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Bad Breath in Kids – How to get rid of bad breathing?

Paediatric Dentistry

One is usually very quick to detect a bad breath, even quicker if the whiff of bad odour is coming from someone close. Talking about someone close, no one can be as close to you as your child or your partner. This bad odour can be very difficult to avoid or ignore and you will have to do something about it. Bad breath in children and infants is a very common problem, as it affects 1 in 4 people all over the world.

Paediatric dentistry can help you in this regard if the source of bad odour is your child. If the bad breath is coming from your own mouth, it can be very embarrassing and worrying. Bad odour in children is called halitosis. it is usually more annoying than bad odour coming from your own mouth. 

A whiff from a child suffering from halitosis can spoil the mood for you can prove to be very unpleasant. But worry not because we are here to help you. This article will tell you everything about how paediatric dentistry can help you get rid of bad breathing in kids.

Visit to the dentist.
Mother with her cute little daughter visiting a dentist for a checkup.

What is Bad Breath (Halitosis)?

A whiff of bad breath from an adult or a child usually smells like rotten eggs. It’s a symptom of a disease rather than some actual disease. The usual cause of this bad odour is a slightly uneven surface of the tongue. 

The uneven surface of the tongue is the reason bacteria get trapped and start producing odours. This is the main cause of bad breath in children. Some adults also suffer from halitosis and no matter how much they brush or floss it won’t go away.

Halitosis in adults can be very embarrassing, if left untreated it can cause anxiety and social boycott.

What is the Difference Between Pseudo-Halitosis and Simple Halitosis

Pseudo-halitosis is a condition in which the bad odour from your mouth is only felt by you and not by others around you. True halitosis is a persistent bad breath that is felt by you and others around you.

Causes of Bad Breath in Children

The main cause of halitosis or bad breath in children is some issue with digestion. This usually happens when the gut microbiota breaks down the sulfur to extract energy. Breaking down of sulfur causes eggy gas to be released.

It can also be caused by excess activity of bacteria in the mouth, teeth, and nose of the child. Chronic sinusitis that causes excess mucus is also responsible for the bad odour.

Poor Oral Hygiene

In many cases of bad breath in children, the primary reason is bad oral hygiene. Make sure your child is brushing his teeth the right way, twice daily. If your child’s teeth are left untreated that they might become infected. Infected gums give rise to twisted permanent teeth. 

The plaque and tartar that forms up due to poor hygiene also contribute to bad breath. In the worst-case scenario, the prolonged poor hygiene can lead to gingivitis and periodontitis. Parents should take care of infants, they also need oral care. Parents can clean an infant’s teeth using different techniques.


Dehydration is another deciding factor when it comes to bad breath. Many people don’t know, but saliva is important that cleans the mouth and prevents bad breath. 

Dehydration causes a person’s mouth to dry out, this leads to less production of saliva and hence a constant bad odour. 

Tonsils or Stones

Tonsils stones can be a factor in producing the bad odour. The presence of these stones at the tonsil surface can be a factor in constant bad odour. Children can also be affected by this problem.

If you are not getting rid of the bad breath no matter what you do then this might be the case. Postnasal drainage and excess mucus in the back of the mouth and nose can also cause this malodor.

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Other causes of bad breathing include:

  • Digestion issues
  • Infection in the respiratory system
  • Kidney stones and other problems

Treatment of Bad Breath in Kids

Taking your child to a dentist every 3 months after he turns 1 can be the key to preventing this bad odour. Teaching your child how to floss and brush can confirm good oral hygiene. Rinsing the mouth can also prevent bacteria that cause halitosis to stay inside your mouth. 

Paediatric Dentistry Dubai can help you deal with bad breath in children. Here’s what are some most of the most recommended prevention measures:

  1. You must visit a paediatric dentist every 3 months
  2. Flossing can eliminate halitosis causing bacteria from giving out the bad odour.
  3. Reflux medicine may be recommended to deal with the problem of bad odour
  4. Gargling and rinsing can also help prevent plaque build-up inside the mouth.
  5. Your child must be taught to do nasal rinsing and to clear the postnasal drainage
  6. Medical examination should be done before doing tonsillectomy and or adenoidectomy treatment

Final Verdict 

If you want to avoid bad breath in kids then oral care for children and infants is a must. Make sure you personally attend to oral care for your infants and children. Defining a set of rules and paying regular visits to a paediatric dentist can ensure good oral health. 

The habit of maintaining good dental hygiene can help them in the long run. Flossing, rinsing and keeping an eye on nasal or tonsils problems can also save your child from embarrassment. 

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