At any point in life, we all have heard the proverb “ HEALTH IS WEALTH”. This phrase basically indicates the importance of health. Health is the building block of a happy and prosperous life. Even Pain in a single organ of the body makes a person so uncomfortable and disturbed. If a person is not healthy there is no meaning of wealth.
Staying fit and healthy strengthens stamina of a person. Helps us to combat dangerous diseases. The status of health depends upon the condition of life. Food, environment, sleeping habits are greatly linked to good health.
Have you guys ever wondered what health originally is? According to WHO health is the complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease. It means that if the person looks physically fit its not necessary that he is healthy. A person should also be mentally and socially fit.
Back pain or lumbago is one of the leading causes of disability and health issues. It is the third most common reason to visit a doctor. It is characterized by an ache that sometimes goes down to the hips and legs. It can affect all ages. Even teens can experience severe back pain.
Nearly 65 million Americans recently reported back pain. Women are mostly affected. It is a serious problem but can be treated. There are several causes of back pain. Weak bones can be a major cause of back pain. Might be because of certain degrees of strain and structural problems.
Certain medical conditions are linked to this
- Arthritis (Inflammation of joints)
- Rupturing of disks and ligaments.
- Osteoporosis (bone fragility)
Incorrect body posture also influences back pain. Some risk factors that aggravate back pain are pregnancy, older age, smoking, etc. Obesity and sedentary lifestyle could be a culprit in severe back pain.
It can be usually resolved by rest, over-the-counter pain killers, and exercise. Some specific exercises can help to lower back pain. If your back pain
- Persistent and is not improving.
- Accompanied by weakness or numbness.
- If you are experiencing a weight loss
- Spreading to both legs.
You need to see a doctor because this might be an indication of a medical condition.
This exercise aids in strengthening the back muscles. It reduces back pain. Lie straight on the mat and then bend your legs. Put the hands at the back of your neck but don’t pull it forcefully. You can also put your hands on the torso if you are comfortable this way. Now breath in and tighten your stomach firmly. Exhale as you move up. Relax and get back to the floor again. Redo this exercise at least 10 times. One thing to keep in mind is to keep your feet and lower back close to the floor. It helps you to keep away from straining your back.
Hamstring stretches are included in the best exercises to reduce back pain. Makes your muscles strong and energetic. Lie straight on the floor. One leg should be bent and the other should be straight in the air. Loop a towel underneath the ball of your straight foot. You should feel a pleasant stretch at the back of your leg. Redo it at least 3-4 times.
Lift yourself on the support of your knees and your palms. First Lift one leg at the hips level. Hold it for few seconds. Repeat the same procedure for the other leg. Repeat it at least 8 times. This exercise makes your body stable when moving your arms and legs. Lift your legs to a position you feel comfortable without ruining the proper posture.
For the knee to chest exercise, lie flat on the floor. Feet should be placed in a flat position while the knees are bent. One foot should stay on the floor while the other near your chest. Hold the leg for few seconds. Do it for 3-4 times.
This time only your heels should rest on the floor and not the whole feet. Lie you back on the ground and lift your hips and back up. Lifting should be in a straight line without forcing yourself and making an arch. Repeat it at least 8 times.
There is a misconception that lifting weights will aggravate the back pain. If done correctly it can reduce chronic back pain. You should lift the weight according to your ability. This will build up strength and tone of the muscles. Carrying weights that are too heavy for you would exert pressure on the spine. Take advice from your doctor before lifting the weights.
Aerobic exercises have some tremendous effects on your body. Aerobic exercises include swimming, biking, walking, jogging, etc. Gives strength to the lungs, helps you lose weight. This also helps in freshening up an individual’s mind. As far as back pain is concerned it helps you to lessen it. Also makes your muscles strong. It increases your stamina too. These exercises also lower the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
Sit-ups, leg-lifts, and toe-touches should be avoided. These exercises exert a lot of force on the disks and ligaments of the spine. these can worsen your back pain to the next level. Following the above exercises to make your muscles strong and flexible. These exercises should be followed with great care and caution. A little change in the action and you will fatigue your muscles. Observe your posture while performing these. If your pain is getting worse quit them straight away. Health is an asset in an individual’s life. It is one of the greatest blessings in a human’s life. One should always take care of his health. Keep your lifestyle healthy to avoid the back pain as much as you can. Apart from exercises, you can also avoid terrible back pains. Maintaining good posture, applying medicated creams, and quitting smoking relieve back pain. Maintaining a suitable weight according to your Body Mass Index manages the back pain properly. ESA stands for Emotional Support Animal Letter online. A sort of animal that manages to keep you comfortable.