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How to Remove a Post from | Remove Copyright Content

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Some website forums provide a safe place to discuss problems, but unfortunately, people misuse the forum to benefit themselves in a sketchy way. In the case that you find yourself trying to remove copyright content or a post from, read and use the valuable information and links in this article to steer you toward relief.

What is is a free website where people can go to share information regarding scams going on in all areas. You might think that scams happen only with businesses, but according to this site, scams are going on in multiple industries and amongst different groups of people. Some of the top chat thread topics on the home page are Political Scams, MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) Scams, Religious Scams, and Work at Home Scams.

Some of the chat forums also contain conspiracy posts about religion, government, and corporations.

Within the chat threads, people can ask questions about specific companies as to whether they are a scam or legitimate. Other people utilize the chat space for reporting scams that they have discovered themselves. is a massive website for reporting, and it has thousands of posts by all. could be an interesting site to use for learning about conspiracies, and you could utilize some posts for knowing which companies to avoid. However, be aware that not everyone posting on the internet is genuine and truthful. Some people out there will post about a business being a scam just to drive customers to their own competitor company. Reputation means everything with gaining a following.

If you have a genuine business that does not scam people and yet has a bad post by someone on, that could dissuade customers from using your services. Whether the person making the commentary is out for your reputation or they simply had a bad experience and miscommunication caused them to have a grudge, there is a way to remove a post.

What is Online Defamation / Cyber Libel?

You must understand that posting false information on the internet does not always fly without restraint. Online defamation (also called cyber libel) is a serious matter, and you absolutely can take action against it.

Cyber libel directly describes a situation where someone posts misleading information online about a person or a business and then, in effect, that false information causes negative changes in reputation. The person must have malintent when making the accusations or have knowledge of the actual truth and recklessly disregard it.

In cyber libel cases, you must prove that the person’s online statements were false and how they affected you or your business. It is not always an easy process, especially if you do not have help.

Why is it Difficult to Remove Content from

It is difficult to remove content from all scam review sites, not just No matter how misleading information is, people can say whatever they want online. However, in some situations, there is a way to pull back on accusatory statements and fix a damaged reputation. But why is it so difficult to remove content from websites like

The first thing you must recognize as a barrier is section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. We will discuss the details of the Act in a moment.

As we have seen with other legal actions, this section of the Communications Decency Act helps website hosts. Still, it ends up having a side effect for people or businesses that are wrongfully targeted.

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act

Section 230 specifies that third-party content publishers cannot be held responsible for the content of their users. This Act protects the owners of the website so that no matter what someone says about you, no matter how untrue, it cannot get the website host in trouble. And that is part of the reason why it is hard to get content removed because they do not have or want direct involvement.

Fair Use

Fair use allows for unlicensed use of copyright-protected works in certain circumstances. When someone takes your copyrighted content and uses it on, they have a chance to get away with it because of fair use. Fair use is a good thing for people who want to express themselves on the internet and reference other content, but unfortunately, people take advantage of it and try to get away with passing copyright infringement as just fair use content. This makes it exceedingly difficult to rid of misleading statements about you.

Many factors can determine if the material counts as “fair use” or not, such as the:

  1. Purpose and character of the use
  2. Nature of the copyrighted work
  3. Amount of copyrighted material used
  4. Effects of the used copyright

How to Use DMCA to Remove Copyright Content from

A DMCA notice is an effective way to take down copyright content from a website. You can send a notification of claimed copyright infringement to the designated agent of the site. But before sending this type of notification, you will need to gather some information and organize it in writing. You must also own the copyrights to the content you want to be taken down; otherwise, they cannot do anything about it.

Some of the information that needs to be in the DMCA notice is:

  1. Electronic signature of the copyright owner
  2. Identification of your original content
  3. Description of the content you wish to take down for copyright infringement
  4. Your contact information – address, phone number, email address
  5. A written statement that you have good faith belief that the person infringing is not the owner of the copyright and has no authorization
  6. Another statement confirming the information is accurate under penalty of perjury

All these elements MUST be in the DMCA, or they could get overlooked or automatically become denied. Visit to see a more detailed list and what each point needs exactly. You can also search the DMCA Designated Agent Directory to help you find the right agent for which you will send the DMCA notice. That agent will then handle the removal of the website’s infringing content.

Make sure to double-check through everything before sending it and consider seeking a second opinion, as well. Reputation management services online are a great option if you do not know what you are doing. They can complete the hard work for you and help to avoid expensive legal fees that would come with using a lawyer.

How to Remove a Post on

Ultimately, you will want to hire someone to help get content removed from Between the technicalities in the DMCA notice and the cost of hiring a lawyer and communicating with them about everything, it is a lot easier to use a reputation management company.

Reputation Rhino is known as one of the best online reputation management services in the world and also a rising name in the market of online reputation, digital marketing, web designing, etc. In addition to online public relations, the company provides profile optimization, and content marketing to help improve your online reputation and remove a negative post on

About Author

William Jones is an Online marketing specialist and consultant with more than 15 years of experience in marketing. His expertise in marketing includes website design, email marketing, SEO, blogging, PPC, social media marketing, and reputation management for businesses.

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