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How To Used Viral Slang Word

Dummy Thicc

Dummy Thicc Slang Word – How to Use the Power of Viral Media

One of the most popular things you’ll find on Twitter is the so-called “dummy Thicc”. This is a term that refers to a tweet that starts out like this… “I don’t know what I’m supposed to be tweeting about, but it looks like I wrote something about the n-word. It’s a live feed from the Twitterverse. Apparently, this particular ‘live’ feed has been going for weeks now. It has yet to become a mainstream phenomenon in the social media world, but it has its fair share of followers.

So how did this little blurb about a word get so much traction?

A number of people attribute its popularity to the fact that a lot of the younger Twitter users used to post humorous things.

It is very easy to laugh at a joke and delete the account. But it is more difficult to delete an offensive tweet, especially one that is used to get millions of people to misread the words on your status update.

It is also possible that the dummy Thicc was simply chosen at random by a bored troll who wanted to create a word search word that would bring in a lot of traffic.

In the past few years, the use of Twitter has really increased in popularity among teenagers and young adults.

Many high school and college students have been found to be using social media sites every single day. As a result, many new slang words have emerged that teens are now using on their Twitter accounts.

Viral Slang Word

This particular ‘viral’ word phrase became a huge success on Twitter within a very short time.

The ‘dummy’ Thicc became a term that people used to describe people on social media sites.

Some other people started using it as well. It wasn’t long before the phrase spread like wildfire on other forms of social media.

With the recent merger of Yahoo and Bing, people might not be able to avoid the usage of the term in their search results. In fact, a search for ‘dummy’ on MSN brings up about 6.5 million results.

Benefit Of Viral Word

While it is true that the phrase dummy thicc is a great idea, it’s just a marketing term that has no place on the internet. It doesn’t mean anything.

It is an arbitrary word that someone thought up to describe people on the internet. The phrase is very vague, and it could mean literally anything.

Even if someone uses the term ‘dummy thicc, they’re really just using a phrase that could be applied to any situation on the web.

Attract Audience

If you go on Twitter and search for the term ‘dummy viral’ you’ll come across a bunch of different variations of the term.

Some are more appropriate to certain situations on the web. When it comes to marketing on social media, you want to make sure you’re being as specific as possible with your campaigns.

By doing this, it makes it much easier to reach your audience. No matter what you’re selling on the web, you should try to stay as generic as possible.


To use as an example, let’s say you sell an eBook about home repair.

If you were to make your own dictionary of slang terms related to home repair, you could come up with the following list of options.

You could include such slang terms as ‘hot potato,’ ‘hammer knee,’ or ‘tough love.’ The first two would be perfect for describing a situation where an individual is mad about something and they have to deal with a hot potato at the end of it.

The third option, ‘tough love,’ could be used if you were trying to get somebody to do something they don’t want to do.

For instance, you might offer a free e-book to anybody who will join your Facebook page. If you do not receive any responses, you simply have to create another offer and send it out to your network again. ‘Viral’ is a relative term that is used in social media marketing because it spreads like a virus.

By offering something for free, it helps to trigger the curiosity of your target audience and they will begin to spread it throughout their network. This is how a good ‘Viral Marketing’ campaign starts.


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