Discover the Best Medicine For Joints Pain

Have you ever asked yourself what is the best medicine for joint pain? If you have, then chances are you have been suffering from some form of joint pain for quite sometime. Joint pain is a very common complaint, especially after some age-related problems such as arthritis. So, whether it is a minor ache or a major excruciating ordeal, finding the right treatment should be on top of your priority list.
Body tissues surrounding:
The best medicine for joint pain would retain not just your best medicine joint pain but also your cartilage and other body tissues surrounding it. Vitamin C is by far the best natural healing nutrient rich in collagen that includes hydroxycinnamic acid. More importantly, collagen is powerful structural protein that fights off free radical-damaging elements in our bodies and also strengthens our body tissues. Vitamin C helps produce collagen that improves our overall immune system by providing our body tissues with more power to fight infections. So, vitamin C supplements can help minimize joint pains by providing our body tissues with better weapons against pain and inflammation.
Therapeutic grade Glucosamine:
Another best medicine for chronic pain is therapeutic grade glucosamine which repairs damaged cartilage and joints and also relieves chronic pain. Glucosamine is made from the amino acids of glucose which helps protect and regenerate damaged cartilage. It also repairs joints and rebuilds connective tissue that often gets damaged due to rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout and other degenerative joint diseases.
Essential fatty acids:
Besides vitamins, minerals and vitamins, essential fatty acids, or omega 3 fatty acids to help build strong bones and maintain healthy joints. Deficiencies of essential fatty acids leads to brittle bones that are prone to fractures. Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish, walnuts, sardines, salmon, Herring and fish oils are particularly beneficial for osteoarthritis sufferers. Recent studies also show that a deficiency in the compound called prostaglandins may cause serious problems such as weakness, increased weight and increased arthritic or hip pain.
Devil’s claw and wort:
Besides these natural substances, herbs like devil’s claw and wort are considered to be the best medicine for joint pain and is recommended by almost all medical practitioners. Shilajit Herbs help improve circulation and increase the flexibility of tissues. They not only help repair damaged cartilage but also improve flexibility and elasticity.
Teeth and cartilage:
Vitamins and minerals play an important role in maintaining the health of our joints. In order to maintain the health of bones, teeth and cartilage, we need to take enough doses of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin D. Moreover, in order to protect the cartilage from damage and relieve the pains, we need vitamin E and selenium. Our foods are naturally rich in anti-inflammatory compounds that may work in our favor by preventing pains caused by rheumatoid arthritis in the first place. Some of these chemicals may also slow down the progression of joint diseases like osteoarthritis and Lupus erythematosus. So if you know which foods contain anti-inflammatory chemicals, you could include those foods in your diet to prevent the development of such pains.
Application of heat and cold therapies:
Joint pain sometimes responds well to the application of heat and cold therapies. Hot and cold therapies include acupuncture, hydrotherapy, manual lymph drainage and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). The electric stimulation works by delivering small electrical pulses along the pathways of nerve tissue to stimulate it. In manual lymph drainage, the fluid is drained from the body to facilitate the movement of white blood cells and to provide therapeutic benefits to the soft tissue areas around the joints. TENS therapy delivers energy through electrical pulses to the painful area to interrupt the painful activity.
Treat osteoarthritis with supplements:
In order to treat osteoarthritis and joint pain, patients are advised to take vitamin supplements. The recommended dosage of vitamin supplements is usually based on weight and height. Patients with malabsorption conditions should take vitamin D supplements in small proportions. Vitamins E and C are effective anti-inflammatories and help in maintaining proper nutrition of the body tissues. While experiencing arthritic symptoms, it is advisable to control pain using anti inflammatory supplements and vitamins.
Massage therapy and physical therapy:
Alternative methods such as massage therapy and physical therapy can also help a person suffering from joint pain. The massage therapy helps increase the circulation of the blood in the soft tissues and joints with salajeet. Physical therapy trains the patient’s muscles so that he/she can become more flexible. As a result, the pain associated with the inflammation is reduced. And with proper nutrition, an athlete can take care of his/her painful joints.
Osteoarthritis in the hips and hands:
Joint pain can also be caused by osteoarthritis in the hips and hands. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of the joints. It causes wear and tear of the cartilage. A disease that affects the cartilage causing inflammation in the joints is known as osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is not reversible; hence, it is best to undergo treatment for preventing further deterioration of the joints.
Collagen supplements:
Collagen supplements are another important ingredient in the best medicine for joint pain. It’s a naturally occurring protein in the body which provides strength and flexibility to the connective tissues. It is produced by the body to a certain level depending upon the activity level. As people get older, the production of collagen slows down resulting in a weaker grip on objects.
Bodies causing discomfort:
The best medicine for joint pain can be taken by those who take care of their joints regularly. People with arthritis should make sure that they do not over exert themselves or overwork their bodies causing discomfort in their joints. Stress is also a cause of inflammation and chronic joint pain. Regular exercise and relaxation techniques can help in reducing the pain and reliving the stiffness in the joints.
These medications reduce the swelling in the joints and decrease the pain. While taking NSAIDs for relieving knee pain, it is important to take the prescribed amount in order to prevent over usage. Overuse can result in damaging the synovial fluid and thus disrupt blood flow in the joint.