There are a number of reasons why millions of people go back into education, whether it’s to boost career opportunities, command a higher salary, or learn new skills. If you’ve decided to study a course, you need to make sure your mental and physical wellbeing isn’t compromised as a result. This is because there will be a whole load of pressure on you to get the best grades possible. Whatever course you decide on, here are some tips on how to look after your mind and body while studying.
Exercise Daily
Regular physical activity is fantastic for keeping your weight in check, releasing endorphins in the brain to lift your mood, as well as improving concentration and focus. When studying, a lot of your time will be spent sitting down behind a computer screen. Over time, this can lead to bad posture, weight gain, anxiety, and depression. If there is one way to keep your health and wellbeing in check while studying, it’s factoring in daily exercise. You don’t have to go to the gym to get your heart pumping either. If you’re self-conscious or don’t have the time to commit to a gym, you can work out from home. You may benefit from putting some music on to motivate you to exercise and keep active.
Sleep More
As a student, sleep is precious. You need a lot of it to keep your brain active. Whether you have a coursework deadline looming or an exam to prepare for, you may think it’s wise to stay up till the early hours studying and revising. However, this isn’t good for your health. Whatever you study, getting enough sleep each night is essential. For those who have difficulty drifting off, there are strategies you can put in place. These include running a hot, relaxing bath before bed, avoiding caffeine, and switching off your smartphone. Make sure your bedroom is cozy and inviting too. If you have lots of clutter piled up, this can increase stress and make it near to impossible to get to sleep.
Follow a Balanced Diet
Your body requires all kinds of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients when studying. To keep focused and retain information, ensure you’re fueling your body with the right foods. You can’t go wrong with eating more fruits and vegetables. And when you factor in how much variety there is, you’re bound to find some that are tasty. When you’re at home studying, it’s so easy to reach for your phone and order takeout, but this isn’t the answer for staying energized. Instead, stick with foods full of protein as they’ll keep you feeling fuller for a longer period. Incorporate omega-3 foods into your diet too, such as fish and eggs.
Make Time for You
Just because you’re a student, doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to have some fun along the way. Sure, most of your focus will be on learning and achieving top marks, but it can come at a price if you haven’t got other things running alongside it. Don’t feel guilty about having some ‘me’ time. Without it, your stress levels can go through the roof, and you may find yourself burning out. There are lots of fun hobbies and activities you can do away from your computer screen. Many students like socializing, going for meals out, dancing, and playing sports. You’re bound to find something that entertains you.
Talk to Loved Ones
When you become a student, understand that you’re not going through the experience alone. You may find a loved one is in the same boat as you or has been recently. If you’re struggling to stay motivated on your course, it may be time to speak to those who care about you most. Your friends and family will notice any changes in your behavior, so if they have any concerns about you, allow them to address them. Having a shoulder to cry on can help keep you going throughout your course. While there will be challenges that you will face during your program, knowing you’ve got people close by to lean on should help in reducing stress.
Manage Stress
Whether your passion lies in nursing and you study for an online ABSN from Baylor University, or business is more your thing and you’re studying for an MBA, any course will test your stress and patience. If you’re constantly on edge and are having difficulty with your program, managing your stress levels is vital. Many people find physical activity a great way to release tension. Some people practice relaxation techniques and meditation as a way to calm down. Make sure you find something that works for you.
Get Outside
If you’re studying from home, while there are tons of advantages to learning in a comfortable environment, too much time indoors isn’t good for your mental wellbeing. Being within the same four walls can soon become tiresome, so factor in moments to get outside. When you step outdoors, you’ll have some time away from your studies which can reduce stress and clear your mind. Whether you go for a walk around your neighborhood or head to a local park, if the weather is pleasant, getting some fresh air in your lungs can calm you down and help you return to your studies feeling ready and raring to go.
Speak to Your Doctor
If you’ve tried any of the above and find things aren’t going in your favor, don’t hesitate to speak to a doctor. When you factor in how much time and money you’ll put into your course, you don’t want to graduate with unsavory marks. All it may take is a chat with a medical professional about how you’re feeling. When you talk to a doctor, they may refer you to a counselor for additional help. Your mental health matters more than anything, so ensure you accept help and follow their orders.
Taking the plunge and going back into education and learning should be something to look forward to, rather than fear. Whatever your career prospects are, all the above tips combined will keep you on the right path and help you do well in your studies.