Our body features many joints, and one of the most important is the knee joint. The knee joint is a complicated network of bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Our joints are vulnerable to injuries and ailments that may lead to pain and discomfort. Some of the most common issues with the knee are arthritis, torn ligaments, or gout. People suffering from these medical issues have difficulty movement and must be aware of Knee Pain Relief by Climbing Stairs.
Knee Pain Relief by Climbing Stairs
Strengthening the knee is an effective method to avoid or deal with knee issues. A simple recommended exercise includes walking up and down the stairs.
Here are the Benefits of Moving Up and Down Stairs
If the muscles surrounding the knee are strengthened, it will automatically reduce the pressure on the joint. The muscles around the knee include the quadriceps (at the front of thigh) and hamstring (back of thigh). When you climb stairs, these muscles work jointly and get exercised. A person’s weight makes moving on stairs a good challenge for the knee.
Climbing stairs is also an effective exercise to manage body weight. Climbing the stairs for just five minutes can burn 45 calories. Hence, performing this activity five times a week can burn 225 calories. And if you continue this exercise for 50 weeks, you can utilize 11,250 calories. So, by doing this activity regularly, you can lose many pounds of weight.
An overweight person exerts extra pressure on the knees and burns calories that can reduce the extra stress and regulate knee pain going upstairs.
Some Guidance
For most people, stair climbing is one of the convenient and safest exercises. People who want to recover their knees can opt for a knee rehab program. For this, they must consult a specialist or trainer. These professionals will guide you on how many steps are ideal for your workout routine and help you lose weight fast. Overworking can cause knee pain going downstairs, so you need to be very careful.
If you wish to choose a stair-climbing workout, you must discuss with your doctor or trainer the symptoms that are caused due to stressing the joint. A minor pain caused due to good muscle exercise is acceptable. If you experience piercing pain, it might indicate serious issues. In this condition, you must pause exercising and get the condition treated.
This exercise might be pretty challenging for heart or lung patients. Shortness of breath or pounding the heart while exercising should not be ignored. You must immediately consult a doctor. For instance, if you are suffering from a coronary heart ailment and practice stair exercise, you must pay attention to how your body responds to various exercises.
You must understand that not stair climbing exercises can treat all leg pain issues. People suffering from chondromalacia patella, a painful knee condition caused due to damage of the kneecap cartilage. A primary symptom of this knee disorder is increasing pain while moving on stairs. You can treat this condition by resting and applying ice. And if you are involved in a stair-climbing workout, you must pause it. Sometimes, doctors recommend the use of a supportive brace to these patients.
Caring for Your Knees
If you have an injured knee or are suffering from gout or arthritis, you know how devastating this condition is. Healthy knees are essential for proper sitting, walking, standing, jogging, and climbing activities. Hence, it would help if you take precautionary measures to prevent knee issues.
Some of the recommendations include stair climbing and leg-strengthening workouts. It would help if you were careful while performing strenuous sports activities to minimize the risk of a knee injury. Aged people must be extra careful. Weight management is also a key to reduce pressure on your knees and joints.
Tips for Crossing Stairs with Arthritis
If you reside in a multi-story house and suffer from arthritis, it can be excruciating to climb up and downstairs. Hence, you must follow some valuable tips to cross stairs with an arthritis condition:
Climb up with the stronger leg, and then walk down with the other one
You should know which leg is more robust and causes less pain while walking up the stairs. And you walk down with the other. The reason is that while moving up, you shift your entire body mass against gravity, so robust support is better. And when going downstairs, you can use your weaker leg as gravity pull helps.
Take the Support of the Handrail
The majority of the stairs have a handrail. You can hold the handrail to shift some of your weight from your legs to the rail. It relieves some pressure from your knees.
Place your foot on the stair step.
Narrow stairsteps can be a challenge if you have arthritis. Such people need to place total weight on the stair step. When you place your whole step on the stair, it allows you to push off the step using your foot heel rather than the ball of the foot. Supportive shoes are also helpful when you walk up and downstairs. The shoes’ role is to support your foot arches if it collapses. It will help relieve pain.
Carrying Weight
If you are required to carry items, you must use a messenger bag or backpack. It will help relieve pressure on your legs. If your knee issues are severe, you must avoid carrying heavy items. If you experience severe pain, you should consider taking breaks while walking up and down the stairs.
Make Your Body Flexible
Sitting most of the time turns your knee inwards. Hence, experts recommend you should try to open up the hip region during the daytime to make the body flexible. It will help relieve stiffness. Just sitting on the chair and swinging your legs backward and forward is the best exercise. Regular physical activity can enhance your body’s strength and flexibility.
Practice Simple Exercises to Toughen Leg Muscles
Some specific exercises like tippy-toe raises and leg raise help toughen your leg muscles. Regular practice can help you quickly move up and downstairs.