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How to Prepare for the MCAT Amid COVID-19

prepare for the MCAT

MCAT is heart throbbing for the med school aspirants or the curious students, those who are waiting to get in the med school. Let’s cover some points regarding how to prepare for the MCAT amid COVID-19?


MCAT preparation has always been tough for students due to its difficulty level. Every aspirant is indeed struggling, for getting a good score in MCAT so they can get a ticket to their dream med school.


It requires months of hard work, smart work, and dedication to making it happen. Like every year, thousands of students are indulged, in the preparation of MCAT. But the pandemic Covid-19 hit their dreams as well.


Many students got caught in frustration or depression while many may take it as a golden opportunity. 

This time that has forced the postponement of exams across the globe has provided enough time for the test takers to prepare and get well versed, with their preparation.


Here let’s share, with you some important tips and tricks that will help you prepare for the MCAT amid Covid-19.

This is especially, for those who are wondering what to do with the preparation now? Is everything that I have prepared for unloaded?


Well, the answer is ‘NO,’ we will help you figure out how you can make the most of this time. 


Update your study schedule

Now that you have received new and updated test dates, the foremost thing to do is update your schedule. 

Your new dates will surely give you enough time to brush up on your acquired knowledge. Make sure you add the review and revision time in your updated schedule. Spare some extra time to practice problem-solving.


Take good care of yourself

Again the most important part is to take good mental and physical care of yourself. Everyone is well aware of the pandemic situation, and it is important for us to stay healthy.


Indulge in activities that can strengthen your immunity and keep you fresh indoors. Start exercising, meditation, learn a new skill, or practice your hobby. All this is a must to, keep your mind fresh and healthy. After your healthy mind will only help you through your exams.


Avoid distractions

While everyone is home during this period of a pandemic involving distractive activities is 100 times easier now. Make sure you work on avoiding this. 

Even in your break time, make sure you spend time working on your skills, hobbies, or doing something productive. These productive activities will help you stay active for more time without getting distracted.


Revise and Review your Notes


As the exams have got postponed for quite a good time you have enough of it to revise and review the notes, that you prepared for your MCAT exams preparation. 


Revision helps in the retention of knowledge for a longer period of time. It also helps you in getting familiar with the unfamiliar concepts and expanding the knowledge base.


Along with revision, you also have got enough time to memorize it or dive a little deeper in the concept which holds more importance in MCAT.  


Solve countless problem sets


Yes, this is the ‘must do,’ of all of them. Solving problem sets give you better exposure to the test environment and improves your speed as well. As we all have heard through our life that ‘practice makes a man perfect.’ 

You will get plenty of problem sets from each lesson, and solving them will help you nourish the concepts you have learned.


The practice of problem set solving will also give you good exposure to the types and format of questions that will be asked in the exam. 


Watch as many video lessons as you can

Covid – 19 has been providing ample time to invest in study methods that require more time. Learning from video lessons is one of the best ways to grasp a larger amount of knowledge.

A busy schedule might not support video learning in everyday routine, but it is a convenient option. But this is your chance to make the most of the given time.


According to a psychological study, it has been found that a human brain processes video material 60,000 times when compared with text. It not just help you in effective self-learning but also enhance and keep your concentration intact.


Get your study companions online

You might surely be having your study mates, along with whom you studied previously. Due to the pandemic, we all are caged, at homes across the world. But you can make the most of the internet. Get all your study mates on a video call to learn together.


Conduct problem-solving sessions. One of the best ways of learning is teaching. Teach the harder, topics to your friends so can nail them in your memory.

As we have discussed in the above post that we can prepare for the MCAT amid COVID-19. These points can help you with your exam preparations.

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