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Pulsed Electromagnetic Field for Sleep and Pain

pulsed electromagnetic field

pulsed electromagnetic field

Many people who will read this article have probably never heard of the use of pulsed electromagnetic field and/or frequency as a way to heal and heal the human body. However, there are many devices in the market today that claim to do that. This type of technology is what would be considered. Is the ‘standard of care in the treatment of disease or not?

Let’s answer the above questions and frame them in a reasonable way. Most of the medicine practiced today is mainly one dimension. The practice of ‘regular’ allopathic medicines revolves around the antidepressant view of what causes disease and how it should be treated.

This thought process leads to a very nearsighted picture of how the condition can be cured. If the industry cannot generate billions of dollars in revenue from proprietary drugs or other therapies, there is hardly any interest in continuing the treatment. This means that a well-researched treatment is less likely to become a ‘regular’ accepted treatment, largely because of the inability or willingness to complete the circle. All politics and finances

As a result, it is just as polarizing as some practitioners are concerned. Are there existing forms of treatment that lead to the treatment that has been broadly shown in preliminary research to be effective? There is, of course … but they are not gaining any traction because many of these methods are presented to the public and because they do not conform to what is considered part of the establishment.

The ‘standard of care established by various medical organizations such as AMAs, physicians is at risk if they attempt to treat individuals in ways that have been shown to work in the field for decades in some cases.

For example, medicine, electricity, and pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) are one way to show promise in helping the body heal. Hundreds of studies have shown the benefits of this approach, and it is irresponsible that clinicians are not pursuing this approach more proactively.

One reason is that it is not a drug and can be patented. But the reason for that is more obvious than if you treat someone with a real illness, you won’t be able to make more money from their pain and suffering in the future.

PEMF and other forms of frequency/energy medications have been around for about a hundred years and are available to everyone in one or more forms. For those of you unfamiliar with existing technology, the names of several researchers you would like the pulsed electromagnetic field to remember to include Hulda Clark, Bob Beck, Robert O Becker, Royal Rife, and more recently a company called Sleep Tech Ltd. that sells electromagnetic devices Called Earth Pulse, these people and/or companies have worked with or had great success using electric current, magnetic fields and/or general frequency to act as a treatment. There are many others, some of whom work with. These people or work by themselves.

This topic can be very complex, so for those needing an introduction, it will take up more space than what is stated in this article to cover every aspect of this topic well. In an effort to whet your appetite when it comes to PEMF, this article will try to provide some background information.

Is PEMF safe? Yes, just because we’re not talking about ‘fields’ and the same frequency ranges generated by cell phones and other (somewhat dangerous) power devices, PEMF devices generate very low frequency pulsed magnetic fields for most of the specific frequencies in the range 1 Hz to 50 Hz

There are many applications for this technology, some of which include applications in the treatment of arthritis and pain to facilitate sleep. In one study, PEMF was used with great success in the treatment of arthritis.

The study states that “Analysis of several studies (Animal models of arthritis, cell culture systems, and clinical studies) reporting on the use of PEMF in the treatment of arthritis has clearly shown that PEMF not only relieves pain in arthritis. Also helps to prevent chondroprotection.

It has anti-inflammatory and bone-building properties and can be developed as an affordable alternative to treating arthritis.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Discovery – Nikola Tesla

“PEMF is beneficial for humanity, from infants to the elderly. PEMF will lead to a paradigm shift in medicine,” said Dr. Linus Pauling – double Nobel laureate.

People in the past have dreamed about what the future could be. Imagine how people could live in an age where advanced technology is solving health problems today. Can you imagine the chronic pain caused by illness, injury, surgery, old age, and trauma being cured by incurable health problems in the United States and the world in 2014? I have to say it is the most terrible incurable health problem that creates a dark life for people with health problems.

The key to maintaining the body and staying healthy is PEMF’s advanced magic-secret technology that is revolutionizing the way doctors treat pain. However, there are so many different devices, little information that explains what makes one PEMF better than another. All PEMF machines did you know what kind of information you find in the sales pitch! Therefore; We cultivate and research PEMF devices to clean around any PEMF device currently on the market!

PEMF is a device that works on the principle of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy.

Let’s start here:

Nikola Tesla was the first modern person recognized for manipulating electromagnetic fields for health purposes. His methods and patents in the early 1900s for Tesla coils were also used for pulsed electromagnetic field medical devices. The devices of the time were very large circular solenoid coils that would surround the patient while they were standing or lying on the bed.

They are powered directly by an electrical system with a 50 or 60-hertz sine wave and the truth is that the patient gets immediate pain relief. Tesla’s electrotherapy method has been adopted by electricians looking to produce commercial electricity. But electrical therapy devices eventually fell out of favor with doctors when educators at Western medical schools chose to only educate medical students about medication and surgery (results of the infamous Flexner Report 1910).

In addition, the combined efforts of the pharmaceutical industry to discredit electromagnetic wave therapy have been labeled “quack” and electromedical devices are considered only for diagnostic purposes, such as X-rays. Tesla’s progress was quickly forgotten. The same can be said for the work of Georges Lakhovsky and his multi-wave oscillator (MWO) in the 1920s. Lakhovsky has clinics across Europe offering electromagnetic radiation therapy or conventional therapy.

Lakhovsky’s method was so successful that he was approached by a number of New York hospitals in hopes of testing his device through experiments. The remarkable results come from a seven-week clinical trial conducted at a large hospital in New York City and from urologists in Brooklyn in the summer of 1941. The propensity to use MWO in America quickly disappeared after Lakhovsky’s sudden death in New York.

1942 (73) crashed a car and killed him in the most mysterious way. His equipment was removed from the hospital and the patient was informed that the therapy could no longer be used. We think this murder was Maurice Fishbein (AMA) and Big Pharmaceutical. It is, in my opinion, the reason for this horrible act.

You see, drug companies and doctors think they can make a lot of money to “cure” people, not keep them healthy, and then other people can pay for it. They relentlessly continue to shame valuable therapies that threaten profits.

Although in a country that has not been subject to the transformation of major pharmaceutical companies such as the former Soviet Union, electromagnetic radiation therapy has not disappeared. But it has continued to evolve and is still widely used in hospitals. Their scientists have learned that when a magnetic field is activated, the results are much better. It involves the innate vibrations of cells and wider tissues, Lakhovsky says.

We’ll go through the basics to give you a better understanding of what happens during your PEMF treatment. After you know it, you may find it easier to understand what types of PEMF devices will work. Do the best for you We keep this short, sweet and simple, so make sure you write it down mentally as it will help you when we start comparing machines.

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