How to Respond to Birthday Wishes? – Looking for Better Ideas
Birthday – An Occasion of Joy

How to Respond to Birthday Wishes? – Looking for Better Ideas
Many people wish us our birthday in the loveliest possible manner. This is an expression of their love for us. But how to respond to those birthday wishes? Grammpa wishes have got answers for you. Here we go!
Birthday – An Occasion of Joy
Birthday is a special occasion for all of us. It is a day of revisiting our plans, looking in retrospect into things that we need to revise or continue and make a lot of decisions. It tells us of how we have spent our past years and what we need to do ahead. People care about you and show their care on this day. They send you birthday wishes, and each of them shows what they think about you.
The medium by which they wish you the birthday is different. Some might do it by sending a letter, others do it via text message, while some may share their good wishes via social media. These messages are accompanied by gifts that your acquaintances think you deserve. But how to respond to their messages and love is something that you need to think about.
Birthdays become special days because of the impression that our loved ones leave on our minds. It is the appreciation and continuity of those emotions that matters. You need to be caring towards what your loved ones feel for you. You need to respond to them in the manner in which they did to you.
How People Wish You Birthday
As said earlier, people might wish you in different manners. Some wish it using social media, showing their love not only to you but to your and their circle as well. Some send the birthday note accompanied by a gift. This needs a proper response to tell them that you value their efforts. Be sure that your thanks don’t fall short of what they have expressed for you.
The most convenient method of wishing birthdays these days is via messaging apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, etc. These apps not only let you share the message, but you can add stickers, emojis, and pictures to the message you want to share.
Most of our birthday wishes come through this medium nowadays. It has made communication convenient and easy. You don’t need to have a balance to contact someone; the only requirement is an active internet connection. There is also no restraint of being in a specific area or territory. Your message gets conveyed in a few moments.
The second most convenient medium to convey someone’s birthday wishes is using your mobile phone’s network. You either text someone or greet them using a phone call. Both of these are convenient; the only thing that matters is the level of intimacy.
Some send you birthday gifts and wishes via mail/courier service. Though seemingly traditional and old-fashioned, this medium is the most loved. Most of us like to be wished in a unique manner—mail or courier show how our loved ones care for us.
Now, when they have fulfilled their responsibility, it’s our turn to reciprocate it. How we do is a matter of significance. This reciprocation will either strengthen or weaken our relationship with them. This is our prudency to strengthen it, and it can be done in the form of appreciation of their efforts. This can be done in different manners.
Appreciation of their Efforts
To appreciate someone’s efforts, you need to respond in words of equal weight. There are some unwritten terms to reciprocate someone’s love. Here are some of these.
- Using the Same Medium
Use the same medium to say thanks to the person who has wished you a birthday. If they have wished it using social media, do the same and express your gratitude. If they have sent you a courier, use the same courier medium. This way, they will feel that you think about them and treat them on equal terms. This not only strengthens the bonds but gives your relationship a new dimension.
Also, try to send someone a recognition in the form of a small gift if they have sent you one. Make your loved ones feel that you care about them.
- In-Person Gratitude
If someone has wished you a birthday, then you must ensure that you say thanks to them in person. Posting a story on Facebook, Messenger, or WhatsApp won’t work. Instead, you have to say thanks to everyone to make them feel that their sentiments were valued.
In case you don’t do so, they will feel that their efforts don’t matter, and you don’t care about them. To avoid such incidents, be sure that you connect with people personally. At least dropping a message in a personal inbox won’t cost you anything.
So, make small efforts, and these will have big impacts. Life is all about caring and making them feel it.
- Go for Specifics
If someone has wished you or has sent you a gift. Mention the specifics in the gratitude. This will show that you have checked it and feel humbled for it. Tell them about the details of it and show that you feel the same. This strengthens the relationship and makes both feel comfortable.
These small gestures look insignificant, but this is how we form strong bonds with our fellow beings.
- Make sure to tell what they want to Hear.
People tell you what they love to talk about you. In the same manner, they expect you to say good words about them. Think about what you find good in them and convey it in the form of your message.
- Putting your heart on the Paper
Better jot down the best feelings you have for the wishing persons. Write them in the form of messages, appreciation notes, and social media updates. This will make them feel good, and they will extend their good wishes to you in the future as well. These are small investments in good relationships.
Making the Bond Stronger
Life is about making happy bonds stronger. These are the people who will stand by you when you are going through hard times. Life is about caring and makes people care for you.