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Call Recordings help Coach Call Center Agents

Call Recording software

In this age, it is nearly impossible to call a contact center and not hear “Your call may be recorded and monitored”. Contact centers are primarily using Call Recording software to monitor and improve agent’s performance, enhance customer service and comply with regulatory requirements. Further, call recording software is proven to be a great tool for providing suitable coaching and training in a contact center environment.

Here are a few ways through which call center managers can use call recordings to coach the agents:-

Refine Agents Skill

A call center manager can assess the call recordings to enhance agents’ skills. By carefully listening to the recordings, he/she will get to know about how the agent greeted the customer, evaluated the customer’s needs, addressed the customer complaints, etc. Also, with the use of call recordings, one can identify if an agent possesses sufficient product knowledge, proper communication skills can use the call center software and other tools effectively and is adhering to the rules and regulations. By closely monitoring these things, required corrective measures can be taken to improve the overall performance of the call center agents.


One of the most effective motivating techniques in contact center environment is to make an agent listen to his/her call and evaluate it, with the help of call recordings. By listening to themselves from a third party perspective, they get to know their strengths and weaknesses. This helps in self-development and growth. A Call Center Manager can also get them to fill out a report on what they think their capabilities and challenges are, what they think went well or didn’t go well in a call and if they have any questions or advice they need, they can discuss them in a meeting.

New agents training

Utilizing prerecorded calls is an effective way to train new agents. These prerecorded calls provide examples of real customer calls and can help new agents to be better prepared. Managers may choose a list of “difficult customer calls” to show how agents should handle different types of calls and deal with a range of customers.

Reviewing unsuccessful calls

Reviewing futile calls is also an important part of coaching sessions. This allows an agent to learn from mistakes. It is essential to do it in an encouraging way rather than just focusing on the negative points. Providing accurate examples will help agents understand exactly what they are doing well and what needs upgradation.

Targeted training and development

The good and bad of different agents might vary and therefore a common training might not be a fit for all.  Due to the availability of all the relevant information available with call recording systems, trainers can develop an individual training program according to the capabilities of an agent. Such a personalized training approach also makes staff feel valued and helps reduce attrition in the contact center.


From the above discussion, the conclusion that can be drawn is that the call recordings can surely play a crucial role in the coaching and training of call center agents.  And, can significantly improve agents’ performance, taking customer services to the next level.

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