Issues that can occur in your MacBook and can be repair at Apple MacBook Repair Centres in Delhi,NCR
Here's the problem that appear in MacBook and best Service Centres in Delhi.

1. Liquid Damage Repair
Liquid damage is bad because it corrodes the system boards inside the machine when the liquid meets an electrical current. If the system has no power, it can’t burn out. Therefore it is required to contact the professional technicians if there is any liquid damage in your MacBook or MacBook Pro or MacBook Air.
2. Logic Board reconstruction
There are different reasons of damage of your MacBook Logic Board .The causes of a logic board failure are physical damage, age, overheating, and liquid spills. If one component fails usually the whole motherboard fails. So if you face any problem regarding your logic board in your MacBook just contact Apple MacBook Repair Centre in Delhi, NCR.
3. Screen & Glass Replacement
One of the common repair requests is screen replacement. The result of drop of your MacBook is a cracked screen,Black screen, which makes your Apple MacBook almost unusable.
4. Mac data recovery
a.Physical issues
The physical Damage can be occur by some reasons such as water damage, heavy drop and so on.
b.Electronic issues
If your Mac often suffers power outages or surges, the electronic components within the hard drive definitely die.
c. Logical Reasons
- Unintentional Formatting
- Overwritten Data
- Operating System Corruption
- File Directory Damage From a Virus
d. Accidental Human Errors
The most common reason of loss of data in your MacBook is your own mistakes. For example, you may delete some of your files by mistake, or format your mac hard drive by accident and so on.
5.RAM Issues
This problem of your MacBook not turning up might be due to the Ram problems. You can understand this if your Mac beeps three times while starting up, with a black screen and suddenly getting dead. As its Solution, unfortunately, a faulty RAM leaves you with no other option other than replacing the logic board or the motherboard of the MacBook itself. Since the RAM is soldered onto the logic board so, in order to fix the issue of the MacBook not powering up, you will need to replace the board itself.
6.Bad Power Adapter
Another cause of the issue of MacBook not starting up can be due to the power adapter being bad. If your power adapter is bad, then your device won’t charge thus leaving your battery to lose its charge completely which will turn off the device while working. The MacBook Air comes with a special adaptor with an angled connector. Here, in order to diagnose the bad power adapter, the battery has to have a good amount of charge in it. In other words, the battery’s charge is too low then the diagnosis of the adapter would be difficult. To test whether the power adapter is problematic or not, borrow either a fully working battery or a power adapter and use it in your MacBook Air. If you still face the same issue then the problem is in the MacBook Air logic board or the motherboard and in order to fix this issue you will need to replace the motherboard itself.
7.Thermal Sensor Issues
The thermal sensor issue on the MacBook Air may also be responsible as to why the system won’t turn on. You will know this if you find that the fans are running at high RPMs and yet the laptop is not booting. In this case, it should be certain that there is a problem with the Thermal Sensor. In order to fix this issue, the logic board or the motherboard of the MacBook Air should be replaced as the MacBook Airs house the thermal sensors on the logic board.
8.Bad Operating System
A bad operating system is one of the greatest cause of the issue of MacBook Air showing a flashing question mark on startup when you start the computer. In this case to fix the issue, first, try booting off an OS CD. Run Apple’s Disk Utility and try to repair the disk. If this fails, then you will need to reinstall your operating system. If you can, erase the hard drive before reinstalling the OS.
9.Dead Battery
The cause of this problem of MacBook Air turning off when the charger is disconnected is mainly due to a dead battery. If your laptop’s battery is dead then your computer will run fine when it is running using a power adaptor but will immediately turn off when the power adaptor is unplugged.
You should not hand over your device to a service centre without finding out its repair cost. Most reputable centres inform you about the damages and the total repair cost and begin the repair process only after you have agreed to it. You must ask for a breakdown of the estimated total cost.Apple laptop repair is one of the best and reputed MacBook repair centre in Delhi, NCR.Just visit here or call for any Query related to your MacBook.