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Follow These Steps to Increase Your Memory Power

We often forget something in the coming days. This is not so much a matter of concern, because it is the mind’s own style of functioning, but under certain circumstances, the decrease in memory capacity becomes a cause of great trouble. In these situations the cells stop functioning and in such a situation the network of cells connected with actions like remembering, seeing, hearing, thinking etc. is affected. Let us know about the special circumstances of the memory being weak.

Causes of Memory Loss


With increasing age, the condition of mental cells also varies.


During menopause, many hormonal changes occur in the body of women and estrogen levels also fall, which also affects their mental state.


People surrounded by depression often fall prey to negative thoughts. This, among other things, has a huge impact on the functioning of their mental cells.


Many times this disease also affects the mental condition and memory becomes weak. Excessive intake of medications & drugs also has a bad effect on memory.

Symptoms of memory weakness

We are dependent on the mind for our everyday tasks. It is usually seen that people do not understand the changes related to it and consider this state to be forgetful of a person. Let us know which are the symptoms, on the basis of which this problem can be identified-

  • Forget even the smallest things
  • Trouble speaking
  • Missing time, place or names
  • Decreased thinking ability
  • Constant change in mood

Food for increasing Memory Power

It is known that all the activities of our body are controlled by the brain, so it is very important for the brain to be healthy. The most appropriate way is to take care of the right diet, which will increase blood flow to the brain. Let’s know about this.


Eggs should be consumed regularly in your daily diet, because eggs contain a nutrient called choline, which increases the efficiency of neurotransmitters in the brain. In addition to this, the brain also gets antioxidants in plenty.


Regular intake of spinach increases the mind’s ability to be alert, as it contains folic acid. It is also effective for strengthening the mind.


It contains many nutrients, such as protein, carbohydrates, vitamin B12 folic acid antioxidants and a good amount of fiber. Their intake provides strength to the brain.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are a source of excessive energy, which helps in concentrating.


Nuts like cashews, almonds, walnuts have good sources of vitamin E and unselected fat. While vitamin E is very beneficial for bran, unsaturated fatty acids help improve oxygen supply to the bran, which helps to remember things, so make sure to include nuts in your diet.

Nigella seeds

The nigella has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and neuroprotective properties, which intensify the brain and increase memory power. According to research, daily consumption of fennel seeds amazingly increases memory power.

Cinnamon and Honey

Cinnamon and honey intake increases memory power. Its intake increases metabolism and reduces stress.


Broccoli is full of folate. In addition, calcium, carbohydrate, protein, vitamins A and C and iron are found in it. Its intake helps in keeping the mood correct and reduces the risk of depression. It is also a great medicine in terms of mental health.

The Berries

All types of berries such as strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc. contain abundant amounts of antioxidants called flavonoids and anthocyanins, which make brain cells stronger and increase memory.


Antioxidants in pomegranates prevent adverse effects on the body due to pollution or smoking such as free radicals etc. The most and intense effect of these free radicals is on our brain.

Dark Chocolate

Although chocolate is not considered to be very good in terms of health and weight, dark chocolate contains antioxidants, which help to increase concentration, so the consumption of dark chocolate can also be beneficial for memory.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is also very beneficial for the brain, because its intake also increases the capacity of the neurons of the brain. This reduces the production of adversely affecting elements. Also supplies saturated fat, which makes the brain function smoothly.

Olive Oil

Olive oil contains plenty of antioxidants, which are useful for the mind as well as the body.

Fish oil

It also contains docosahexaenoic acid, which protects the brain from diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

If you want, you can add fresh gooseberry, gooseberry juice or marmalade, anything to your daily diet regularly. The use of amla is very useful to increase memory.


Coriander contains many nutrients, salts and vitamins. Also, the phytonutrients present in it provide protection in radical damage or damage of brain cells. The vitamins present in it are also very helpful in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, so coriander, whether used as a spice or as a sauce, make it a part of your diet.


It also contains many antioxidants anti inflammatory elements, which help in the formation of cells. In addition, ginger also increases immunity. Ginger also reduces stress, so is also very useful for brain cells.

Exercise to increase memory power

Everyday exercise not only gives physical benefits but also mentally. When the functioning of the body is right, the brain also works correctly. Measures to increase memory power – Morning walk and at least 30 minutes of exercise together greatly benefit both body and mind. Come, let’s know more about this.

Brain Workout

Brain exercises are also very important to increase memory. It is interesting in this case that we can do this work in sports as well. It is very important to remember this, because the brain is that physical machine, which works continuously. For this, it is important that you make mind games such as Sudoku, puzzle games etc. as part of your regular routine.


While meditating, Bhramari Pranayama brings stability in our mind and reduces stress. It removes negative thoughts from our mind and brain. In the morning, there is sufficient oxygen and blood circulation in the brain cells, due to which the memory is speeded up, Padmaasan or Sukhasana is very effective in itself, sitting with your eyes closed for 10 to 15 minutes. That results in a surprise. Meditation is of great benefit in improving memory.

Padahastasana, Halasana, Tadasana, Padmasana, Paschimottanasana, Sarvangasana, Surya Namaskar etc. are very beneficial asanas. The nervous system is stimulated by these asanas. Regular practice of these asanas increases the size of the memory centers in the brain, wave activity as well as the blood supply and oxygen flow to the brain. Doing yoga regularly is very beneficial to increase memory. Joining a yoga school in rishikesh can help you gain deeper insights about yoga and meditation and how to incorporate them both in your daily life.

How to increase memory by changing lifestyle

Rushing lifestyles are having such a negative impact on our lives that we do not even think about complete health. Even by making a small change in regular lifestyle, we can give ourselves a lot of mental relief.

Avoid Stress

To avoid the problem of weak memory power, it is very important to stay away from any kind of mental stress. Although this is not so easy in today’s lifestyle, it is also very important for us to know that when we are under extreme mental stress, the risk of diseases like dementia or Almizer increases. Actually, the mind controls the body. When we are surrounded by stress all the time, the nervous system of the brain and its working style will also be affected.

7-8 hours sleep

If you want your brain to function perfectly, then it is also necessary for it to have 7 to 8 hours of sleep. If we are not able to sleep fully we will feel irritable throughout the day. Irritability also affects our working style. There is also a kind of protein Anolite son in our body, which becomes imbalanced due to sleep disturbances and causes Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, full sleep is very important for a healthy mind.


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