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5 rules of the LOPD that you can transform into Growth Hacking strategies

If you want to achieve a global strategy of high impact and low cost to grow your business, you have to think about growth hacking.

It is about creatively combining analytics and technological resources (including social networks) to grow, for example, the number of users of a start-up or any project.

In short, it is about intellectualizing the most appropriate strategies and resources for your business, that do not involve large financial resources and that allows you to obtain staggered and sustainable growth.

Come on, what everyone wants, get the greatest impact with the least possible expense.

Are you applying Growth Hacking in your business?

The normal thing is that you think so, but the reality is that most of us go like headless chickens.

We spend the day reading here and there and pondering strategies that may work for some but not necessarily for you.

We are prone to be seduced by siren songs, am I wrong?

You read a suggestive post:

” How to multiply your subscription list ” where they explain some tricks and tools to gain new subscribers.

You set out to try, while it’s free, what can I lose?

To start with, time; but quite possibly along the way, you will also take your reputation ahead if you do not take the time to analyze if these “tricks” or “magic potions” are suitable for your business model and your growth strategy.

Why the LOPD is a Growth Hacking resource

Before you think that I have mismanaged my medication, I ask that you pay special attention to what follows.

Most of the “miracle” tricks and strategies that are out there seriously compromise the rights of those they impact and that puts any medium and long-term goal at risk.

How do you intend to make sustainable a business that starts by trampling over the rights of your potential clients?

The LOPD (Organic Law on Data Protection) appears as a filtered resource that will allow you to know:

  • If a strategy is sustainable and respectful of the people to whom it is directed.
  • If you are violating rights and compromising your privacy.
  • It should represent a legal problem for your business that will result in unacceptable penalties.

How to avoid falling into “ Un-Growth ” strategies

We are all abducted by the Internet and its miracle recipes.

The problem begins when we allow ourselves to be carried away by triumphalist slogans without intellectualizing them and without stopping to think if we are getting into a mess with no escape.

The Internet is full of toxicity, everyone has their opinions, everyone advises, the keyboard holds everything and if it turns out that you listen to me and stick your neck all the way, don’t look at me.

Before you succumb to the enthusiastic outburst and goof around, ask yourself this question:

Do you want to collect subscribers or get customers committed to your brand?

Because trust me, it’s not the same.

When you start a journey to work committed and respectful of the rights of your potential clients, it is a journey of no return: You will never use strategies that could undermine them again.

For a simple reason: they are the least effective and profitable.

And also, they pose an unacceptable risk for your business.

They have a short route but very high and costly consequences.

The problem is that you think that applying the LOPD is simply to do a procedure, but in reality, it is something quite different.

It essentially means:

  • Assume a culture in the treatment of personal data linked to its value as a legal asset.
  • Implement protocols to manage information in a safe and sustainable way.
  • Know how to comply with the rights that people related to your business have over their own information.
  • Guarantee the confidentiality and quality of the personal information that you collect and manage in your business.

Isn’t it a great growth hacking strategy?

Trust and credibility are rising stars and key to any strategy growth hacking.

The LOPD provides many interesting and valuable elements to enhance because it is fundamentally based on guaranteeing safe and responsible use of the information of others and creating reliable environments.

5 rules of the LOPD that you can transform into growth hacking strategies

1 Never buy databases

You do not know the origin and how these records were obtained. It is a contaminated database and it means exposing your business to mistrust, complaints, serious reputational problems.

The LSSI prohibits the sending of commercial communications that do NOT consent to or expressly authorized, either to an individual or to a company. Do you think that whoever collects records to sell to others has made sure to adhere to that principle?

Commercially, it is a monumental mistake, there is nothing more ineffective than to contact commercially by electronic means with contacts who do not know you.

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2 Be transparent, the report clearly

Nobody wants to do business with strangers or with opaque companies. Every business with digital projection requires sharpness and clarity.

Transparency builds trust and trust is the biggest business trigger.

It is necessary that whenever you require information from a contact, subscriber, or potential client, you clearly explain who you are and what you are going to do with their data.

Not reporting or doing it in an inappropriate way is to leave clear evidence of your lack of professionalism and that you operate outside the law,  do not give that taste to your competition, and do not miss that powerful growth hacking element.

In all the data capture systems that you use, you must comply with the duty of information required by the LOPD and require the consent of the user for the treatment of their information, both mandatory and subject to sanction.

3 Always ask for permission

The key to commercial communications lies in the consent to receive them.

Obtaining permission is not only a legal requirement, it is having the door open to be able to do business. Is there something more effective?

You should check if the different capture systems that you are using on your website or blog require the unequivocal consent of people so that you can store and manage their data.

You should also check if every time you send commercial information you do so with prior permission and remember: sending commercial information through private messages on social networks is against the law. Have your contacts given you permission? Not only is it illegal, but it is also an Anti-Social Media resource.

Consent must be explicit and never by default. It is essential that you require the agreement of the user/subscriber or client with your terms or privacy policy before validating their data by means of an “I accept” box that can never be checked by default.

If you are not requiring it, you better correct that bad habit.

4 Confidentiality

E-commerce and the digital economy have a great stumbling block: users’ suspicion of their privacy.

Ensuring confidentiality through the adoption of security protocols and generating breathable environments of trust online is undoubtedly a great growth hacking strategy.

Nobody wants their commercial information to be in the hands of companies or professionals who do not know how to safeguard and defend their privacy. You can guarantee that confidentiality and mark a distance with your competition.

The LOPD will provide you with protocols and appropriate security measures for your capture and treatment systems, which will be highly visible and noticeable to all who come to your business.

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5 Right to withdraw

Another key element of the LOPD is the right to informational self-determination. Everyone has the right to decide about their information, to whom it is provided, for what purpose, and until when.

Hence the right to desist from new commercial communications.

I call it the right Pimpinela: “forget my name, my face, my house … ”

Therefore, you must be clear that all the recipients of your advertising must have the possibility to oppose or desist from any of these commercial communications. To do this, you must enable a simple and free procedure, both at the time of obtaining your contact information and in each of the communications, to enable the cancellation.

At this point, you have to be especially careful, because not responding correctly to a withdrawal request is the most frequent reason for sanctions in the AEPD.

If you follow these 5 LOPD keys, you will be applying a cross-sectional growth hacking strategy that will save you many skids and will prevent you from introducing headless chicken strategies.

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