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How EMS (Employee Monitoring Software) Helps Your Business?

Employee Monitoring Software

EMS customers have access to 5+ different analytical reports that give companies insights into their day-to-day work and provide analytics for many different areas of their business operations.

Our employee monitoring software reports provide our customers with actionable insights and understandably improve quickly.

One of our most popular reports is the web and app usage report. Both managers and employees use this report to understand better where and how they spend their working day. By measuring and analyzing how we spend our time, we gain the insights and cues we need to improve our performance and get better.


What are employee monitoring software web and app usage reports?

The web and app usage report track how much time each user spends on specific websites and applications. This report offers several preset viewing options and can view the data per user or by website and application name. It shows the total working time with a breakdown of how productivity monitoring software can detect productive, unproductive, or neutral websites and applications.

Each view also has options to get more details about how and where the time was spent. The extended web and app usage functions offer even deeper insights by showing which activities or tasks are being processed in these applications or the website’s page titles.


How can this knowledge be put into practice?

Employees can review the tasks and projects associated with their desired role and compare them to their current activities to make adjustments.


How do you use the EMS Web & App usage report?

The web and app usage report can help determine which tasks and tools are considered employee activity monitoring software for the various job roles and teams and create more transparency in work patterns and processes.

Here are 5 Unique Features that you get with EMS:


1. Identify distractions and time-wasters

One of the easiest ways to increase productivity is to reduce the number of distractions during the workday. The web and app usage report shed light on common distractions like social media or YouTube and applications and websites that are usually consider productive but could prevent you from doing your job.


2. Here’s how to make these insights actionable

Managers can quickly determine which websites and apps are distracting team members and establish guidelines accordingly. If a lot of time is spent on social media, setting how many hours per week or month on these websites is acceptable for your business, creating more explicit expectations for team members.

Employees can analyze their most-used applications and compare the time they spend with their task list. This is how they can determine whether these applications are helping them to achieve their goals. For example, Slack and Gmail are work-relate applications and are very important to work, but they do not help conduct research projects.


3. Identify new ways to save costs

The web and app usage report can help companies optimize their resource management and identify new cost-saving opportunities. Resources include everything needed to complete a task, from the skills of the employees to the technical equipment to the number of computers a company has. By closely tracking the efficiency of employee time and activity and technology use, EMS customers can become more profitable and save costs.


4. Here’s how to make these insights actionable

Identify applications that are no longer or rarely used. Get rid of unused seats or licenses to save high costs. See how this company use the web and app usage data to


5. Understanding Work Patterns for Accurate Benchmarking

The web and app usage report is also a valuable tool for identifying high performers’ work patterns and processes. So that executives can create realistic and accurate benchmarks. By discovering what the top performers are spending their time. Managers can create processes and benchmarks for the rest of the team. That are achievable and relate to their goals and KPIs.


Here’s how to make these insights actionable


Identify training opportunities

Knowing which tools and websites are being use the most is important, but knowing how much time is spent makes the Web & App Usage Report even more valuable. Knowing how much time is spent on these tools and comparing them to the benchmarks mention above can help employees and managers identify areas where additional training is needed.

Internet time tracking is essential software that can help management run the business efficiently by tracking the time taken to get a specific task done or work for clients. It is more efficient than manual entry as it minimizes human error and requires fewer person-hours. This software is beneficial when the company has multiple customers and the time spent on each customer is different. The company can effectively manage to invoice and keep track of the time its employees spend on customers.


Transparency of job roles in promotions

For EMS customers who use data across teams, the web and app usage report can help create more transparency. And insight into specific job roles’ expect projects and tasks. When employees get a clearer picture of the expectations and skills require for specific tasks, the promotion they want will be much easier to achieve.

The software has a wide variety of features that, when fully use, can save the company significant time and money. The system enables updates, revisions, and corrections to the project status. Since the system can be outsource, companies can save more resources. Because they do not have to maintain the system themselves and are more flexible. 

In addition, the company can better employee monitoring software costs per project. The planning aspect of the software helps managers keep an organize schedule for each employee. This enables better and more accurate monitoring as well as higher productivity with employee monitoring software. The system allows the user to check the status of each project and other details.


Time Sheet of Employee Work

Web-based timesheets, which are use in web time recording, can allocate the time precisely and efficiently. The software helps manage customers, projects, employees, and branches. The software can create timesheets that can be present to customers as formal evidence of the hours worked. This way, potential conflicts with customers about miscalculations, the delivery of work, and the scheduled time can be avoid. The time tracking feature is also helpful in setting goals base on the complexity of the work, priority, and tariffs of each customer. This task is essential so that the company has an overview of its time and does not overbook.


Final Verdict

The software can allocate the company’s employees’ time and monitor computer activities. Which makes the assignment of daily schedules much better organize. In addition, payroll accounting becomes more accessible and superficial. As it can now record employee times faster and more conveniently with this employee monitoring software.

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