JEE is one of the toughest exam in India. Guidance is Important to crack JEE | JEE Classes In Nashik
IIT- JEE Classes In Nashik is not easy as one thinks it would be. IIT-JEE preparation requires a lot of hard work and dedication. So the question which arises is How to start with IIT-JEE preparation?

The best way To Start IIT-JEE Preparation?
How To Start with IIT-JEE Preparation?
IIT-JEE Preparation
IIT- JEE Classes In Nashik is not easy as one thinks it would be. IIT-JEE preparation requires a lot of hard work and dedication. So the question which arises is How to start with IIT-JEE preparation?
You have understood the mechanism behind each and every concept unlike 10th class/grade where one can mug up and clear exams with good grades.
In 10th grade one can study a day before exams and still get decent result but in IIT-JEE this case does not stand a chance, you have to study and complete your homework daily and remember the concept in such a way that even in sleep you can recall the concept.
You have left all the distractions in order to save time and focus on your solo goal IIT/NIT.
This was brief on the difference between what you were doing till now and what you are going to do.
so How To Start with IIT-JEE Preparation?
To start with JEE preparation you have to select a Coaching Institute
Since Coaching Institutes have a competitive environment that will help you develop your skill and interaction with different students will make you learn new concepts.
In Order to select a Coaching Institute in Kota, I have already posted about the best coaching institutes in Kota. link-
After joining coaching institute you are assigned batches in which you are going to study these batches have periodic shuffling of students according to their Cumulative ranks. Teachers will be assigned to batches to teach their specialized subjects.
Follow these tips to ace in coaching institutes:-
These tips will lead you on the path of success for sure
- Listen to each and every point carefully said by the teacher:- Listening is the most important part when you are in the coaching classroom. If you listen carefully the concept will store automatically in your brain and you won’t have to put extra effort into the time revision. This will save your time and efforts.
- Notes making should be perfect: Notes are the most important thing since you are going to study from them for the next 2 years. So prepare notes in such a way that if you read those notes after 2 years you get a flashback of the whole class in your mind. Not even the smallest point as straight shot questions are asked in JEE paper too.
- Have a Good Circle: In coaching institute and hostel friend circle matters a lot, whenever you need help in a concept there should be people who will help you selflessly and make you learn new concepts and tricks instead of destroying competition.
- Daily Revision: After the classes are over revise what is being taught in class so that the concepts get framed in your mind and you do not have to open notes again and again while solving homework questions. This will save you time and feel relaxed a day before the Coaching test.
- Homework: Solve daily homework on that day itself, if you don’t solve it on that very day the backlog will start increasing and you won’t be able to ask doubts while homework discussion in class. Your first priority should be your homework and revision. If you do revision properly homework will be easy for you and remember backlog is one of the major reasons behind failure in JEE.
6.Tests: Periodic tests are conducted in coaching institutes which gives you a proper feel of JEE. Questions are not that easy as being provided in your coaching materials so that you improve your question handling skills. Most of the questions conceptual and tricky but can be solved with the knowledge provided in the classroom. The test is for your self-assessment So that you learn from your mistakes and not repeat them in the future.
Best Books For IIT-JEE Preparation:-
Books play a major role during the JEE preparation
- I.E Irodov(Not recommended for JEE Main )
This book is strongly recommended for JEE Advanced, not for JEE Main students as this Book contain the questions which require high thought level process, deep understanding of concept and Interlinking of various concept Which makes it toughest and best book for IIT-JEE.
1.This book has approximately no theory it has only questions.
It is advised not to solve each and every problem of IE Irodov as many problems are beyond the scope of IIT-JEE. That is why My Coaching Institute VIBRANT ACADEMY provided a list of all the problems which were important from the IIT-JEE point of view.
- H.C Verma & University of physics:
Both books give you Theory and questions. The theoretical part of both the books are of the same level and is enough for JEE Main and Advanced. These books give you a feel of the topics, which is the most important part required to solve physics.
The level of question is also the same in both books. There are questions of all variety easy, moderate and
The only difference b/w these two is of practical knowledge. University of physics contains more practical knowledge than HCV. Both Books are Best for JEE Main physics.
- Cengage B.M Sharma
These books are according to JEE Main and Advanced topics if you want to study on your own these books are best for you.
These Books have a good amount of theory and an easily understandable way of writing.
Heat and thermodynamics require good knowledge of theory so this is highly recommended for theory.
It’s an awesome resource for quality problems and a must-have for self-study students who are serious. It will help you clear all the concepts which are taught in coaching. Coaching guys can use it as extra practice. This is a must solution for self-study guys if you wanna crack JEE(Advanced). It has really nice problems and theory.
This subject has different books for different topics But some books have good questions for all the topics.
This book is enough for JEE and One of the Best book for JEE Main and Advanced
In my time I used to hear that if you solve this book sincerely you will surely score 80+ in JEE Advanced and Full Score in JEE Main
This book contains Tricky and highly conceptual problems(JEE Advanced)
These Books Listed are Best Books for JEE Main Chemistry and JEE Advanced Chemistry
Chemistry requires more theoretical knowledge than any other subject in the JEE syllabus.
Books play important role in JEE chemistry.
Again, like mathematics, Chemistry is best taught by Coaching classes. It would be best if you try to get your hands on them.
Still, for self-study guys, I would suggest you go for popular books on the subject, like the ones given below, for theory. There is no good book of Physical Chemistry for the theory known to me, but you can go for P. Bahadur for problems.
I have mentioned a few more books below, which I heard are good(I mostly studied foreign author books and my coaching sheets. You can again follow Cengage or Arihant series if you are studying on your own.
For Organic chemistry questions, the undisputed king of books is
M.S Chouhan Sir’s book this book is enough to score nearly full marks in JEE organic chemistry.
More then enough amount of question, Each and every reaction is covered and
- For theory, few students prefer foreign author books For Ex :1. L.G wade 2. Morrison Boyd 3. Paula BruiceThese books are not preferred for a JEE student as these contain par JEE level. These Books Have many unwanted reactions that may deviate from JEE Main and Advanced path
But the Best Book for chemistry is our one and only NCERT.
Believe me, all the toppers read and memories NCERT as questions are asked directly from it.
Questions come straight shot from Ncert in JEE Main
Topics which give you marks in less hard work :
The question comes surely from these topics every year in JEE Main
Surface chemistry.
Chemistry in everyday life.
Environmental chemistry( ppm concentration gives 1 question every time injEE Main).
Magnetism & Matter.
Electromagnetic Waves.
Surface Tension.
Communication system.
Error and measurement.
Mathematical Reasoning.
Set theory.
Height and Distance.
This topic will give you an advantage over the Lakhs of others for sure.
If you prepare these chapters sincerely, Nobody is taking your 40 marks from you
- Inorganic chemistry
The best book for Inorganic chemistry is NCERT. It is more than enough for JEE mains and for advanced it is sufficient. You will be able to solve 80%+ questions in Advanced if you have a grasp of NCERT.
Physical chemistry is like physics it requires both concept and calculations.
some good books for physical chemistry are :
Narendra Awasthi sir’s Book
This book has a level-wise problem 1st level contains an easy question
2nd or 3rd level have Good, Though and conceptual problems
A good book for JEE Aspirant.
This book is divided into levels, it makes you beginner to pro of Physical chemistry
hence you will be able to solve every problem in JEE Main and Advanced without any doubt.
2.R.S Mukherjee
Is also a good book for physical chemistry.
These are the books which were referred to me and I personally solved these book (almost):
1.I.E Irodov(discussed in my institute)(Not for JEE Main only for JEE Advanced)
2.University of physics (Nitin Jain sir’s(my teacher) book)(For Both JEE Main and Advanced)
3.Cengage of optics and thermo, waves. (Must For JEE Main)
4.BlackBook(must)(Vikas Gupta sir’s(my teacher) book)(JEE Advanced only but Must)
S.L looney for Trigonometry(JEE Main only)
Hall& knight for Higher Algebra(For Both JEE Main and Advanced)
G.N Berman for Integration(MUST)***(For both JEE Main and Advanced)
these were discussed in my institute VIBRANT academy
- M.S Chouhan (MUST)(Seen Questions arrive even in JEE Main and advanced From this book )
- NCERT(chemistry)
- Narendra Awasthi sir’s Physical chemistry. ((MUST)(Seen Questions arrive even in JEE Main and advanced From this book ))
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