AllScripts EHR Reviews By Health Practitioners

Allscripts is an American company that provides electronic health records (EHRs) to healthcare providers. The company has partnered with Microsoft to modernize its EHR software. In this article, we’ll look at the Allscripts EHR and the Allscripts Professional EHR platforms. We’ll also take a look at the Sunrise EHR. To learn more, read on! Posted by McDowell on May 22, 2014
Allscripts’ Partnership with Microsoft to Modernize its Electronic Health Record (EHR)
The new cloud-based version of Allscripts electronic health record (EHR) will come with additional benefits that go beyond what Allscripts’ on-premise EHR currently offers. These include increased organizational effectiveness, enhanced interoperability, clinician ease of use, and improved patient experience. According to Microsoft vice president for U.S. health, Patty Obermaier, the company will use speech recognition, machine learning, and cloud-based solutions to modernize Sunrise EHR. Microsoft believes cloud-enabled healthcare will make health care more accessible and improve the experience of patients.
Partnership with Allscripts and Veradigm
Microsoft recently announced a partnership with Allscripts and Veradigm, its payer and life sciences business units. Together, they’ll explore opportunities to develop and deploy cloud-based health IT solutions. The partners plan to first focus on expanding the capabilities of Allscripts’ cloud-based EHR platform and developing co-innovation opportunities to deliver new solutions for healthcare providers. This new partnership with Microsoft will allow Allscripts to offer more advanced features for its cloud-based EHR.
Despite its success in the ambulatory care setting, Allscripts is not without its challenges. A three-doctor practice in Florida signed up for Allscripts in 2013 when Bon Secours Hospital agreed to help subsidize the cost. Since then, however, the system has frequently gone down, and billing disputes have resulted in an extremely difficult transition period. Allscripts has reacted quickly to these challenges and is currently ranked among the top vendors in its field.
Allscripts Recent Acquisition
Allscript’s recent acquisition of Practice Fusion, a San Francisco-based EHR startup, will provide the company with an additional market for small and midsize physician practices. The acquisition will also enhance Allscripts’ big data analytics capabilities and increase its clientele among smaller physician practices. In addition, the merger will also improve clinical outcomes, care coordination, and real-world evidence research. The partnership with Practice Fusion will also benefit the company’s existing business relationship with the life science industry, where the company provides solutions for data analytics, surveillance, and marketing.
As an added bonus, Microsoft has also signed a deal with Cerner to integrate its EHR with its cloud platform. Microsoft plans to offer a free trial of this software for healthcare providers and hopes to offer industry-specific cloud-based software in the future. Microsoft’s partnership with Cerner is another example of the company’s growing partnership with Microsoft. This partnership highlights both companies’ commitment to modernizing health records.
TouchWorks EHR platform
The Allscripts TouchWorks EHR platform allows physicians to access and share data electronically. The company’s software is built on open standards and is scalable to meet the needs of any practice. It is also designed for interoperability with other systems, such as EHRs. This feature provides real-time patient data access, reducing redundant tasks and improving the quality of patient care. For more information, visit the Allscripts website.
Allscripts TouchWorks EHR is a modular, scalable, and flexible platform that helps clinicians embed desired practices into their workflow. The system features a configurable clinical desktop, 800 peer-reviewed Care Guides, and automated clinical decision support. The company’s TouchWorks EHR is used by thousands of hospitals and extended care organizations. The largest segments are Hospital & Health Care, Information Technology and Services, and Higher Education. Its users are comprised of small, mid-sized, and large practices.
TouchWorks EHR is a cloud-based solution accessible through a browser, as well as an iOS application. It is designed to be modular, and pricing is based on modules, users, and months. Since it is updated with new features regularly, TouchWorks EHR is a good choice for any size organization. Ultimately, you can choose between Allscripts TouchWorks EHR, depending on your needs.
The deal between Allscripts and Next Level Urgent Care makes excellent business sense. The Houston-based company plans to deploy the Allscripts TouchWorks EHR platform on Microsoft Azure. In addition to implementing the Allscripts TouchWorks EHR platform, Next Level Urgent Care also plans to implement Allscripts’ financial management and patient engagement solutions. These solutions can help improve the quality of patient care and enhance the entire patient experience.
Professional EHR Platform
Allscripts is the EHR of choice for thousands of physician practices and hospitals, as well as millions of health care consumers. Its robust features include handwriting and voice recognition, appointment scheduling, and a patient self-service portal. The platform is also meaningful use certified, allowing practices to earn financial incentives if they meet certain criteria. This review will focus on Allscripts’ broader features, as well as how well they fit into the physician practice market.
As a cloud-based medical software platform, Allscripts offers instant application sharing and upgrades for all users at once. The company owns secure servers, which means that upgrading is fast and pain-free. In addition, there are fewer administrative burdens for hospitals as the software is easily scalable to meet the demands of any number of users. Furthermore, it doesn’t require servers, so hospitals don’t have to worry about setting up and maintaining their own infrastructure.
Core EHR Platform
Besides its core EHR platform, Allscripts also offers a developer program. Its developer portal lets developers connect devices to Allscripts, enabling them to access new tools and features. Moreover, Allscripts’ ePrescribe solution allows users to access patient data anywhere, anytime. Despite the platform’s simplicity, it’s flexible enough for ambulatory practices. Moreover, it’s HIPAA and ONC-ATCB-certified, which makes it a great choice for ambulatory care practices.
The company’s e-prescribing capabilities are also affected by an ongoing outage that has affected the cloud-based Electronic Health Record service. This has forced some practices to go offline, while e-prescribing has been halted for some practices. Sunflower Medical Group in Kansas reported that their e-prescribing service has been down for several days. This is a serious issue, and Allscripts has been transparent about its outage.
Constellation’s offer to buy Allscripts is an attractive one, especially for its price. It’s below-market rates and represents 4.8 times Allscripts’ projected earnings this year. Nonetheless, this is still a good deal for Allscripts investors. So, what should you do? How can you benefit from the Allscripts Professional EHR?
Allscripts Sunrise EHR
The Allscripts Sunrise EHR is a cloud-based, enterprise health records solution that helps providers and health systems collaborate efficiently. With a presence in several countries, Sunrise is a great choice for growing organizations with expansion plans. With robust content for specialty workflows, Sunrise also provides acute EHR integration and scheduling, and billing capabilities. The Allscripts Sunrise EHR offers the robust functionality specialty organizations need to thrive while maintaining a low price.
As an integrated EHR platform, Sunrise connects clinical, financial, and administrative aspects of healthcare. It has dedicated mobile apps for iOS and Android operating systems. Sunrise is also more affordable than other solutions, enabling healthcare providers to utilize it without increasing IT resources. To see more, download the free trial version of Allscripts Sunrise.
In addition to the cloud-based Allscripts Sunrise EHR, the company announced a partnership with Microsoft and Northwell Health to create a voice-enabled solution. The alliance will focus on delivering the Sunrise solution to health systems and hospitals, as well as developing a new version for physician practices. The partnership will also focus on bringing new features and functionality to existing products. It is important to remember that any Cloud Based EHR Software is not a “one size fits all” solution.
Recent Collaboration
One recent collaboration between Allscripts and ICU Medical is a great example of the collaboration between the two companies. This partnership allows ICU clinicians to focus on patient care and reduce the cognitive load of their team. The new integration is also part of the new Sunrise 17.3 cumulative update and the 18.4 new release, both of which are based on the Azure cloud.
A comprehensive acute-care platform, Sunrise also includes advanced laboratory information systems. The platform supports all laboratory business models and automates all aspects of the process. Whether it is patient identification, analytic operations, information distribution, billing, or performance management, Sunrise will help you stay up-to-date on all regulatory changes. In addition to the Sunrise EHR, AllScripts has also created a mobile application for iOS and Android devices that empowers physicians with the flexibility and ease of use they need to stay on task and productive.