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Importance of ISO Certification 14000 for environment protection

There are several ISO certification worldwide but ISO 14000 family of standards are concerned with the matters related to environment.

What do you mean by the ISO 14000 family of standards?

ISO 14000 family of standards, also known as environmental management system globally, has been developed by ISO with an intention to help organizations certified to it in the following matters

  • Bring a decrease in the operations they perform that hamper the important aspects of the environment such as air, land, water, etc.
  • Bring them in compliance with the laws, regulations, and various requirements that are related to the environment
  • Help them in the improvement of the various points mentioned above

ISO 14000 and ISO 9000, both are alike to each other in the fact that both of these available ISO Certification in Delhi and many other places in India have the common procedure of production of products. In the case of ISO 9001, ISO isn’t responsible for providing certification to the organizations willing to, third-party certification bodies are assigned the task. There are two audit standards i.e. ISO 19011 and ISO 17021, that are applicable during the performance of audits.

ISO certification 14001 has several requirements which are vital aspects of EMAS. The full form of EMAS is the European Union’s Eco-Management and Audit Scheme. The structure and materials of EMAS demand several things such as improvement in the performance of the organizations, being in compliance with legal, and duties of reporting. At present, ISO 14001 has ISO 14001:2015 version. ISO 14001 is called ISO 14001:2015 because it was released in September of 2015.

What are the various standards included under the ISO 14000 family of standards?

There are several ISO standards that are included under the ISO 14000 family of standards. They have been listed below:

  • ISO 14001 – It is responsible for providing various requirements along with proper guidance for utilization
  • ISO 14004 – It provides general guidelines necessary for the implementation
  • ISO 14005- It is responsible for providing various guidelines for approaching the phased implementation in a flexible manner
  • ISO 14006- It provides guidelines for incorporation of eco-designing
  • ISO 14015- It is responsible for the environmental assessment of sites and organizations
  • ISO 14020 to ISO 14025– It provides various environmental labels as well as declarations
  • ISO 14030- It green bonds the performance of various nominated projects as well as assets that are related to the environment and it is also responsible for discussion of post-production of assessment of the environment
  • ISO 14031- It is responsible for providing various guidelines necessary for the evaluation of the performance of the environment
  • ISO 14040 to 14049- It is responsible for the assessment of the life-cycle, discussion of the pre-production planning as well as setting of the environmental goals
  • ISO 14050- It looks after vocabulary, terms as well as definitions
  • ISO/TR 14062- It is responsible for the integration of various environmental aspects for designing as well as the development of the products
  • ISO 14063- It is responsible for providing various guidelines and examples for the purpose of environmental communication
  • ISO 14064- It is assigned with the task of measurement, quantification, and reduction of several greenhouse gases emissions

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