Quick Ways for Cleaning Wool Rugs

Wool rugs are valued for their longevity and elegance by homeowners. They tend to be more costly than cotton or synthetic rugs, but with sufficient upkeep, they are sturdy and can last a lifetime. A professional company may make you feel more comfortable cleaning your wool rugs, but you can do a lot of your own to keep them looking fresh and in good shape.
By consistently following the below steps you can ensure that daily dirt does not add up, so as long as you own and use it, your rug will keep looking sharp.
Beat the rugs
For a wool rug that sees a great deal of foot traffic, this is important. Expect them to end up in your rugs when you track a lot of soil and dirt inside your house. The only way to get rid of this dried dirt on the floor is to use a nice old broom to beat it out of your carpet. Take your rug outside and hang it and start whacking it on a clothesline. The repetitive vibrating movement should enable the wool fibers to dislodge dry dirt sticking to them.
Brush out
In the fibers of your wool rug, hair and other particles will periodically get trapped. Shaggier wool rugs with longer fibers are particularly vulnerable to surface dirt of this nature. At this point, the last thing you want to do is get your rug wet, as it could cause the hair to integrate into the rug even more. Instead to ensure that you get it, brush it out with a clean brush with strong bristles. Clean in the direction of the rug fabrics, not towards them, as you don’t want to damage the carpet.
Regularly vacuuming can help keep the rug or carpet clean. For wool rugs vacuum for a maximum of twice a month. One suggestion you shouldn’t disregard for a clean wool rug when it comes to vacuuming is that don’t forget to vacuum the underside.
Never leave the wool rugs wet
It’s very hard to dry on your own once the wool is wet. An individual wool fiber’s top layer is hydrophobic, meaning it repels water, but hydrophilic in the bottom layer, meaning it absorbs and retains water. Your rug can produce mold, which is permanent if the rug does not become bone dry quickly.
Rotating the rug
So essential is this simple move. Rotating the carpet removes discoloration, matting in one spot from heavy foot traffic, and unnecessary dirt. The covered part would inevitably remain cleaner than the uncovered portion of the rug when a rug is covered by a sofa or desk. Once every 5 months, just switch your rugs to the opposite side.
Using the technique of dry bath
Try using a dry shampoo if the rug isn’t too dingy and just needs to be refreshed. Sprinkle the surface with dry rug shampoo, allow it to sit for the prescribed time and vacuum it up.