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How to save electricity when using the air conditioner

When the summer ends and the electricity bill arrive for the hottest months, it is normal to put your hands on your head. Its amount is astronomical, largely due to the high energy consumption of air conditioner systems. However, with rational use of this type of air conditioning, it is possible to be cool at home without spending too much. This year, after the continued rise in the price of electricity and with the rise in VAT, it is more important than ever to follow a series of savings guidelines that are detailed below, so that in September no one is left frozen when receiving the bill from the light.

The air conditioning, in its proper measure

Air conditioning is not always used efficiently. The high temperatures that mercury reaches during the summer in some areas of Spain make air conditioning essential, but, commonly, cooling the house means that the thermostat is set well below what is recommended.

Just as there are people who in winter are at home with the heating on maximum and in a T-shirt, there are those who want to be cold in summer and do not even mind wearing a long-sleeved garment. This is not good for your health or your pocketbook, and it is not good for the environment either. With the right choice and purchase and a series of simple habits, it is possible to be at home at an appropriate temperature without being overheated, and at the same time, save energy.

  1.  Buy an efficient team.

People who still do not have air conditioning at home and need it are in time to acquire an appliance that consumes less electricity.

The energy label is also useful to differentiate between the most efficient air conditioning systems. Those in class A are those with the lowest consumption followed by B, C until reaching the least sustainable. It is convenient to know that efficient equipment uses up to 60% less electricity than one with high consumption that offers the same benefits. Summer after summer, the savings of buying good equipment pays off.

To encourage efficient air conditioning systems, some autonomous communities subsidize the replacement of less sustainable appliances by others with a class A energy label through the Remove Plan. Whoever intends to purchase one of these systems should first inquire in their region if they can benefit from these aids, which can reach up to 30% of the total cost of the air conditioner.

  1.  Let yourself be advised by the experts.

The largest equipment, with more power and more frigories, is not always the most suitable for all houses. You have to take into account the size of the room in which it will be placed, the orientation of the house or the cooling needs of the floor. Acquiring equipment over what you need can be a higher and ongoing expense.

As a guideline, to cool a surface area of ​​15 square meters requires a power of 1.5 kW and for one of 30 meters, 2.4kW is enough.

It may not be necessary for all rooms to have air conditioning either. In the rooms that are used less or in those in which the temperature is lower, air conditioning can be dispensed with.

People who sell or install air conditioner daily know what the needs of each house are based on the parameters that the user indicates.

  1.  Place the air conditioning equipment in the right place.

The ideal thing is to install the air conditioner so that the sun gives it as little as possible and in places where there is good air circulation. This also affects them spending less. In the USA they indicate that if the condensing units are on a roof, it is convenient to cover them with a shading system. Nor should they be located next to other appliances that give a lot of heat or near light bulbs.

According to the experts, it is not advisable to refrigerate several rooms with a single piece of equipment because the cost will be higher and the temperature reached will not be the most appropriate either.

  1.  Attention to the thermostat.

Setting the air thermostat to a suitable temperature is one of the gestures with which you can obtain greater savings. In the Arkansas they consider that in summer, by wearing fewer clothes and being lighter, the comfort temperature of a house is 26ºC. Other organizations advise keeping the room between 22 and 25ºC. You also have to regulate the humidity values, which must be between 40% and 60%.

It is very common that, for the room to cool down quickly, when turning on the appliance a very low temperature is chosen. This causes overspending and unnecessary consumption. Some computers come with systems that allow the room to cool slightly (such as “powerful mode”) if it is too hot in the room. In any case, a difference of more than 12ºC between the temperature of the street and that of the interior is not healthy.

Another extreme to take into account is that for each degree that the thermostat is lowered, the air conditioning uses 8% more electricity. If you do the math, a suitable temperature can save you a lot throughout the summer.

  1.  Turn on the air only when necessary.

Sometimes, out of habit, the first thing you do when you get home is turn on the air conditioning. If the goal is to spend less, on not too hot days you can choose other alternatives.

  1.  Turn off the computer for a while before leaving.

If the room is left for a long time or goes outside, it is advisable to remove the air conditioning in advance. The cool will remain in the room for ten minutes or a quarter of an hour. If it is turned off just as you leave, that time will have been wasted and energy will have been used inefficiently.

  1.  Do not leave it on by mistake.

Although it seems obvious, some people forget to turn off the air conditioning. Although it is less and less frequent due to the high price of electricity, it is a failure that continues to occur from time to time. If several hours pass, when you return home, in addition to finding it frozen, your consumption will have skyrocketed.

The air conditioner that have people detectors and if there is no one in the room they turn off by themselves. In some cases, it is advisable to activate this system to avoid unnecessary consumption.

  1.  Close the doors and windows.

It is another of the habits that help you save. If interior doors are kept open, fresh air will flow into hallways or rooms that are not being used. In this way, it will neither completely cool the room you are trying to cool nor reach the other rooms, thereby wasting energy.

With the windows it is even worse because the air that enters is hot and the one that leaves is cold, so the appliance will have to make a greater effort.

  1.  Conditioning the home.

Numerous elements contribute to a cooler home without the need for electricity. Awnings, blinds, pergolas or curtains block the sunlight and prevent the house from heating up. When possible, it is advisable to have the blinds lowered and the house almost in semi-darkness to achieve a more comfortable temperature.

If the house is always very hot and the owners are thinking about painting the walls, it is advisable to choose light tones because they reflect light and prevent the house from heating up.

  1. Ventilate in cool hours.

You can take advantage of the cool outside to cool the house. In the early hours of the morning or after four in the morning the temperature is lower. It will then be the best time to open the windows and let the air in.

  1. Clean the equipment.

If they accumulate dirt or dust, the filters become clogged, the performance of the system is reduced and therefore the energy consumption is higher. It is recommended to clean the filters regularly so that the air conditioner reaches its maximum efficiency.

  1. Use fans.

In areas where the temperature is not too high or on less hot summer days, the air conditioning can be replaced by a fan. According to the Rood Inc, HVAC experts, the movement of the air produces a sensation of a drop in temperature of between three and five degrees. Its energy consumption is very low and, in addition, it avoids allergies and discomfort that can arise if the air conditioning is not controlled properly. If it is not possible to replace it, alternating the use of both devices can also save on the bill.

  1. Replace the air conditioning with evaporative systems.

Evaporative systems are devices that make a current of air pass through a tray filled with water. When it evaporates, it moistens the room and cools it. They lower the temperature by a few degrees and are suitable for dry regions. Although they do not achieve the same refrigeration as air conditioning, they can help to cool the environment in places where the temperature is not particularly high. Its consumption is also very low.


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