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Benefits of Gaming in Childhood

The act of playing is part of childhood and brings the possibility of a repertoire of developments with Nolte games, whether in the cognitive, social, biological, motor or affective spheres. In addition to finding pleasure and satisfaction, playing the child socializes and learns, in addition to presenting his reality through the imagination, thus demonstrating his anxieties and desires that through words would become difficult.

The purpose of this article is to recognize the importance of using playful activities in the teaching-learning process in early childhood education. The specific objectives of this research are as follows: to understand that the child expresses in the game his difficulties and his needs; stimulate the use of play in teaching practice; present literature studies on the importance of play in childhood and how early childhood education is presented in the National Base of the Common Curriculum (BNCC). It is bibliographic research that had a qualitative methodology to demonstrate the ideas of some authors on the importance of using the game in the process of teaching-learning in the educational phase of early childhood.


When we think of the daily life of a classroom, we come across a number of students with many learning difficulties who are demotivated for their studies.

To modify this vision, a dynamic and instigating pedagogical action is necessary, in order to provoke the pupils to learn in an enjoyable and meaningful way.

The educator plays a considerable role in this process, and it is who will direct the learning, by being a mediator and by providing activities that stimulate the student in the classroom by inciting interest in learning so that the he child feels comfortable demonstrating what he already knows and what he wants to learn.

Toys, games and games are recognized by many educators and other professionals involved in education as an important factor in the teaching and learning process of early childhood education, since play activities promote the possibility of triggering the development of the child. By playing, the child invents, discovers, learns, experiments and refines his skills. Recreational activities allow the development of thought, attention, concentration and language, in addition to stimulating self-confidence, curiosity and autonomy.

childhood education

Ridicule is considered, by researchers, to be essential to the physical, emotional and intellectual health of the child, not only in the period of early childhood education but also throughout its entire formation, including in the formation of his personality.

Starting from the theoretical point of view that the child awakens his curiosity through games, games and toys and through them establishes relationships with the social and physical environment, in order to expand his knowledge, developing his motor skills , linguistic and cognitive, the school must take play into account as an ally and use it widely to act in the development of each pupil.

The objective of this article is to recognize the importance of using playful activities in the teaching-learning process in early childhood education, since understanding that children express their difficulties and needs in the game, leads educators to work harmoniously with children in early childhood education, facilitating learning and getting to know children better in order to help them in this phase of development.

teaching practice

Stimulating the use of play in teaching practice is very important, as it facilitates the teacher’s work with a more relaxed practice. This bibliographic research presents early childhood education according to the Common National Curricular Base-BNCC and the point of view of several authors on the importance of play in the learning process of teaching, since the child learns a lot more to play, without realizing that it is being taught, and educators who develop playful activities teach without realizing that they are also learning. Learn to teach, to know, to understand, to help, to identify problems, to influence attitudes and above all to put oneself in the place of children to better understand and serve them.


The Common National Curricular Base (BNCC) is a document that defines and guides the development and progression of necessary and essential learning for all students at all stages and modalities of basic education, and also determines that, “in order to determine who has the right to assured learning and development, in accordance with the provisions of the National Education Plan” (BNCC, 2017, p. 5).

Playfulness is very important for the development of children, especially when it comes to the interactivity of children with adults or with other children, because we can observe this observation described in the BNCC:

The interaction during the game characterizes the daily life of childhood, bringing with it many learnings and potentials for the integral development of children. By observing the interactions and play between children and their children with adults, it is possible to identify, for example, the expression of affections, the mediation of frustrations, the resolution of conflicts and the regulation of emotions (BNCC , 2017, p.33).

In early childhood education, children need conditions to learn in situations where they can participate actively in environments that encourage them to face challenges and feel motivated to solve them, in which they can construct ideas and meanings about the social and natural world and in particular about themselves and each other developing self-confidence to develop meaningful learning. In this context, we found proposed in the BNCC (2017, p. 34) six learning and development rights in early childhood education which are:

Living with other children and adults

Living with other children and adults, in small and large groups, using different languages. Expanding knowledge of oneself and of others, respect for culture and differences between people.
Play daily in different ways, in different spaces and times. With different partners (children and adults), broaden and diversify their access to cultural productions. Their knowledge, their imagination, their creativity, their emotional. Bodily, sensory, expressive, cognitive experiences , social and relational.
Actively participate, with adults and other children. Both in planning the management of the school and the activities proposed by the educator. And in the execution of activities of daily living, such as the choice of games, materials and environments. The development of different languages ​​and the elaboration of knowledge, decision-making and positioning.
Explore movements, gestures, sounds, shapes, textures, colors, words. Emotions, transformations, relationships, stories, objects, elements of nature, at school and at school. Outside, broadening your knowledge of culture, in its different modalities: arts, writing, science and technology.

different languages

Express, as a dialogical, creative and sensitive subject, your needs, emotions, feelings, doubts, hypotheses, discoveries, opinions, questions, through different languages.
Know and build their personal, social and cultural identity. Constituting a positive image of themselves and their groups of belonging, in the different experiences of care. Interactions, games and languages ​​lived in the school establishment and in their family and community context.
It is essential that the rights to learning and development are respected. In order for children to have full physical and cognitive growth. Playfulness must always be present in these stages so that the child can learn while playing, that is to say without realizing that he is being taught, without forced teaching. BNCC considers that in early childhood education, learning and child development, it has interactions and games as structuring axes.

Given the need to accommodate children’s life experiences and the learning baggage. They already carry with them, intertwined with the cultural and social knowledge they acquire in school life. Five areas of experience have been structured in the curricula used. The organization of early childhood education at the BNCC (2017, p. 36), which are.

Self, others and knots – It is in the interaction with peers and adults. That children form their own way of acting. Feeling and thinking and discover that there are other ways of life. Different people, with other points of view. By living their first social experiences. They construct perceptions and questions about themselves and others. Differentiating and identifying themselves simultaneously as individual and social beings.


Bodies, gestures and movements – With the body (through the senses, gestures, impulsive or intentional, coordinated or spontaneous movements). Children, from an early age, explore the world, space and objects of their environment. Establish relationships expressing themselves, play and produce knowledge about themselves. About others, about the social and cultural universe, by gradually becoming aware of this corporeality.

Features, sounds, colors and shapes – Living with different art. Cultural and scientific manifestations, local and universal, in the daily life of the school institution. Allows children, through various experiences, to discover various forms of expression and languages. Such as visual arts (painting, modeling, collage, photography, etc.), music, theater, dance and audiovisual, among others.

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Listening, speaking, thinking and imagining – From birth, children engage in everyday communication situations with the people they interact with. Gradually, children broaden and enrich their vocabulary and other resources of expression and understanding, appropriating the mother tongue. Which gradually becomes their preferred vehicle for interaction.

Children live

Spaces, times, quantities, relations, and transformations – Children live in spaces and times of different dimensions. In a world composed of natural and socio-cultural phenomena. From an early age, they seek to be located in various spaces (streets, neighborhoods, cities, etc.). And times (day and night; today, yesterday and tomorrow, etc.). They also show curiosity for the physical world (their own body, atmospheric phenomena, animals, plants, the transformations of nature. The different types of materials and the possibilities of their manipulation, etc.). And the socio-cultural world (the kinship and social relations between the people he knows; how they live and in which these people work; what are their traditions and customs.

BNCC is one of the directions for schools to work seriously in early childhood education. Having a program focused on the development of the child in an integral way. Always seeking to work in a pleasant and pleasant, awakening in the child the desire. To learn something new and improve their experiences.

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