consumers than ever are demanding companies that are brand conscious.  They also expect companies to change their practices, be more transparent. Moreover, companies should be communicative and take a more practical approach to make the world a better place. Classy Business Women, a website for women in business, has decided to share some great tips with you.

People are fed up with outdated marketing techniques, false advertising, and companies/influencers who don’t do what they talk about. Not to mention brands that are simply focused on revenue don’t feel good in our current climate.

If brands have no intentional purpose or lack social responsibility, they run the risk of being overlooked by a brand that embodies sustainability, creativity, and a higher purpose.

We have seen this trend evolve over the past decade in the business landscape. There is no doubt that our current situation in the world will not take us back to what it was. But will propel us faster than ever towards this inevitable future where consumers demand conscious practices in all their investments

By intentionally integrating social responsibility as part of your daily business routine, you can ensure that you are doing your part in the practice of social and environmental responsibility. Being seen as a thought leader in your niche.

1.Ready to take the first steps?


Let’s take a look at 3 areas of your business to focus on to make sure you are cultivating a conscious brand by looking at the great companies that are doing it right.

  • 1: Be clear about what you stand for and speak up.

Ben and Jerry’s is a conscious iconic brand that has been doing well since the 1980s. Climate control, Rock the Vote, and declaring Black Lives Matter are just a few of the socially responsible causes Ben & Jerry’s has championed for. over the years. And it just makes people love your brand even more and become loyal and enthusiastic fans

In a recent MWWPR report, consumers say they are 90% more likely to patronize companies that take a stance on public and social policy, and 80% say they will even pay more for products from such brands.

Now, this doesn’t mean you have to endorse all causes, but following B & J’s lead of including your views and values ​​in your marketing and at the center of your brand is sure to help you stand out from the online noise and attract clients with similar values


  • 2: Raise the level of service you provide

Patagonia is a leader in environmental and social responsibility. You can also start with the brand’s mission statement: “Build the best product, do not cause unnecessary damage, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.”

His level of transparency around that goal is truly impressive. In addition to having fair trade certification for all of its sewing production (and by Fall 2017, more than 400 products), the brand knows and publicly discloses all of its top tier suppliers. Also, it is actively working to chart the remainder down to farm level for raw materials. 

How does this apply to an online business owner selling a service, not a product?

How can you show that you are also a conscious brand?

  • Make sure you set clear standards and agreements on how to act with integrity.
  • Be transparent about your numbers, operations, and your team.
  • Last but not least, you should have quarterly goals to improve workflows, offers, and the customer experience.


3. Maintaining conscious brand partnerships

Co-branding is known to be an effective way to build a business, raise awareness, and enter new markets. Let’s take UNICEF for example. By selling this fun, affordable fitness product, Target encourages children to lead healthy lifestyles and uses the children’s successes to provide underserved communities with the resources they need. It’s an ongoing partnership that creates awareness of global malnutrition, helps UNICEF, and opens Target to a demographic that provides families they might otherwise have access to.

Brand partnerships in the online world are most commonly referred to as affiliate marketing. Unfortunately, affiliate marketing often gets a bad rap for unethical practices or little to no transparency. That being said, some of the most amazing product launches would not have been possible without this model. Think B School, KBB, and Impacting Millions. Programs that are widespread and have had massive positive effects due to affiliate marketing.

What’s the trick One simple rule can ensure that you make smart decisions during your partnership: choose partnerships that reflect your values. If you don’t feel connected to the thought leader or influencer and don’t believe 100% in the value of the product, then pass. When the stars align Jump on it!

Who you work with has a direct impact on your reputation, your brand, and, ultimately, how your customers perceive your company.

Write your convincing brand story

Now is the time to create a story that will attract your ideal customers and help them become more visible. Your brand statement is something you will say externally, so you need to get creative and have fun with it. It is not a mission statement or a vision statement;

A brand statement considers what customers and stakeholders care about and the deeper purpose of the company. It goes beyond the money you want to earn and sets an ideal future to achieve, driven by values. Question: “Why are we here?” and “How are we making the world a better place?” By answering these questions, you will find the seed from which you will build your statement.

Write a story around that statement.

The statement you created in step two becomes the starting point for what your brand story will become, and you’ll write a one-page document to back it up. A great brand story is succinct and tells your brand narrative, including where it came from and where it is going. A great brand story must be true, authentic, and honest not invented or derived;

Consumers detect inauthenticity in no time and will punish you for it. A great brand story must also be deeply rooted in purpose. When there is a purpose that drives your story, the audience gets involved. Invite the audience to be a part of where you are going and it is written conversationally. Share your heart and why you do what you do, and as a story, you must learn to tell it masterfully.

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