Just like any other exam, the PE Civil exam also requires you to study hard and prepare to pass this test. However, a Professional Engineer exam in the United States might be more challenging than any exam you took before. This is the ultimate exam for any civil engineer. Passing this exam can get the candidate the PE license which is every engineer’s dream.
As far as the preparation for the PE Civil exam is concerned, there isn’t a set pattern for it. Each individual is different and has their way of learning. However, to ace the PE exam, you must understand what preparation tips did work for others in the past. You can always benefit from these tips and make your PE exam prep more beneficial.
Yes, you can and should study according to what works best for you but don’t forget to consider expert tips. Setting your preparation pattern around proven tips can add more value to your learning strategies and be the difference between passing and failing.
We have collected all the crucial tips to pass the PE Civil exam & FE Civil exam and listed them below for you.
Plan and Plan!
A candidate preparing for the PE Civil exam without a strategy will end up with a lot of challenges. If you want to keep your preparation under control and finish studying on time, you need to come up with a schedule. After you have registered, the first thing you should do is create a convenient study plan.
Depending on how much time you have, you can create a plan that fits your routine. Understand how many hours you will need to put in daily to complete the course and also have ample revision time as well. The plan must be flexible so that if in-between you need to make some changes, your preparation is not affected. On average, you need around 3- 5 months to plan and prepare for the PE Civil exam.
Consider a PE Review Course
You probably have heard about the PE review course before. By joining this course, you can learn from industry experts and cover the concepts easily. A lot of engineers today are opting for a PE review course because it has helped them prepare in a much better way for the exam. When you join this course, you will have access to numerous PE exam study materials and other resources.
Make sure when you choose a review course provider, you know what you are looking for. The course provider must be experienced, skilled, and qualified. They must offer extensive PE review courses along with other additional support to make your learning more effective. If possible, it’s ideal if you can also find the latest NCEES-based practice exams in the same place. You can complete the course and then start practicing straight away.
Solve Practice Exams
You could go about the preparation the way you want, you can join the course or not join the course. But, when it comes to practice exams, it shouldn’t be an option at all. You need to solve at least 3 or 4 practice papers and have that confidence with you when you enter the exam hall. Working on practice questions is not just about identifying knowledge gaps.
The more practice papers you complete, the more you will adapt to the PE exam pace. Time management is a big problem that most candidates fail to work on. Practice exams are a smart way to learn how to manage your time when taking the exam. It teaches you how much time you need to spend on each question, what to do if a particular problem is consuming more time, and what pace you should maintain throughout the exam.
Let Your Strengths Be the Driving Force
Regardless of how good an engineer you are, you might have your strengths and weaknesses. While preparing for the PE exam, learn how to accept them both. Do not force yourself to be perfect at everything and try to let your strengths guide you forward. When you are working on the course, some concepts will seem relatively easier than others to you – those are your strengths.
Do not waste your time on something that doesn’t give you that confidence you need. When you are taking the exam, simply knowing your strengths can help you pass it. So, stop forcing yourself to learn everything. Prepare strategically and learn how to save your time and energy by going for selective learning.
Make the Most of Study Resources
There is no shortage of study materials that can help you cover everything for the PE Civil exam. But none of these resources will come to you. You will have to find them, buy them and use them when studying at home. You can ask experts who are teaching you or any PE you know about the reference books you should get.
Different reference materials have different benefits to offer for your prep. By combining these, you can be fully prepared for whatever challenge the PE exam has to offer. Although the number of study materials you are going to focus on should depend on the time you have in hand. You cannot expect to prepare with 3 different references with a month left for the exam.
The above-mentioned points are five of the most relevant and effective tips that you should know if you want to ace the PE exam. Have you got yourself registered for this test? Then, you probably are looking for a trusted PE review course provider online? Allow us to make the search easier for you.
Civil Engineering Academy is a well-established PE review course provider with a skilled and experienced team. Here, you can not only enroll in the course but take advantage of the numerous resources they have to offer along with the PE practice papers. Talk to the professional engineers at Civil Engineering Academy to know more about how to pass the test in a easy way.