Complete Guide About Terrariums

Plants are grown and shown in terrariums, which are enclosed glass terrariums. Although the main purpose of terrariums is to provide an environment that is favorable for plant growth, they are frequently retained as beautiful pieces. Terrariums fall into two categories: closed and open, depending on the various circumstances that exist inside. One of the most well-liked terrariums is made of natural terrarium stones. There are decorative terrarium stones as well.
Since the atmosphere in enclosed terrariums is comparable to their damp, protected habitat in the tropics, tropical plant species like mosses, orchids, ferns, and air plants are widely kept there.
Succulents and cacti are examples of dry plants that do well in open terrariums. Not all plants need or benefit from the humid atmosphere of closed terrariums. Open, unsealed terrariums are used to keep the air inside the cage dry for plants used in arid locations. For plants that need more direct sunlight, open terrariums are preferable to closed terrariums, which could trap too much heat and perhaps kill any plants inside.
Terrariums have been a popular house decoration since the Victorian era, despite the impression that they are only now becoming more and more in vogue. They have also been constructed with growing complexity and style.
When grown indoors, plants are thought to satisfy utilitarian and aesthetic needs while lowering stress. A small indoor garden can do wonders for your overall well-being, stress reduction, anxiety reduction, mental health, and healing. We always feel good about taking care of a living thing, and it gives us something to strive for.
You should not argue against the importance of plants for our health and wellbeing, whether you live in a little apartment or a large house. Terrariums will soothe your house and re-energize your spirit. Even the dullest spaces can be made lively by plants. Additionally, we think that building terrariums are a wonderful way for everyone to develop their green thumb.
Types of Terrariums
Closed Container Terrariums
For plants that need humidity to thrive, a closed or sealed terrarium is excellent. They don’t require direct sunshine and are independent. The water cycle is maintained by the plants’ release of water vapor, which is captured in the vessel and returned to the substrate. The most common plant types include mosses, ferns, and ivy.
When you use closed containers, it is better to avoid plastic containers. In theory, you could also put your closed terrarium in a plastic container. It won’t be as transparent as glass, but it will eventually absorb some of the green colors of the plants. If you’ve ever stored tomato sauce in plastic containers, you will understand what I mean. Glass will be much simpler to clean if you ever want to open up your closed terrarium to clean it or entirely rebuild it.
Additionally, glass is much easier to clean than plastic if you ever want to open your terrarium to clean it or create an entirely new one from it.
Open Container Terrariums
It doesn’t require a cover, as the name says. It works well with many different plants. Perhaps once or twice a week, they need to be watered more frequently. The level of wetness is more under your control because of the low overall humidity. Even dim sunlight will do. Air plants, cacti, aloe, and succulents are a few acceptable plant types.
Open terrariums are popular for a good reason.
They’re an excellent starting point for terrarium creation, and I strongly endorse that. You still receive all the experience of planting. And making a terrarium even if you don’t have to deal with all of the things that can quickly kill one.
Open terrariums come in many different varieties. Although most people (quite rightly) primarily think of succulent and air plant terrariums. Many of the more tolerant terrarium plants may still grow in an open terrarium. The inherent ease of maintenance of open terrariums over functionally closed terrariums makes them a versatile option for the home.
Dish Container Terrariums
They require the least amount of preparation and upkeep. Rarely does it require irrigation? You could not put air plants in the drainage and substrate layers. This terrarium benefits from any type of lighting. There, a wide range of plants that might have difficulty growing in the open air can be grown.
Before getting your hands filthy, you need to be aware of a few things. Small, medium, and large terrariums all use the same materials and methods. The only variations are in the size of the container, and the amount of time needed to produce this lovely creation. And the number of elements.
Best Way to Care for Your Terrariums
There is currently a large variety of sizes and styles for terrariums. They are almost self-sufficient, produce beautiful blossoms for your home, and enjoy dampness.
Make sure your terrarium is kept in a bright, indirect light source to get the most out of it. As a result, there won’t be any possibility of burned leaves obstructing plant growth. By recycling its air and water, the closed container develops its own environment, effectively negating the need to water it.
Benefits of Having Terrariums
Terrariums have a variety of benefits, such as:
- Plants that would struggle for growth in dry air. They assist them for their own profit.
- They provide a “little garden,” which is a modest space for a garden.
- It is possible to use artificial illumination effectively, such as LED or fluorescent light.
- Terrariums do not need watering frequently.
Which Plants are the Best Choice for Terrariums?
Choose plants with leaves and slow-growing plants over plants that grow quickly. As an example:
- Ferns include things like maidenhair, button, and bird’s nest ferns.
- Carnivorous plants include Venus fly traps, pitcher plants, and sundew plants.
- Peperomia.
- Little palms
- The Tillandsia air plant.
- Besides cacti, Hawthorne, Echeveria, and Crassula, other succulents exist.
Without terrariums, it can be difficult to raise ferns, carnivorous plants, dry plants and air plants. So, if you want to keep these plants indoors, we advise creating or purchasing a terrarium.
How to Create the Best Composition?
Due to the fact that terrariums are solid, closed vessels, they must have enough drainage layers to keep your plants happy and healthy.
- Initially, place a base of stones or gravel. Expanded Clay Pebbles are what we advise using. Using clay pebbles has a lot of benefits; they absorb more water and ensure that it is transferred slowly and evenly to the roots of the plants.
- Terrarium Activated Charcoal must be applied as a layer in the following phase. Because of its anti-toxin qualities, activated charcoal is also recommended for drainage. With the added benefits of water filtration and plant root health maintenance, charcoal can help prevent the growth of mold and mildew.
- You will also require some well-mixed, freely draining soil. We suggest using our Cacti & Succulent Repotting mix for the best results. Before applying it, make sure the soil is moist but not sopping wet or completely dry.
- On top of the dirt, you might choose to scatter some decorative elements like stones, driftwood, or decorative grit. Before introducing these things to your terrarium, make sure they have been cleaned and disinfected to reduce toxicity.