The word “neurodegenerative disease” refers to a group of diseases that mostly affect the nerves in the brain. The nervous system, which comprises the brain and spinal cord, is made up of neurons. Since neurons do not naturally replicate or regenerate themselves; the body is unable to replace them when they are destroyed or die. Cannabis can be used to aid in the protection of certain nerves.
Neurodegenerative disorders are untreatable and painful illnesses that cause nerve cells to degenerate and/or die over time. This can lead to issues of mobility and mental control. Examples of the most frequently diagnosed neurodegenerative diseases include Spinal muscular trophy, Alzheimer’s, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and Prion disease.
Many experts suggest that a variety of causes, including traumatic brain injuries, genetic mutations, and external factors, lead to an increased likelihood of developing a neurodegenerative disorder. Age is the only constant risk factor for having a neurodegenerative condition, particularly Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. Caretakers and loved ones of people with neurodegenerative conditions are becoming more concerned about whether prescription marijuana can help relieve symptoms as legalization begins to carry cannabis to the mainstream.
Is Cannabis Effective in the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disease?
Cannabis, or weed, is a flowering plant that comes in sativa and indica varieties. While cannabis produces hundreds of organic chemical compounds; the psychoactive effect caused by weed use is primarily due to its predominant compound, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
Cannabis usage was formerly frowned upon by the authorities. That is rapidly evolving; as the plant has become more legal in recent years as a result of its medicinal properties. Over time, weed delivery services and dispensaries are increasing everywhere.
Cannabis can be helpful in stopping, delaying, or reversing disabling neurodegenerative disorders while cannabinoids have neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties.
Early laboratory experiments have established cannabinoids that, due to their neuro-protective and anti-oxidative actions, have the ability to “slow the initiation and development of neurodegenerative conditions;” according to Juan Sanchez-Ramos, MD, PhD, a professor of molecular pharmacology and physiology at the University of South Florida.
We need even more human trials, Sanchez-Ramos suggests; but the federal government’s long-standing stance on cannabis as an illicit Schedule I substance of “little established medicinal use” has stymied advancement by putting needless barriers in the way of researchers, as he claimed in a Tampa Bay Times op-ed. For over half a century, the government’s stance has “hampered scientific testing on cannabis.”
What the research says
In 2009, Cochrane conducted a study on the effectiveness of cannabinoids in the treatment of neurodegenerative disease; which is considered the “gold standard” for systematic studies of randomized trials.
What was their conclusion? None. There isn’t enough information. There were not enough successful tests, in other words.
Fortunately, amid the obstacles that remain, changing popular sentiment and the legalization of medicinal marijuana in more than half of the nation has prompted a revival of study. Main conclusions from multiple analyses have been published; in which the reviewers examine a body of data from different experiments thus weeding out those that were improperly done.
An evidence-based systematic study of randomized clinical trials using marijuana or cannabinoids to treat neurologic diseases was conducted in August 2015 by the American Academy of Neurology. They discovered that some cannabinoids were “effective” or “probable effective” in reducing spasticity, debilitating spasms, and central pain, both of which are typical symptoms of multiple sclerosis. They also went so far as to say that prescription insurance should include cannabinoid-derived drugs like dronabinol and nabilone for people who could benefit from them.
An analysis conducted in March 2014 in the British Journal of Pharmacology concluded that; “modulating the endogenous cannabinoid mechanism is emerging as a theoretically viable alternative in the treatment of neurodegeneration.”
Dr. Andras Bilkei-Gorzo made an almost paradoxical statement in a 2012 research review; weed, which we think of as impairing cognitive ability, may be the polar opposite of traditional wisdom. “At first sight, it is striking that cannabinoid agonists, substances known to impair cognitive functions, could be beneficial in neurodegenerative cognitive disorders. However, [we found] cannabinoid receptor activation could reduce oxidative stress and excitotoxicity, suppress neuroinflammatory processes and thus alleviate the symptoms of neurodegenerative motor and cognitive diseases,” according to Dr. Andras.
Is it possible that cannabis could play a part in resolving what might become a big public health problem? The studies have been successful so far. But obviously, there is still a lot more to be done.
The endocannabinoid system is a focus of the experiment behind medicinal cannabis. This body system is a critical neuromodulatory system that helps the body sustain homeostasis while protecting it from unhealthy lifestyle; environmental contaminants, and other harmful stressors. A few of the many functions of the endocannabinoid system include neuroprotection, muscle movement, energy, metabolism, pain perception, inflammation, cardiovascular function, digestive processes, immune system function, moods, emotions, sleep and sleep cycles.
In an ideal world, the body will manufacture all the cannabinoids required to maintain this vital regulatory mechanism running smoothly; but when disease, injury, or discomfort occur, the need for endocannabinoids will outstrip supply, resulting in an endocannabinoid shortage. Many scientists now conclude that endocannabinoid deficiency is to blame for a variety of complicated issues, including migraine, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome; and a number of neurodegenerative diseases.
While further medical research is required to show cannabis’ efficacy in combating neurodegenerative diseases; it is now being used in several promising treatments, such as Epiodiolex, the first FDA-approved cannabis-based epilepsy medicine.
Having a loved one suffering from neurodegenerative diseases can be traumatic. We can only hope that we can begin to learn more about not only the future role of cannabis, but also the underlying causes of these diseases. Perhaps then we will be able to relieve the misery of millions of families around the world. Should you want to incorporate cannabis into your medication, consult your doctor and buy the best product from reliable marijuana delivery Santa Monica and throughout Los Angeles with safe and easy access without visiting a dispensary.
About Us:
Pot Valet is the leading provider of marijuana delivery service with safe and easy access without visiting a dispensary. We delivers marijuana in every city of California.