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Get glowing skin and good health with yoga!

Get glowing skin and good health with yoga!

Get glowing skin and good health with yoga!

Yoga not only keeps you physically fit but also takes care of your skin. There are many such activities in yoga that take care of the skin and make it healthy.

The glow in your skin shows that you are healthy. Your skin tells the story of your health to everyone. If you are healthy but emotionally dissatisfied or struggling with some kind of stress, then it definitely affects your face, due to stress, the attractiveness and glow of the face fades. To have healthy skin, it is important to be healthy both physically and mentally. Yoga brings a different glow on the face. Due to stress, the age lines on the skin keep on increasing. Follow the yoga asanas given here for flawless beauty and glowing skin. Make sure to take 30 minutes daily for yourself.

There are 57 muscles in the face, when there is any kind of stress or mental problem in your life, then these muscles also get tense or stretched, as a result wrinkles start appearing on the face, yoga balances the hormones, which makes the face glow. Lives. Increases the process of carrying oxygenated blood to the skin. It helps in softening the skin, removing dryness and sagging of the skin, it tones the muscles of the face and neck. The asanas given here are meant to improve your facial skin. Also follow the given routine to get healthy spotless and glowing skin-

If you are a fitness freak and want to know more about yoga poses, then you can join a 200 Hour Yoga teacher Training.


What to do

Kapol Shakti Vikas Yoga

(for toning of facial muscles)


Viparita Karani Kriya / Sarvangasana Yoga

If you cannot stand on your head, do this.

Shirshasana Yoga (Headstand)

Follow it only if you can do it easily.

Kapalbhati Kriya

Kunjal Kriya

It helps in removing the defects of Panchana Tantra.

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