Cyber Security vs Ethical Hacking are two of the most booming careers in the tech industry. However, people often get confused between both terms, and though both these terms are interrelated at the same time differ from each other as well. Cybersecurity is a broader domain while white hat hacking is a part of cybersecurity only. In this blog, we explore the difference between cybersecurity and white hat hacking as well as which is the better career to pursue.
The topics covered in this blog are:
- What is cybersecurity?
- What is ethical hacking?
- Cyber Security vs Ethical Hacking
- The role of a cybersecurity expert and ethical hacker
- Take your career forward in cybersecurity
- First, let’s understand the term “cybersecurity” in detail and then, we will discuss cybersecurity vs ethical hacking.
What is cybersecurity?
Cybersecurity is a combination of different skills and tools to provide the best security environment for users.
Watch this video on Ethical Hacking vs Cybersecurity:
OK, I must have noticed that when resetting your password, the website first verifies your identity, and after successful authentication, the website allows you to change your password.
It provides additional protection for your account and prevents unauthorized access.
Now, let’s talk about the software installed on your system to detect any malicious activity. Whenever the program detects any malicious activity, it immediately warns you about it. The purpose here is to make your device more secure.
The stage of cybersecurity
There are four different steps to cybersecurity described below.
The stage of Ethical Hacking & cybersecurity
Detection: The process of identifying or understanding various cybersecurity risks in systems and data
Security: Implement appropriate security measures to ensure the protection of important data
Detection: The process of detecting the presence of cybersecurity events
Response: Take appropriate action for detected cybersecurity incidents
The person responsible for performing all these tasks is known as a cybersecurity expert.
Cybersecurity experts need to have a strong understanding of many issues. They must take on challenges such as ransomware, fatigue alert status, kill chains, zero-day attacks, etc.
To learn more about cybersecurity and white hat hacking, you can read our blogs about white hat hacking lessons and cybersecurity lessons.
Once you understand what cybersecurity means, let’s go further and discuss cybersecurity vs hacking and learn how to protect our systems with white hat hacking technology.
What is ethical hacking?
Suppose you launch an application and create all the security controls to protect it. However, how can you ensure that your application is completely secure and that no one can bypass the security system?
You must check this against all security breaches and see if the security controls are protecting your system.
Well, the process of testing the system against all possible security breaches is known as white hat hacking.
Ethical hacking is part of cybersecurity that seeks to find and fix vulnerabilities in a system before any malicious or black hacker exploits them.
It is the process of testing and validating a system’s health that discovers vulnerabilities and informs the organization of all these vulnerabilities. Later, the organization will hire some cybersecurity professionals to help prevent information from being stolen or falsified.
Cybersecurity professionals are also known as penetration testers.
In short, ethical hacking is the process of bypassing an organization’s security system to detect and fix system loopholes. There are several benefits to ethical hacking, and they are listed below.
Watch this Ethical Hacking video tutorial:
The benefits of ethical hacking
System vulnerabilities can be easily detected and resolved by performing a penetration test.
You can apply vulnerabilities solutions to prevent security breaches.
Ethical hacking protects information from being stolen by “black hat hackers”.
Helps protect networks with uninterrupted evaluation.
Customers and investors will trust your company if the data and system security is well maintained.
Now, you might think that white hat hacking and cybersecurity have the same purpose of protecting a system from malicious attacks. However, there is a real difference between white hat hacking and cybersecurity. We will discuss ethical hacking vs cybersecurity in detail in the next section.
Learn white hat hacking from the popular online ethical hacking course and become proficient in the field!
Cyber Security vs Ethical Hacking
Now that we understand the meaning of ethical hacking and cybersecurity, it is time to discuss cybersecurity versus white hat hacking. Although both goals are the same – keeping the system and data secure – there are certain differences between the two.
Cybersecurity is a broad topic.
It has many network and data protection systems like data protection, digital forensics, ethical hacking and much more. Suite
Rang, we can say that ethical hacking is a sub-part of cybersecurity.
Parts of Ethical Hacking
Ethical hacking is carried out by “white hat hackers” who hack the system in the same way as “black hat” hackers, but the purpose is different. In the case of white hat hacking, the hacker will infiltrate the system to protect it.
On the other hand, cybersecurity experts do not have to enter the system. Their job is to protect the system by taking all possible preventive measures.
Simply put, ethical hackers use offensive security measures, and cybersecurity experts use defensive security measures.
Let’s take an example here. Suppose you launch an application like Uber and your app generates and stores a lot of customer data every day.
C by any malicious hacker to perform suspicious actions, including making a huge amount of fake requests, accessing the online payer account and much more.
Here, a cybersecurity expert will try to protect the app by taking appropriate precautions or, moreover, he will notify the owner of the attack.
Meanwhile, an ethical hacker will try to attack the application with permission and inform you how to hack the system and then it can also solve the problem.
Ethical hacking is intended to hack a system that examines how the system responds to such malicious activity.
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Now, let’s understand the main difference between ethical hacking and cybersecurity.
The difference between ethical hacking and cybersecurity
Ethical cybersecurity hacking
Deals to protect data and systems from malicious activity by identifying and resolving all security issues. The purpose of white hat hacking is to look for vulnerabilities in a system and inform its owner about them.
Focus on how to protect the system. Focus on how to attack the system
Cybersecurity is a broad term that includes various security strategies. Ethical hacking is a part of cybersecurity.
A key ethical hacking role offering careers like security analysts, SOC engineers, CISOs etc., is an intrusion checker and security director.
Cybersecurity is on the defensive side, ethically hacking on the offensive side.
It is responsible for developing the accessibility features of a system and preparing reports on “how to apply the hack”.
Identify problems, protect systems from security breaches, and use vulnerabilities or intrusion testing to detect vulnerabilities.
Cybersecurity is regularly maintained to ensure that the security system is up-to-date and the system is regularly checked to identify bugs and resolve these issues.
Now, you know the main difference between ethical hacking and cybersecurity. Let’s understand the different roles of cybersecurity experts and ethical hackers.
Become a Ethical Hacking & cybersecurity expert
The role of a cybersecurity expert and ethical hacker
Their job is to monitor the system regularly and take protective measures when someone tries to bypass the security system.
The following is the role of a cybersecurity expert:
The primary role of a cybersecurity expert is to conduct regular inspections and discover bugs in the system.
A cybersecurity expert needs to apply the most efficient strategies to improve the security system.
He must keep the security system up to date through regular maintenance.
Appropriate access opportunities for a professional to protect advanced systems.
He/she must explain to the organization the consequences of malicious attacks.
The job of a cybersecurity expert is to provide various suggestions for improving the security system.
Now, let’s examine the roles of an ethical hacker:
An ethical hacker evaluates the effectiveness of a system by testing it for various security breaches.
Professionals should examine the company’s security system and also suggest solutions to improve it.
Professionals must inform the organization about Abo
How the attack affects its activities and users.
He must use hacking technology to fix system vulnerabilities.
A cyberspace
After understanding the role of security experts and ethical hackers, you can say that their goal to protect the system may be the same, but they use different methods to do it. Let’s jump further into the cybersecurity vs ethical hacking blog and understand it better, ethical hacking or cybersecurity.
Become a cybersecurity expert with Ethical Hacking
Take your career forward in cybersecurity.
In this blog, ‘Cyber Security vs Ethical Hacking’, we have learned the basics of cybersecurity and ethical hacking, the different stages of cybersecurity, the benefits of white hat hacking, the difference between cybersecurity engineer and ethical hacker and finally, the difference between ethical hacking and security. We also discussed the different roles of cybersecurity experts and ethical hackers in understanding the differences between job roles.
Cybersecurity is a fast-growing field, and experts predict that the cybersecurity market will turn into a US $ 170 billion industry shortly.
Over the past few years, it has been observed that the average salary of cybersecurity experts is relatively higher than that of IT professionals, and this gap is close to 9 per cent.
As the world moves towards a digital economy, the field of cybersecurity may grow significantly in the future, and each organization will need a reputable and skilled cybersecurity expert to secure their critical data.
The opportunity for cybersecurity and ethical hacking is very good, and both fields provide quite well. The average salary for a moral hacker ranges from ₹ 4.5 LPA in India to 12 12 and in the US from $ 6,100 to 000 16,000. On the other hand, the average annual salary of a cybersecurity expert starts from ₹ 8 LPA.
25 CPA in India and থেকে 10,000 to,000 33,000 in the United States.
Although opportunities and salaries are increasing day by day, there is a shortage of skilled professionals in this field. Therefore, many organizations encourage their employees to become proficient in this field. Get a certificate and seize this opportunity!
You can explore our ethical hacking and cybersecurity tutorials to become more proficient in this field.
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