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How to Memorize Process Chart PMP Formula

One of the key features of the PMBOK official guide is the PMP process chart. There are different knowledge areas expanded in every chapter of the PMBOK guide. Therefore, it is essential to know how to memorize the process chart PMP formula thoroughly.

The first thing to remember here is that you must gather the ability to draw the process chart within 15 minutes. This is the goal of memorizing the process chart PMP formula.

Here is a full guideline that you can follow to memorize the process chart without any problem.

How to Memorize Process Chart PMP Formula [4 Key Steps]

Memorizing the process charts could be the most impacting factor in your quest to acquire the PMP certification. But before that, we need to know how to study the charts.

In our daily life, we usually read anything from left to right. This is where the main difference comes. To understand the chart properly, you will have to read them top to bottom. So, you begin with the initiating process and read the whole column and then move on to the next process to continue the similar strategy of reading top to bottom.

Now when it comes to memorizing, there are certain tricks you can follow. Firstly, you can use rhymes to remember the groups and knowledge areas of the chart. Remember all the keywords and the number of keywords under all the processes. Finally, you need to practice daily to draw the process charts before the exam quickly.

In this aspect, here are 4 key steps to memorize the process chart of PMP.

Step 1: Drawing the Chart

The first step to memorization is to draw the chart of the PMP process. The ideal shape of the chart should be 6 by 11. This means that there should be 6 columns and 11 rows.

The key thing here is to draw the chart using pen and paper. You can use an Excel sheet; however, it is definitely not advised. During the actual exam, you will not have access to Excel. Therefore, using pen and paper is the best way to go.

Step 2: Writing All the Process Groups and Knowledge Areas

Along the row, you will have to write the process groups. The columns will be used for writing the knowledge areas.

There are 5 process groups. These are

  • Initiating
  • Planning
  • Executing
  • Monitoring and Controlling
  • and Closing.

You can use a rhyme to memorize the names of the process groups. The first letter of each word from the rhyme can reference the names of the processes by matching with the first letters.

Along the column, you write the knowledge areas. There are 10 knowledge areas. These are

  • Integration
  • Scope
  • Time
  • Cost
  • Quality
  • Human Resources
  • Communications
  • Risk
  • Procurement
  • and Stakeholders

You can again use a rhyme to memorize the names of the knowledge areas.

Step 3: Filling the Corners

In this step, you will have to fill out 4 corners of the chart. This can be tricky. As a result, it is best to memorize which one goes where clearly.

The 4 processes that you have to write down now are:

  • Develop Project Charter
  • Close Project or Phase
  • Identify Stakeholders
  • and Close Procurements.

The first two go on the first and last columns respective beside the Integration process group. Then write the third process on the first column beside the Stakeholder process group. Finally, the last process goes in the last column of the Procurement process group.

Step 4: Filling the Rest of the Boxes

Now your job is to fill the remaining empty boxes with proper amounts of processes. You will need to memorize the number of processes under each knowledge area.

Under the Planning process group, there are a total of 10 knowledge area processes. There are 3 processes under the Manage process group. Then again, 10 processes under the Control process group. You will need to fill out all the groups accordingly to their total number of processes.

Unfortunately, there is no fixed way to memorize the names of the processes under each process group. You can use rhymes or any other strategy to remember the names. Nevertheless, remembering the total number should be your first priority.


Sitting for a PMP certification exam can be scary. Preparing for the exam is even more complex. However, a different strategical approach can guide you towards the successful completion of your goal.

Knowing how to memorize the process chart PMP formula can greatly push you further along your target. Follow the mentioned 4 steps and create your own strategy in memorizing.

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