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Four Ways to Deal With the Abandoned Cars in Your Vicinity!

An abandoned car in your vicinity is a severe headache. And especially if this car is parked in front of your house or porch, then the issue becomes all the more unbearable. Mostly, we suggest you to wait for some time before taking any action. But if more than two or three days have passed since the car was left in your area, then it’s time to work on it immediately.

Essential steps to take when you find an abandoned vehicle in your vicinity!

Normally whoever leaves their car in your vicinity takes away the vehicle within a day or two. But if nothing happens until that time, don’t delay in following the below guidelines to deal with this issue:

  • Check in the neighbourhood first

Before taking any serious action, we suggest you contact your neighbours first. Inquire if the car belongs to them or their relative who may have visited them and parked near your house. And if this is a case, it is always advisable to gently request them to remove the vehicle from your area. (Never opt to quarrel in such a petty matter.)

  • Contact the sheriff of your area

If it’s been days since no one turned up and the car doesn’t belong to anybody in the neighbourhood as well, then it’s time to contact the officials. The sheriff of your area or the police will be able to help you find the missing owner of the mysterious car. And if they don’t find an owner, they’ll take away the vehicle and deal it as per the legal procedures. (The load is off from your shoulders now.)

  • Send it to a dumping yard

Well, that’s the only thing you can do if the owner of the vehicle doesn’t turn up after days of abandoning it and the car is creating a nuisance by blocking your way. And if it’s in a really battered position, then dumping is the best step to take during this time. But it’s always better to inform the police about your action and leave some proof that you took the step after days of harassment due to it. (In case the owner returns after months and demands the vehicles.)

  • Call for car removal services for recycling

Sometimes the car that’s dropped off in your vicinity is not in a working condition and that’s why the owner probably just left it there. If it’s a fresh accident case, then the police should be called. And if it is just an old vehicle, then call the companies offering car removal in Auckland like Mega Car Collection. They’ll tow away the vehicle from your vicinity and recycle it to ensure that the vehicle is put to some use. (But of course, you’ll have to take the necessary permissions from the officials for the step you are taking.)

Finally, remember, no matter how much inconvenience this vehicle might cause you, never take any action without consulting the officials first. 

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