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4 Ways To Use Public Cloud Resources

Cloud Computing Introduction

Cloud technology helps companies and people tackle the global pandemic’s ongoing storm.

Companies seize online storage as the key to completing their digital transformation, and the COVID pandemic has further accelerated this mandate. 


As businesses move on from the purchase approach towards a more holistic, end-to-end digital transformation, online storage becomes an essential item on the agenda. Tomorrow’s winners will sail quickly through this change, make the right choices and engage with the appropriate partners to increase their capacity.

Public online storage

A public cloud is a third-party platform that uses standard online storage computing to generate resources and infrastructure. In simpler terms, public online storage is a cloud service offered to multiple clients through a self-service interface by a cloud provider. 


The cloud architecture hosts virtual machines, online storage, and applications that are accessible to the clients through the internet. According to 9-common-uses-of-online storage-computing, Public online storage services can be free or offered through on-demand pricing schemes.

Benefits of the public Cloud.

There are many uses of the public Cloud that can provide significant business advantages to your company. A public cloud allows your business to have the scalability to meet the workloads and user demands. Public online storage also reduces the need for your company to waste resources by investing and managing their own IT resources. 

The Cloud Today

Today, public clouds are mainly deployed as part of a diverse mix of online storage environments. This leads to cost reduction, higher security, and performance. With public clouds, there is also a wider availability of applications, infrastructure, and services.


The public Cloud is known for its competitiveness through flexibility, elasticity, cost-effectiveness, and ideal resource utilization. Listed below are some of the most effective ways to use a public online storage to achieve your organization’s objectives.

  1. Infrastructure and platform as a service.

Infrastructure as a service is a type of online storage computing that delivers essential computing, networking, and storage resources to clients over the internet on a pay-per-usage basis. For many organizations, using a pay-as-you-go scheme on existing infrastructure is a great way to reduce the cost of investing in acquiring and managing an IT infrastructure. 


Improving your company’s infrastructure to an IaaS helps you reduce maintenance of on-site data centers, saves money on hardware costs, and enables you to gain real-time business insights.

Services For Developers

Platform as a service is a online storage computing service that provides developers with a complete and on-demand environment for developing, testing, delivering, and managing software applications without the cost and complexity of building the platform on-premises. 


Many companies migrate to PaaS in search of an increased speed of development on a ready-to-use platform to develop applications. Lab as a service helps in creating and delivering on-demand software products. At Quali, you get simple, secure, self-service dev-test lab automation.

  1. Hybrid online storage and multi-cloud.

Both multi-cloud and hybrid cloud refer to cloud deployments that integrate more than one online storage but differ in the kinds of online storage infrastructure they include. Hybrid Cloud works by connecting your company’s in-house private online storage services and third-party, public online storage into a single, flexible infrastructure for running your organization’s applications. 

The Difference Between Both

With hybrid online storage, your organization’s objectives are achieved more effectively and at a lower cost than private and public online storage alone.


Multi-cloud refers to a combination and integration of multiple public clouds. You may use one public Cloud as a database, one as PaaS, and another one as user authentication. With multi-cloud, you can decide the best workload for each Cloud depending on your requirements.

  1. Software testing and development.

If you developed on-premise software in the past, you understand the complexity of the process. This means that a simple project can take a long time which is a disadvantage to your organization. One of the best scenarios to use public online storage services is application testing and software development, as it offers continuous integration and delivery tools. 


This has become a common practice since it makes software development faster. Software testing goes easier with reduced complexity, ease of deployment, and cost reduction.

  1. Big data analytics.

Today, if your organization does collect big data, it’s a considerable disadvantage. This data can be about your clients, objectives, market trends, and maybe sales performance. Different companies require big data for various reasons. While some collect the data to discover new business growth opportunities, others find solutions to their problems. However, collecting and analyzing big data doesn’t come easy. 


As a result, cloud computing offers the ability to use big data analytics. Tapping into various amounts of structured and unstructured data makes processes go faster. Adopting cloud computing makes big data analytics simple, practical, and cost-effective.


With its numerous advantageous uses, many people are adopting online storage computing services to their enterprises. From the above uses and benefits of public online storage, you should consider incorporating public Cloud into your organization today.

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