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The coronavirus pandemic has caused many business owners to rethink their business strategies. Many businesses now have to adapt or risk shutting down operations. As economies worldwide begin to reopen, many small businesses struggle to keep up with the changes around them. Due to curfew restrictions, firms that operate around the clock now have to contend with shorter working hours. Below is a list of the top covid-friendly business ideas that will take your business to the next level by improving your business sales.
1. Prioritize health and safety
Businesses should prioritize the health of their workers and customers to prevent the further spread of the virus. For example, if you operate a restaurant or any other business with high customer traffic, you can implement social distancing rules to keep everyone safe. Businesses should ensure that all employees have access to protective gear such as masks and gloves. Businesses should encourage their customers to sanitize by placing sanitization equipment at the entrance of their business premises. Many customers also prefer to deal with businesses that first put their health and safety. Depending on what type of business you are or what industry you are in, there are a multitude of ways that you can implement health and safety rules.
2. Intensive your marketing campaigns
The lockdowns and curfew restrictions mean that 24-hour shopping is no longer convenient for many people. Business owners now realize the importance of increasing their venture’s online presence. Your website is the first-place client’s land when they need more information about your products. Ensure your business has a professional website that is informative and intuitive. Besides online marketing, there are many ways you can use it to attract customers. For example, if you operate a physical store, having an inflatable tube man dancing outside your premises will leave a lasting impression on potential customers. Such impressions can generate more traffic to your stall and translate to better sales. Remember, don’t be afraid to try something new out! It could result in much larger success than you even thought it could generate in the first place.
3. Allow flexible work arrangements
If possible, allow some of your employees to work remotely through a rotational program. If you can serve your clients remotely, implementing a work from home policy can help you cut operating costs while keeping your employees and clients safe. Without a flexible working arrangement, your business may suffer from additional disruptions when employees test positive and have to quarantine. Lastly, teamwork is important now more than ever. Consider having multiple members working on a task to minimize disruptions if one member is forced to isolate. That way you always have a back-up and the customers do not suffer as a result of inflexible work arrangements. You can even try getting a communication platform for your business so that your co-workers can plan out shifts and any disruptions online. When your company has excellent communication, you are less likely to have as many problems.
4. Make agreements with suppliers
Businesses, especially those with overseas suppliers, suffer most in the face of supply chain disruptions. These disruptions can delay vital inputs, stall production and inconvenience your clients. Communicate frequently with your suppliers to confirm whether your purchase orders will arrive on time. If there are any delays, you can quickly inform the client to manage their expectations. More importantly, if your business deals in slow-moving goods, consider negotiating flexible payment arrangements with suppliers. If a supplier agrees to extend the payment due date, your business will benefit from lower cash outflows. If you anticipate having challenges paying a supplier, notify them quickly to avoid disappointments.
5. Reach out to clients to increase business sales
Today, many businesses struggle to meet their objectives due to the covid-19 economic disruptions. If your company offers goods and services on credit, it is likely that some of your clients are facing cash flow problems and may be unable to pay you back. To minimize the risk of bad debts, consider renegotiating payment arrangements with your customers. However, consider how these arrangements will impact your business cash flows and profitability. Call your debtors to gain clarity on when you expect to receive payment. If a client has a pending order, confirm if the order is still on track. Having great relationships with your clients will ensure that you are able to improve your business sales. Understanding the true nature of your receivables will help you better prepare for any cash flow constraints.
6. Conduct an impact assessment on your business
Though the future is uncertain, businesses that make contingency plans are likely to realize better outcomes than those that don’t. Companies can anticipate the future by conducting scenario tests that analyze the best and worst outcomes. When developing a contingency plan, consider the timeframe to resolve issues that may arise during the pandemic. You can even hire an expert who can help you create a contingency plan specifically for your business to utilize if need be. This can be very helpful and effective if and when you need to apply it to your situation. Always be on the lookout for things that you and your business can improve upon. It is of the utmost importance in order to stay profitable during this time period. Remember, uncertainty can be scary but it also provides some new opportunities to figure out how you can become stronger overall.
Final thoughts in improving your business sales
It is still unclear how long the coronavirus pandemic will last before a permanent solution arises. This is why it is immensely important to plan accordingly and so your business will be able to survive and come out on the other side even more successful than before. Be proactive and always look for weak spots that you and your team can fix. Improving your business will not only be helpful to your customers, but also to your staff. They will also likely enjoy working at your establishment more if they feel like you are taking steps to improve their daily life and experiences at work. Visit other sites online for even more ideas on how to grow your business during the coronavirus pandemic.