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how alcohol affected on teenager

Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore

At some point, your child will discover alcohol. Here you will find out how to deal with it, what to do in problematic situations, and what is important in different age groups. You can also find out if you are a role model when it comes to alcohol, or how you can become one teenager.

Why is alcohol dangerous for children and adolescents?
Children, adolescents, and young adults are more sensitive to alcohol because their organs and especially the brain are still developing. Contrary to what was previously assumed, brain development is not completed in childhood, but only at around 25 years of age. During this time, even small amounts of alcohol can cause considerable damage. There are therefore no guideline values ​​for low-risk consumption for this age group – all alcohol consumption is an unhealthy teenager.

Alcohol can have dangerous consequences for children and adolescents:
The earlier adolescents start drinking alcohol regularly, the sooner they will get used to it. This can lead to later alcohol addiction. In young people with low body weight, even small amounts of alcohol lead to a higher blood alcohol concentration (per mille) than in adults. Therefore, they are more likely to get alcohol poisoning.

Intoxication at a young age is a major health risk:

organs can be damaged, but most importantly, brain maturation can be impaired. Long-term damage cannot be ruled out either. Alcohol is a cell poison that has a numbing effect. Even with small amounts, the eyesight and the coordination of movements decrease. This can be particularly dangerous in road traffic. The disinhibiting effects of alcohol can lead to aggressive behavior. The willingness to take risks increases, and with it the risk of accidents teenager.
Some adolescents take more sexual risks under the influence of alcohol and do not use contraception more often. Girls who are drunk or drunk are more likely to be sexually assaulted.
Why do teenagers drink alcohol?
In Germany, young people drink their first glass of alcohol on average at the age of 15. Alcohol consumption often appears to them as unproblematic because they have seen from an early age that in many situations it is natural to drink alcohol. In addition, young people want to appear adult and therefore imitate the behavior of teenagers.

They are most likely to drink alcohol at parties or in clubs. For many, being with friends and celebrating together is the main focus, and this is not always problematic alcohol consumption. However, there are always excesses of alcohol. The intoxication is used to test boundaries.

Fortunately, most teenagers know that alcohol does not help with stress or sadness. When asked why they drink alcohol, the most common response from adolescents is that they believe alcohol creates a good mood and helps with shyness.

However, sometimes teenagers also resort to alcohol because they cannot cope with difficulties, such as when they are

have school problems
cannot find an apprenticeship
no professional perspective or
have little friends or social support.
If you notice these or similar problems with your child, it is essential that you seek the conversation and talk openly about all fears and worries. Because those who drink alcohol to avoid problems can develop an addiction.

Am I a good role model?
Your child will also see you as a role model when it comes to alcohol – even at an age when parental influence is waning. You should therefore follow certain rules when drinking alcohol in the presence of children and adolescents. What do you exemplify for your child? What drinking habits do you have? Do you use alcohol responsibly and health-consciously? Take your time, answer the following questions honestly, and find out what role alcohol plays in your family teenager.

Tips for talking to and dealing with your child

Do you have the impression that your child is drinking too much alcohol? Did she even come home often drunk? Then you should definitely seek the conversation. It’s not always easy, and sometimes there are times when talking together seems impossible. But don’t let that get you rid of it. Even and especially if the problems with alcohol increase, you should not lose contact with your child.

5 tips for a conversation at eye level

  1. Choose a starting point for the conversation that is as relaxed as possible, for example at dinner together.
  2. Don’t put your child in the dock, as this usually only provokes a defensive reaction. Instead of reproaching it, it is better to express your concerns. Be open about what concerns you and what you are afraid of.
  3. Try to find out what the motives behind alcohol consumption are and address them specifically.
  4. Explain to your daughter or son the reasons why alcohol can be dangerous for adolescents (see above).
  5. You can also mention the Youth Protection Act. By talking to your child about the law, you will strengthen your point of view. This makes it clear that your do’s and don’ts are not just your personal opinion teenager.

Clear rules help
In principle, do not tolerate alcohol consumption by children up to the age of 16.
From the age of 16, a complete ban will no longer be enforceable. Therefore, create consumption rules together with regard to frequency, quantity, occasion teenager.
Make clear arrangements as to when and how your child comes home from partying so that the way home is safe.
“Zero per mille” should apply in road traffic. Under no circumstances should your son or daughter ride with someone who has drunk.


My child is between 12 and 15 years old:
Alcohol gets interesting
Your child is now at the age where they are likely to try alcohol for the first time. It wants to break away from its parents more and more and test its limits. With addictive substances such as alcohol and cigarettes, young people like to try out what it’s like to go overboard. You shouldn’t worry too much about that at first. This belongs to the puberty phase and is therefore normal.

However, for health reasons, it is best if children and adolescents under the age of 16 do not drink alcohol at all. Because at this age the physical development is not yet complete, especially the brain is very sensitive. In addition, the earlier adolescents drink alcohol, the greater the risk of later drinking habitually or becoming dependent.

While some adolescents withdraw during puberty, others may seek confrontation with their parents. It is often difficult for parents to find the right balance in this phase: on the one hand not to be too fearful, on the other hand not to trivialize anything or to let everything go. But trust and control are not mutually exclusive. Having a trust doesn’t mean you can’t set boundaries. On the contrary: borders are important orientation aids for young people and give them security.

How do you behave towards your child now?
Take your time, talk, listen

Take your time, listen, show interest, and talk to each other. Even if your child may be very cool and serene, they often feel insecure and are not as self-confident as they appear on the outside. Even if you don’t notice much of their insecurities and problems, you should still be there for your child.
However, many children of this age do not necessarily want to talk to their parents about their feelings and thoughts. It is important to accept this. You also give your child support by simply spending time together. Signal that you are open to questions and support.
Always take your child seriously and take the time to talk to you. Even if what concerns your child at the moment seems rather unimportant teenager.
Make sure that joint discussions are not just about criticism and prohibitions. Often young people then withdraw.
Show rules and limits

Draw clear lines: As long as your child is under 16 years of age, there should be no alcohol, not even at the birthday party.
Even if you know that your child has already tried alcohol, clear rules should apply and be followed at home. This is easier for children to understand and adhere to than rules that are repeatedly weakened.
Explain to your child why you make these rules and talk to them about the dangers of alcohol.
If your child comes home drunk at the age of 14 or 15, or if you have the impression that their clique is drinking too much alcohol: Don’t ignore it, speak to them as a teenager.

Remaining a role model

It is also very important that you are credible about your own drinking habits. Because even at this age, the influence of the parents continues.


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