5 Common Problems Faced by Small Businesses
Small businesses face a growing number of problems. Luckily, many of these problems are common, no matter which industry you’re in. In this article, we’ll identify just a few of the common issues that small businesses face.
1. Marketing to Customers
Building a great customer list is something that takes time, but first, you’ll need to find those customers (and help them discover your business). Finding your customers is one of the first problems that you’ll face as a small business owner. First, you’ll need to identify your ideal customer by creating a buyer persona. Next, you’ll need to figure out where your customers spend their time so that you can market to them.
You can market to customers in several ways, from Google Ads to social media marketing, but no matter what you do, ensure that you’re reaching the people you need to reach—for example, wasting too much money on a marketing strategy that doesn’t work will only end up hurting your business.
You can learn more about your customers by doing market research to determine which advertising and marketing strategies work best. If you want your customers to find you easily online, you might want to invest in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). However, if you want customers as soon as possible, consider social media advertising. Typically, SEO brings in more qualified leads than any type of advertising, but it doesn’t mean that you should only focus on one avenue.
Once you start getting website traffic, you can use Google Analytics to learn more about your target audience, including interests and how much time they spend on your website.
2. Money Management
Having enough money to pay the bills should be one goal when you start, but it shouldn’t be your overall goal. Your business needs a constant cash flow to be successful, pay your employees, and help you earn a living.
Money management doesn’t only mean managing your profit and loss statement; it means ensuring that your business capital and personal finances never overlap so that you can ensure the health of your business.
Money management also means paying your taxes correctly and on time. You can use the updated 2021 ProSeries tax software to ensure that you’re not missing out on any deadlines, deductions, or important data that you need to manage your overall business finances.
3. Planning for Succession
Small businesses owners typically wear many hats. They’re the CEO and the CFO while also in charge of job recruitment. They might even be completely in charge of marketing. Succession planning allows business owners to pass important leadership roles onto other individuals. While this strategy is typically used when employees in important roles move on to new opportunities, it should also be used to relieve the business owner of added stress and unnecessary responsibilities.
Unfortunately, many small businesses don’t have a succession plan that allows the business owner to focus on the bigger picture, which makes hiring difficult.
4. Hiring Talent
Many top-performing candidates in the world want to work for small businesses with small teams. However, many small businesses have a problem with recruiting and hiring because that responsibility falls on the shoulders of the business owner or someone else who doesn’t have experience hiring employees. You can make the process a bit easier and hire top talent with Fetcher recruitment software.
Competing with large companies also makes finding top talent even more difficult. Not only can they offer benefits that you might not be able to, but they also typically offer higher salaries. Small businesses may also have issues finding talent because they don’t have brand recognition, and their hiring process isn’t as organized.
5. Healthcare
Another significant issue for small businesses, no matter the industry, is offering health coverage for employees. Most health insurance plans are expensive and restrictive. Not only that, but you might not be required to offer health insurance to your employees, depending on the number of employees you have.
While you might see the ability to not provide health insurance as a benefit, it can be a disadvantage because it hinders your ability to find the best talent. It can also increase your employee turnover rate as many employees will likely leave for a job that offers that benefit. You can ensure your employees have adequate coverage with Humana small business health insurance.
While there are many problems you could face as a small business owner, many solutions are available. One of the best ways to prevent issues is to plan for them and organize yourself early.