A Yoga Nidra Practice for Releasing Grief
Grief is a part of our everyday life and this comes into our lives in a cyclic pattern. We cannot avoid or neglect it but what we can do is make this our strength through the practice of Yoga Nidra by experiencing the True Nature that is the awareness of oneself. Here we aim at not replacing grief with some other emotions but we aim to release it in its form and way through the process of awareness. Yoga Nidra allows as well as makes one that person who can endeavor any grief and loss in life.
More about “Yoga Nidra”-
The Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation where one lies down very comfortably and you need to listen and concentrate on the facilitator which leads you through the different stages of AwarenessAwareness. The main aim of the Yoga Nidra is to help you explore yourself and know yourself better which is also known as self-awareness. Grief is one such emotion that is nothing to be ashamed of and Yoga Nidra teaches us exactly so. Through this one learn to be self-aware and embrace grief in a very unique way.
Yoga Nidra will teach you to love even grief and points out the true message behind it. This enhances you as a person where you embrace grief and make it your strength. This teaches you to use grief as a powerful weapon to make life more beautiful. We often think that the grid is something that should not be a part of our lives but the actual truth is not so. It is life because without it we shall not understand the meaning of life. Thus with the Yoga Nidra, you can learn several ways to know yourself and embrace who you are as a person.
What is Nidra?
There are many different paths through which one can achieve oneness or awareness but Nidra is one of the most popular amongst them. It is a Sanskrit word that means sleep but to be more specific it is a state which somewhere lies between waking and dreaming where one is conscious about his or her acts. Yoga Nidra is a tantric practice where the practitioner will be verbally led to positions of awareness where one should be aware. This entire process makes one relaxed and helps a lot in dealing with several problems.
This makes the nerves relaxed and almost takes to the state of natural alertness where one can practice it in the form of Nidra. This will help you to be not only aware but also will help you see yourself as an awareness itself where you come to know about several different things that one should be aware of. Here the main aim is to keep one in the most relaxed and in natural habitat but again to achieve something where you knew all about yourself. Focus on the facilitator will make you concentrate on different aspects helping you achieve your goal.
How does Yoga Nidra reduce grief?
Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep, in general, helps in deep relaxation of the body also is a form of mediation. This helps in improvement in both physical as well as mental health. Yoga Nidra helps in dealing with new challenges by enabling us to a new and better approach towards life. This helps a person in several ways and they are as follows:-
- Gives you clarity in life and helps heal oneself
- Helps one find peace of mind and makes him or her strong enough to deal with the grief and welcome it as well
- Reduces anxiety and stress and relaxes the muscles
- Helps in improving focus and concentration which in a way helps in focusing less on the negative aspect
- Pointing out an entirely new version of one in its true color
- Helps in increasing as well as revitalizing energy specifically the positive ones
- Improves the quality of sleep which is great medicine for several problems
- Develops the intuition of one person
Thus these are several aspects that improve and these are the changes that come in one person after they practice “Yoga Nidra”. There are so many Yoga Nidra Teacher Training Online that helps you practice Yoga Nidra and convert your grief into a positive bundle of energy. With the help of these schools or institutions, you can today start your journey of Yoga Nidra.
How it is done?
You will have to be in Savasana pose and there will be different types of props like the mat, blanket, eye pillow, etc and your instructor will read a script that will help you relax by focusing on every muscle with a little tension and then relaxing them slowly. Then it will be followed by a breathing exercise and performance which helps the energy of your body to be absolutely fluid. Next, your mind will be instructed to rest which again includes visualization and imagery. Then there are several other steps like the “Sankalpa” which enhances the meaning and the quality of your life. As you complete the entire process and do this regularly you will achieve what you want and all your grief will end up being your power.
Nowadays due to the pandemic and the stressful work from home culture have led to an unhealthy lifestyle and which in return leads to an unhealthy sleep cycle. So in the above article we have explained how the yoga Nidra practice will healful to get a healthy and peaceful sleep during your night time.
Having included the yoga Nidra in your lifestyle will help you in your overall performance and we highly recommend taking a yoga Nidra session offline and if not, you can opt for the online one – which is the yoga Nidra course online, which will give you an in-depth relaxation will help you in your overall performance.
We hope you have liked this article and got to know more about the yoga Nidra practice and how it will help you in your overall development.
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