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Amazing And Engaging Passover Activities for Kids

Amazing And Engaging Passover Activities for Kids

Passover is celebrated for eight days during the spring season. This festival commemorates the freedom of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt. Now the year 2021 came with a lot of hope around the globe and the Passover industry is included here as well. It will come back with a strong rebound as per the sources. More than 30 programs can be seen operating this year and that is the fifth of what has been observed in the past. In the usual time, around 1,50,000 people go away for the holiday during the period when there was no pandemic. Still, for this time around, many of the programs have made the booking of about 60-80% since the operators are showing a great deal of optimism. Its the best time to celebrate with family and engage activities for kids. 

Many families are looking for good Passover programs where they can take their kids. Kids may find the story of Passover quite complicated, but there are different ways to simplify this story. Here, in this blog post, we are going to share some tips that will help you to involve kids during the Passover. You can teach a lesson to your kids during these holidays and make this festival memorable for them. Have a look at the following kids’ friendly activities that can make Passover amazing for them:

Act It Out

The traditional way of celebrating Passover is quite boring, even for adults. You can change the way of celebrating Passover by hosting a kid’s friendly Seder. You can organize the Musical Seder everyone will love it. The musical Seder can hold the attention of guests for a long because of rhymes and songs.

You can organize a puppet show for Passover to make this Passover different from other and memorable ones. The finger puppet show will be loved by all kids present in Passover Seder.

If you have a big family, then you should organize a play on Passover. This play will be fun for all present on the Seder table.

You can take your whole family and kids to a beautiful place where they can enjoy, participate in activities and have fun. You just choose one of the Passover programs that are specially designed for kids.

Mix it up

If you have ever celebrated Passover with your grandmother, you may have matzo brei during Passover. It is used as a breakfast staple during the Passover holidays. This dish is prepared by scrambling eggs and matzo. You can serve this dish with sugar syrup or with salami. This dish will attract kids and you can ask them to help you with preparing this meal. It will encourage your kids to celebrate in different ways.

You can’t it eat bread during Passover. But, you have various other options like you have cheese. You can take the help of kids to prepare Matzo nacho by adding their favorite things on the matzo. Your kids will love to do this and they will not miss bread.

Cut and Color

During Seder time, the favorite part for kids is hiding or finding matzo in a special type of napkin. When kids find this napkin, you should offer them gifts. You should also let them do some creative work for Passover by creating the protective cover for Afikoman.

Jews consider that the prophet Elijah visits every Seder and takes a sip of wine from a special cup of wine placed on the Seder table. Also, you should allow your kids to actively participate in the symbolic part of Passover by showing their creativity. They can decorate the cup of Elijah so that it looks beautiful on the Seder table.

The main focal point on the traditional Passover dinner is the Seder plate. Various symbolic items placed on the Seder table. Every item on the Seder plate indicates something about the ancient Jews. You can ask your kids to prepare a Seder plate with paper and draw beautiful items on it.

Passover Books  

This book describes the story of little Hannah Levine. She is the youngest member of her family and she is the last one to do everything. During the Passover time, Hannah spends good quality time with her grandpa and she practices how to read four questions for Passover Seder.

This traditional style of this Little Red Hen book is a fun-filled Jewish story. This book will describe the entire process of planting seeds of wheat. This book describes the whole process of planting, harvesting, milling, and preparing matzah. At the end of this book, you will find a short glossary related to the terms of Passover.

This book is have rhyming couplets. Also, this book gives the perfect introduction related to the celebration of Passover. This story covers the important basics of activities for kids.

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