How Alkaline Water Impacts Your Health?
You might have heard doctors and people recommending that you drink at least 8 glasses of water and keep yourself properly hydrated to the optimum level. Staying hydrated has a lot of benefits and enhancements on your physical health, mental health, mood, energy, productivity, etc. Drinking Alkaline water can help you to gain energy faster.
But as you might have already discovered, the pollution levels today have made this fluid very unsafe for daily consumption and increased the chances of having harmful health conditions.
What if you got to know that there is a liquid which not only benefits your body by providing the necessary hydration? It also, improves its other vital organ systems and prevents you from generating health disorders? It would be amazing, right?
In fact, a fluid-like this exists! And that is called alkaline water, which does not only focus on providing your body with the required moisture, hydration, and lubrication but also enhances its proper functioning.
Keep reading ahead to know what it is, how this water influences your health, and how you can avail its immense health benefits.
Decoding Kangen Water
As you might have heard, especially during your school studies, scientists use a measurement unit called pH to determine the acidic or basic nature of a substance.
The scale ranges from 1 to 14, where 1 is highly acidic and 14 is highly basic. The substances that are basic in nature but also soluble in water are also called alkaline. Don’t get much confused by the different terms.
Substances like chemicals in batteries, digestive fluids in the stomach, juices in citrus fruits, etc. are all strong acids. On the other hand, things like soap, bleach, strong cleaning fluids, etc. are strong bases.
It is important to note that on the scale, the 7 in the middle represents the neutral nature of a substance. That is also the pH of the normal water that people drink. But Kangen water is alkaline in nature, which means it is slightly basic with a pH between 8 and 9.
And medical experts and healthcare professionals from all over the world. They recommend using it for their patients and also for the common people because of the immense health benefits it provides.
The impact on your body
In today’s times, more and more people consume junk foods, and items having oily, greasy, fatty, and spicy in nature. There is nothing really wrong with it, but doing it in excess leads to various disorders and negative impacts.
Hence drinking this fluid which has a basic characteristic helps balance and neutralize the acidic levels and excess acid production inside the body. This also balances the pH and hence, helps enhance the functioning of the digestive system.
What makes it different from other solvent sources is that it is rich in important minerals. These include calcium for bone and muscle health, magnesium for important biochemical reactions and metabolic processes, sodium for balancing the blood pressure, and potassium for proper muscle function and digestive processes. But doesn’t the standard filter water also have these nutrients?
What makes Kangen Alkaline Water different?
It is very crucial to know that the traditional filters and RO systems may be effective in removing harmful dirt, germs, dust, sediments, and other harmful residues. They sometimes over-purify the liquid. This means the machines are made in such a way that they do not allow anything except pure water inside them.
Hence their membranes remove the harmful substances as well the beneficial minerals as well. This makes the liquids coming from them unhealthy for consumption because if you do drink them. They pull the minerals from your body instead of providing hydration to it, thus, leaving you weaker.
On the other hand, Kangen fluids make use of a Kangen alkaline water machine in Gurgaon that works on ionization principles using electrolysis. Even though they do electrically purify the solvent and remove all the external substances from it. They send the liquid to a separate vessel where they add external minerals into it.
Because of this, the alkaline fluid that comes out does not only have a higher pH level. Moreover, it also comes with the requisite healthy minerals to support your body.
Its Effects on Different Health Aspects
One of the primary effects that drinking this solvent has on your overall health and wellbeing. It enhances the functioning of your immune system. This is because when you drink it, its basic nature creates a suitable atmosphere inside your blood to aid the growth of the blood cells, especially the white blood cells (WBCs).
When the WBCs grow effectively, they also become stronger and more effective in fighting back against the harmful bacteria, viruses, infections, germs, and other microorganisms that invade the system to cause harmful consequences.
As a result of this procedure, your immune system works better and is enhanced. This is something that people need today, especially during times of pandemics and pollution. Anything they consume can pose a health risk for them due to the external influence of dangerous microorganisms, germs, pollutants, contaminants, etc.
On top of that, the effect that has attracted researchers and medical experts from all over the world is its influence on bone health. The body undergoes a procedure called bone resorption. The old bone cells get broken down to be replaced with the new ones.
Effect Of Kangen Water On Body
If this process keeps happening, then the bones won’t be able to retain the minerals in them. As per the studies conducted by research centers in Switzerland. The water decreases bone resorption and is way more effective in doing so as compared to calcium water.
This way, the bones have a better mineral density and exhibit better health. Furthermore, because of the above-mentioned presence of vital nutrients, drinking this fluid is very helpful in regulating blood pressure, heart health, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels in your body.
Not only that but this fluid is rich in antioxidants, especially hydrogen. This makes it effective in reducing oxidative damage inside the system. This damage happens due to antioxidant imbalance in the system, which the water takes care to reduce with its composition.
As a result of this, it invigorates you and restores your youth by slowing the aging process and preventing much damage to your skin. There are numerous ways in which you can consume this fluid, be it oral, or in making cuisines, beverages like coffee and tea, or even soups.
You can also clean your fruits and vegetables with it to restore their healthy nature, remove their harmful bacteria, insects, and chemical residue, and reduce the rawness in them to ensure that they get easily cooked!
Besides its health benefits, this alkaline water has other industrial and domestic benefits as well. The most important is its strong cleaning properties. It helps to decrease wastewater production because of its effectiveness.
People need less of the liquid to clean the same floor or utensils now. Furthermore, the liquids coming from Kangen machines also have an option of having a higher pH level such as 11!
It might not be healthy for oral consumption, but it comes with strong anti-bacterial properties. The anti-oxidizing characteristics further enhance your cleaning process in your homes, workplaces, and especially the kitchens and toilets, the places with immense bacterial activity.
No wonder people around the world are going crazy about this solvent!