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Best selling Multivendor OpenCart Extension

A Multivendor OpenCart Extension is an add-on when installed on any eCommerce website, making it a marketplace website. A marketplace eCommerce website is one in which many vendors registered themselves on the website.

Then they can sell their products.

The vendor can subscribe to the website using a subscription plan. The admin can also charge the commission on each sale. Thus admin of the website can earn money by issuing subscriptions. Charging the commission on sales.

The vendor earns money by selling its products on the admin website. The admin can create products, and ship them. See his orders, returns, and customer inquiries to the vendor. one can see subscription status, invoice, commission, commission invoices, customers, etc.

Purpletree OpenCart Multi vendor Marketplace is officially no.1. Selling Multivendor marketplace on Opencart platform. It has 1500 + sales at That is the highest for any Multivendor extension in the world.

Let’s see the reason why Multivendor extension is extremely popular and huge selling.

Well Explained User Guide of Multivendor OpenCart Extension

Purpletree opencart Multivendor has a well-explained and very easy-to-understand user guide. it explains all the processes so easily. They are explanatory that you can configure your multivendor yourself easily.

Six months of free effective support and installation for Multivendor OpenCart Extension

Purpletree Opencart Multivendor comes with free six months of technical support. It also provided free installation support. It it is permitted to use 2 test domains without purchasing any license.

Supports All Opencart Themes

Purpletree OpenCart Multi vendor supports all Opencart Themes. The vendor pages come according to the default theme and no page breaks with any theme.

All Types of commission applicable

Purpletree Multivendor has fixed global, a fixed percentage, category fixed, category percentage, store wise commission.

So you can set any commission as per your need.

No need for any other module purchase for vendor functionality

If you purchase purpletree Multivendor then no need to purchase any other module. All modules are available in it.

No.1 Selling Opencart Multi-Vendor Marketplace.

Commission module

RMA Module.

Advance Shipping Module.

Featured product module.

Shipping module.

Subscription module.

Payment stripe and PayPal module.

Purpletree Blog Module.

Seller Deatils module.

Template product price module.

Latest products.

Featured products.

Category Featured products etc. are provided free of cost and included in multivendor package only.

No need to purchase them separately.

All possible advanced functionality available

HyperLocal System, Payments method- Stripe and Paypal split, Vendors can sell same products, Extra advances shipping, Subscription plan. Every seller can have their Domain, Multi-Vendor API, Live Chat, and Bulk Upload Products.

Email templates, RMA module, Seller Vacation mode, Single checkout for multiple sellers.

Multiple languages, One-page Checkout, Split Order processing.

Seller Panel and seller registration advanced dashboards.

Free updates available for a lifetime

Purpletree Multivendor can be downloaded any time including the latest version when you need for updating from Purpletree Website account any time.

Multivendor Mobile App Is also available

Purpletree Multivendor Mobile app is also available at an additional cost.

It serves sellers and customers and has lots of advanced functionalities.

Some of the Other Advanced functionalities for Sellers in Multivendor OpenCart Extension

Vacation mode.

Custom fields.

Smart product Form.

Seller Information on the category page.

Vendor Information at Order Page.

Also on the Product Page.

Order Sucess Page also have vendor information.

Seller Store details show hide at store Page.

Seller options at Store Page.

Multipla languages are available.

Contact Seller from the store page, product page.

Three modes of sellers are available- Category Mode, Service Mode, and normal mode.

Seller Contact can be disabled and Enabled.

Digital products can be solved.

Flexible shipping is available.

OpenCart Multistore supported.

Split Order for sellers.

You can further contact purpletree Sales Support department for your questions about this best-selling OpenCart Multi-Vendor Extension.

Check More Purpletree Opencart extensions here.

Free Technical Support

If you purchase Purpletree Opencart Multivendor. Free support is provided for six months. Their reply time is also very fast, even if you made a customization request the reply is quick with the most economical package. Support is provided for solving defects in products and for usage clarifications.

Free installation support and solving defects if any

Many multivendor extension owners charged money for the installation. With this extension, free installation support is provided. if there is any defect during installation it is solved free of cost and quickly.

Mobile Apps are available with little additional cost

with very little additional costing you can purchase mobile applications on both Android and iOS. You can use purpletree Opencart themes available with additional discounts if purchased together.

Support Renewal

Please note support can be renewed with very little cost and additional coupons. Discount is available for existing customers. if you renew support then you will be able to get quick support as earlier.

Test/demo Domains

you can use provided license on Test/demo domains without consuming any license as described in license usage instructions. You can also change the license- domain validation once within six months of purchase. So you can test extensions without any worry.

Many modules are included in it

Purpletree shipping module, Purpletree Bulk upload module, live chat module, Customer Enquiry module.

Subscription plan module featured store module, Blog module, Purpletree commission module, etc included with multivendor itself.

Advanced features available

Smart product form, seller custom fields, Seller information on orders, product page flexibility, seller product return, PayPal payouts.

Quick edit, seller vacation mode, etc most advanced features available get added frequently in every release.

The Multi-Vendor Marketplace for Opencart has a few more features

Check here.
























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