Dysphagia refers to swallowing disorders that can make chewing feel like a nightmare. There are countless reasons for developing dysphagia, from temporary mouth numbness to debilitating auto-immune diseases. Luckily, no matter what type of dysphagia you have, by following the six simple steps below, you can turn mealtimes into a more enjoyable experience.
Careful Food Consideration
Unfortunately, when you’re suffering from dysphagia, you don’t have the freedom to choose foods as freely as you would before, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make mealtimes pleasant. You will need to change your diet and learn about which types of food cause the most severe symptoms of dysphasia. According to Saint Luke’s, foods including souffle, pureed vegetables, and smooth puddings can have a place within your diet.
Use Thickening Agents
If you’ve got dysphagia, swallowing liquids can become difficult and can lead to choking in some instances. Fortunately, you can use a food thickener to mitigate the risk of choking and reflux. You need to make sure you use a reputable thickening brand, which is why we suggest using SimplyThick Easy Mix. Once you’ve got the mix, you simply add the sachet to your liquid and stir it.
Carry Out Relevant Exercises
Dysphagia is caused by the weakening of the jaw muscles, which means they can be strengthened too. Therefore, whenever you get a minute, there is a set of exercises you can try. To get the most out of them, you should aim to schedule time before you eat. Exercises are as simple as tensing your swallowing muscles during a dry swallow — you can find full instructions here.
Keep Your Surroundings Calm
Suffering from dysphagia can be scary, and your locale can impact the severity of your symptoms, which is why having a calm environment to eat in is vital. To start with, you should remove all distractions in the area, as too many stimulants can cause you to choke. If you want to learn more on this topic, you can read this article.
Positioning Awareness
Alongside difficulties swallowing food, dysphagia can cause acid reflux, which isn’t a pleasant experience. However, you can mitigate this by eating upright for the entirety of your meal. Having an awareness of your position during mealtimes will help to prevent you from choking and having acid reflux. According to Nutricia, one of the best eating positions for dysphagia suffers is with their head slightly tilted and their chin forward.
No Need to Rush
Eating food with dysphagia isn’t a race and rushing your food will lead to greater swallowing issues. Unfortunately, this can feel impractical if you’re in public or having food with family, which is why you need to plan to account for the extra time needed. All food that passes your mouth needs to be chewed fully and swallowed, albeit at a slow pace, and in small quantities.
Following the advice above will help to reduce symptoms of dysphagia, which can turn mealtimes into a more enjoyable experience.