Options for treating erectile dysfunction have increased in recent times. The latest addition to traditional methods and medicine to overcome erectile dysfunction is penile rehabilitation surgery.
Through penile rehabilitation, even males with severe erection issues are getting back normal erection. It is increasingly become popular among males over 60-70 group to try surgery and penile rehabilitation for restoring erection health. Let us find some popular new methods to cure erectile dysfunction permanently.
Latest treatment being used for erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is difficulty in getting an erection even when desire for an erection overwhelms. It can be due to several physical, medical or mental issues. A man facing erectile dysfunction cannot bet adequate blood into the spongy tissue of the organ. Without sufficient blood flow, getting an erection and sustaining even the soft erection, which might happen after prolong stimulation, becomes difficult.
Erectile dysfunction treatments aim to increase blood flow in the body, especially in the pelvic area, where male organ is located. Medicines like 200mg Sildenafil citrate, a higher dose to overcome higher erection difficulty, increases blood flow in the male organ. Natural remedies like food and exercises also promote the smooth blood flow to increases erection. But when problem becomes worse, the medicines and natural remedies including change in diet do not work. Medical experts then shift to latest methods to restore the health of the male organ for overcome erection issue. These latest methods are
P –shot or plasma therapy
The therapy involves injection own platelet rich plasma of blood of the male into his organ to promote new growth of tissue and rejuvenate the nerve of the penis. Since blood injected into the penis is from the same body, there is no risk of infection. Blood plasma leads to regeneration of the nerves in the penis, which helps a man to get a normal erection.
However, medical studies point out that only for a limit period, the male might see some important. The period can be from a couple of months to six months. Even then the male health, his lifestyle and lifestyle decide how well the treatment has helped him. The plasma injection therapy for penile regeneration need further studies and trials to come to the conclusion that it is an effective way to get a permanent cure .
Shock wave therapy
Low intensity extracorporeal waves are constantly striking blood vessels to promote the smooth flow to overcome erection problem. As mentioned, any therapy or treatment which promotes a healthy blood flow helps in curing erectile dysfunction.
The guidelines formulated by European association of urology recommend the use of shock wave therapy for males with mild cases of erectile dysfunction. These males are those who do not get the desired result from medicines.
Studies conducted in the United States revealed that mild cases are cured faster than severe cases caused by diabetes, or prostate enlargement. The positive impact of wave therapy lasts up to 6 months. Trails and studies are underway to make it more effective for restoring permanent penile health.
Stem cell therapy
Stem cells have the capacity to renew and repair a tissue because they divide and renew themselves for a long time. This special feature of the stem cells is used to cure erectile dysfunction in males. The stem cells can promote growth of new healthy cells in spongy tissue of the male organ.
In case of erectile dysfunction, the stem cells are taken from the abdominal fat cell and injecting into the spongy tissue of the male organ. Males who were given the therapy extended the erection improvement gain for almost a year.
Penis implants
Penis implants are the last option for seniors who do not get relief from erection from other treatment methods. There are two types of implants, semi rigid and inflatable implants. The inflatable rods are placed inside the penis. These rods are inflated when fluid is released into them from the reservoir implanted in the abdominal wall, by pressing a pump in the scrotum.
The rigid implants are pushed towards the penis for an erection and back towards the body after completing the intercourse. The surgery is done to plant the penile implants, in case of any issue in operation of implants; another surgery is needed to repair the fault. That is the reason, why implant treatment is not popular among males.
New treatment options to cure erectile dysfunction are used as last options by medical experts. Further studies and trails are in progress to improve their efficacy. Meanwhile, doctors prescribe generic Cialis 60 mg to cure severe erection issues. It has the effectiveness around 82 %. This drug resolves erection problem in majority of cases.