Dental cement Spatulas
When it comes to dentistry, we all know what importance a spatula has in this field. A dental cement spatula is no doubt very useful in dentist practical work. For example, it helps in mixing sealing materials like silicon, filling materials, impression materials and cement, etc. This instrument can also be used for the separation of matrices and to color retraction wires etc. Whatever it is used for, the thing is that it can only have either one end or 2 ends. In this section, we will try to discuss all types of dental cement spatula and also we will discuss modeling carvers.
Types of Dental Spatulas
There are different types of dental spatulas used for different purposes.
Double cement dental spatula
As suggested by the name, it is a double ended cement spatula. This double cement spatula made with stainless steel designed especially for missing dental cement in the glass tiles. This spatula is also used for applying materials, retracting wires and impression materials, etc. It can also be used for missing silicones and polysulfide etc. It is robust and resistant having double ends so that you don’t have to change the tool. Also it is sterilisable in autoclave.
- Heidemann spatula
Having a vast range of instruments for dentistry medical, this instrument named Heidemann spatula is used to apply obturation materials. The instrument is double ended active flats specially designed for the application of obturation materials. This spatula is available in different sizes to accomplish the needs of dental professionals in every situation.
This octagonal spatula is flexible having intermediate width with double active flats.
Plaster Spatula
This spatula is straight having a straight shape and also a wooden handle for a strong and comfortable grip. This is a single-ended spatula having a wooden handle that helps the dentist to hold it comfortably and with a good grip. The spatula is ideal for beating plaster as suggested by the name plaster spatula. It has a metal edge that helps it beating plaster more effectively.
- Plastic Handle Spatula
The spatula is prepared with extra care using high quality stainless steel. This instrument is specifically designed for alginate. The best thing is that this spatula has a plastic handle for better touch while using in any dental or medical laboratory. So this is the best choice for dentistry. We at Mismaeel produce the best quality spatulas that are best to use in any dental laboratory for the purpose they are made for.
- Dental Lecron Spatula
This masterpiece is made up of German stainless steel and passed through different quality tests to make it aesthetic and corrosion resistant. This is used for accurate modeling. This spatula is prepared with is to provide a high level of flexibility while performing any laboratory experiment.
- Hylin Spatula
This spatula is used in dental laboratories for different purposes. The spatula is small, having fine blades and convenient instruments for the application of materials, separating retraction wires and other purposes such as the mixture of cement, silicones and polysulfide. It is a double ended stainless steel spatula.
How to clean Dental spatulas
In this section, we will explain different possible safest ways to clean dental spatulas and remove artifacts from stainless steel dental instruments.
Methods of Cleansing
- Manual Scrubbing
You can either remove artifacts by manual scrubbing using normal gloves or using heavy duty gloves with hospice cleaning solution under warm running water. During cleansing, make sure to wear gloves as warm running water can burn your hands.
- Soaking
The cleansing of cement spatula can also be done by soaking in hospice solution and warm water. And it can also be done by soaking in an ultrasonic bath containing warm water for ten minutes. No manual scrubbing is needed in this process. Just soak in hospice solution and warm water for 10 minutes and all the artifacts will be removed and the spatula will be ready to reuse.
- Washing/Disinfecting
If you don’t want to do manual cleaning or afraid to do that, you can disinfect the spatula using a recommended detergent.
What is the safest way for cleansing a dental cement spatula?
Well, out of all the methods describes above, it is clear that manual scrubbing is the safest way as scrubbing the instrument by hand leaves no germs behind. But this has a side effect as well. You can get harsh injuries like your hands could be burned. So you have to take care of this thing while manual scrubbing. But as we have seen in the dental industry yet, manual scrubbing has been the most used method for cleansing purposes.
From the above study, it is clear that how much dental cement spatula is important when it comes to dental laboratory experiments. So that’s why they are prepared with non-rusting stainless steel material having high quality. These instruments are prepared with extra care as they are being used for a very sensitive matter. So their method of cleansings is also very particular having specific instructions.
We have tried to explain the complete working of the dental cement spatula and how to take care of the instrument. We hope many of your doubts would have been clear for now.
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