Manual Therapy and Treatment of Temporomandibular disorders

Treatment of Temporomandibular disorders (TMJ) consists of a vast array of conditions that often do overlap. These include Osteoarthritis of the jaws (Osteoarthritis of the bones of the jaws) and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) that involves inflammation of the joints. Chronic pain in the face area around the mandible joint. Jaw joint pain.
Stressful life events, such as job loss, marital difficulties, divorce, or moving, can all be associated with TMJ. Stressful conditions in our lives can trigger symptoms of TMJ. The state can also be the result of an underlying medical problem. Some people experience muscle weakness or spasms in the neck or face area. This is called Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) and is sometimes confused with TMD. TMD, however, is an underlying condition and not a result of stress.
Treating the TMJ Disorder
Treatment of Temporomandibular disorders is accomplished through the use of splint therapy and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). Anti-inflammatory drugs help reduce the swelling and pain that are associated with TMJ. We can take these medicines by mouth, although some people prefer to use an over-the-counter NSAID medication. Some people also find relief from heat and ice treatments. One drawback of using NSAIDs for treating TMJ is that they can weaken the immune system.
Diagnosing the Underlying Conditions of TMJ Dysfunction
Splint therapy is another treatment option that is considered to be helpful for temporomandibular joint dysfunction treatment. A splint is a small, flexible device used to hold the jaw joint in a neutral position. It is designed so that it can’t slip backward, which could result in injury. The splint prevents the jaw from moving so that pain and other symptoms do not increase. Some doctors recommend a sling for up to three months to a year to correct the jaw’s alignment.
In addition to using splints, other treatments are recommended to correct the jaw’s alignment. Exercises, such as those found in physiotherapy, can strengthen the muscles in and around the mouth opening. These exercises work by strengthening the muscles that help keep the mandible and tongue in the correct positions. They are done three to four times a week for effective treatment.
Discussing the Different Treatment Options
Another treatment option is to have an oral appliance inserted into the mouth. The machine works by making the jaw joint stationary, which helps to prevent movements that will lead to pain. Therapy devices known as oral appliances work by creating a barrier between the teeth and the lower jaw. This makes a stable bite that prevents overbite and knock-knee conditions. Therapy devices such as this require a minimum of six to eight weeks of daily therapy.
Several types of electrical nerve stimulation can be used for treatment of Temporomandibular disorders. Two of the most common methods of delivering electrical nerve stimulation are electric stimulation and heat application. These methods are both usable on patients suffering from Temporomandibular Disorders. In both cases, the doctor will recommend which way will work best for the patient.
Combinations of Different Techniques
Combinations of different techniques are sometimes used for the relief of Temporomandibular Disorders. Acupuncture and acupressure are often combined with manual therapy to treat and manage the pain. Stretching is another technique that is often used in combination with manual therapy to treat Temporomandibular Disorders. Stretching can help to increase the mobility of the joints and promote flexibility to the muscles. This is important because the muscles are one of the major contributors to pain experienced by patients with TMJ’s.
The use of heat is a prevalent method of relieving pain and other symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorders. The application of heat applies during manual therapy for relief of pain and to improve muscle functioning. Using heat for pain relief is common in many instances where the cause of the pain is muscular tension. For example, muscle spasms can be a contributing factor to pain caused by Temporomandibular Disorders. The application of heat can reduce the number of muscle spasms and, therefore, the amount of pain felt by a patient. Heat applications applies to the face, neck, arms, and legs soft tissue areas.
Is Therapy Useful for Treatment of Temporomandibular disorders?
Manual therapy is sometimes combine with stretching for better results and more significant benefits to the patient. This therapy can include trying to elongate the muscles and improving the muscle function of the affected area. This therapy is often usable to strengthen the muscles to relieve the pressure on the nerves. The use of heat for treating Temporomandibular Disorders is a common approach to alleviate pain from this condition. Heat is an excellent way to increase blood flow to the muscles and increase the relaxation of these muscles.
Applying cold compresses to the painful area is another common way to provide temporary relief from Temporomandibular Disorders. Cold therapy can reduce inflammation and allow the joint to work better. Many people use this approach when other ineffective methods or when the pain has become too much. Cold compresses apply to the facial area. Cold therapy is also an excellent approach to treating temporomandibular joint disorder when the cause of the pain has not been identifiable.
Treatment of Temporomandibular disorders (TMJ) involves a wide array of conditions that can often overlap. They include Facial pain located around the jaw joint itself. Irritability, loud noise, headaches, earaches, and sinus problems are a few of TMJ symptoms. Chronic pain in the head usually radiates to the shoulders and arms. Other symptoms include Stiffness or soreness of muscles and joints—pains or twitching in the neck or face.
Illnesses That Confuses With TMJ
There are many different theories about the cause of TMJ. One idea is that TMJ occurs due to the abnormal development of the structures within the temporomandibular joints. The most common among these structures are the temporomandibular joints. Believe that abnormal development of the systems within these joints can lead to symptoms such as pain, stiffness, and jawbone problems. Another cause of TMJ is an injury to the temporomandibular joints. This type of injury may include a hit or bruise to the jawbone, a fracture, or other trauma to this area.
Patients suffering from TMJ sometimes confuse it with other illnesses or diseases. To make matters worse, these patients may not realize that they have suffered from TMJ. Some symptoms of TMJ mimic those of other conditions or diseases. The following paragraphs will discuss some of the symptoms of temporomandibular disorders.
The most common symptom of TMJ is pain and stiffness in the jaw, face, and other joints of the head and torso. A patient may experience discomfort when chewing or talking. The presence of these symptoms is indicative of a diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders. If pain is present, a dentist should perform a physical examination and review the patient’s medical history. The dentist may order additional tests to determine whether the symptoms are because of the arthritis causes pain.
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