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A Brief Guide On Disruption Claim In The Construction Industry

A construction project is more likely to face delays and claims. There are various types of delays and multiple reasons behind their occurrence. Some of the delays and claims are excusable; on the other hand, some of them are inexcusable. Disruption claim is one of the types of construction claims. Disruption delay is all about the project performance and productivity rates. These claims consider all the aspects and entities involved in the project productivity while dealing/ resolving them. The people on the construction site can easily identify and feel that project is less productive and progressive, but the identification or reasons behind it is very difficult.

This article will discuss every bit and detail of the disruption claim and understand the factors that may result in these claims.

What is a disruption claim?

A disruption claim refers to the claims that occur due to low productivity rates. When the productivity of a construction project is disrupted, it results in disputes and lawsuits. These claims are very difficult to identify and know their reason; hiring a construction claim consulting firm in Dubai will help determine the disruption causes and provide effective strategies to compensate for the loss.

Disruption occurs when work methods deviate from the initial work plans. Disruption claims deal with the efficiency of the works and construction activities. Following are some factors that may affect the efficiency and productivity of the construction team.

  • Poor resources
  • Bad quality products
  • Bad weather conditions
  • Negligence of the workers

In the following paragraphs, we will briefly analyze the factors resulting in disruption claims.

What are the reasons behind disruption claim occurrence?

Not a single entity is behind the occurrence of disruption claims. Multiple factors and entities are behind its cause and their impacts on the project productivity. The main reasons are the team that is involved in the completion of the project.

Below are some points behind the disruption claims and how they affect the project performance and productivity.

1. Acceleration of the team

The construction productivity is directly related to the acceleration of the team working on the project. If the team’s acceleration is slow, then it means there are low and slow productivity rates of the project. A highly efficient team is always behind the high productivity and good performance of the project.

2. Management issues and conflicts

The conflicts within the team and management are the biggest cause of disruption claims. By the time the construction management becomes successful in solving their internal issues, the construction project starts facing productivity issues. Construction management is the only responsible entity to guide and control the rest of the project team; their failure leads to team coordination and performance failure.

3. Land conditions

Excavation is one of the initial steps of construction. As soon as the project starts, the team begins excavating the area to construct the building’s base. The land or ground conditions in such situations directly affect the performance and productivity of the workers. When the ground is too hard to dig and excavate, it will take much of the worker’s effort compared to the softer land.

4. Change in orders

Change in the project can reduce the productivity rates. Continuously changing the project design or asking for multiple changes in a project from the client side affects the contractor’s initial work plan. They fail to continue their work methodologies according to the initial goals, and it eventually reduces the performance and productivity of the overall project.

5. Worse weather conditions

Worse or harsh weather conditions are the biggest reasons behind disruption claims. They tend to reduce the worker’s efficiency or performance. When the weather conditions are not suitable to work, they may affect the worker’s health and fitness, making them ill and less efficient than in weather conditions that are feasible to perform. Bad weather conditions may be heavy rain, too sunny days and humidity.

6. Complicated designs

The workers’ productivity and efficiency will reduce if the construction design is more complex than usual. The contractor and the architect must convey all the necessary information linked with the design of the project. If the workers have less information about the project they are working on, it will affect their productivity rates.

Difference between delay and disruption

Delay and disruption are two separate entities. Delay claims are the claims that occur due to late submission or completion of the project. On the other hand, disruption claims are the claims that arise due to the project’s low productivity or inefficiency.

One is time-oriented, and the other is performance or productivity-oriented. Both delay and disruption badly affect the construction project outcome, and it is very important to deal with these claims and delays on time. Hiring construction claims consultants in Dubai will provide you with expert services to effectively deal with such situations to ensure the construction project’s success.

Final thoughts

Sticking to the project plans and the methodologies proposed to carry out the project activities is very important. Deviation from the initial plans and goals could badly affect the project’s productivity. Disruptions may or may not result in delays, but there are higher chances that these disruptions will increase the project budget and cost. Dealing with these disruptions in the early stages will be beneficial, and expert advice and guidance are all you need to deal with the claims.

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