React Native vs Native: Which is Better for App Development?
To begin with, React native has been in the books of cross-platform app development lately. If you are an emerging company and want to make it big then you can explore some options. Subsequently, these options presented to you goes through the Native Route or the Cross platform route. With over 5 billion smartphone users in the world, you have a chance to cater to a large amount of audience. App development has come a long way with multiple options now available to business owners and companies. If confusion is creeping into your mind as to which is better for development, this article will shed some light on this topic. Let us deep dive and answer some common queries you have when choosing between React native vs Native route.
Development Time:
The major point to consider when deciding between React Native vs Native route is development time. In the case of Native, the code is written for each platform individually. Your iOS code will not work for android platforms. Similarly, your Android Code will not work for iOS platform. You need to assemble a separate team of developers and designers to create code for each platform individually.
If you compare directly with React Native, the code base you design will be singly in nature. This means the code written will be of a single base in nature. A single piece of code is written for both platforms by the same developers and designers. You will be able to build native apps using a single piece of code. This is possible if you go through the React Native approach.
Mobile App Cost:
In our next point of discussion, Mobile app cost will be the beneficial factor for you to decide which is good for you. The answer to estimate mobile app development cost helps you to judge and select the right technology fit for your needs. Statistics shows that when choosing React Native vs Native route, you can save up to 35% to 50% in the development cost overall. The amount of time taken to generate and write code reduces by 40%. This is directly when compared to the Native app development options out there. This is another point for you to consider when choosing between React Native vs Native development approach.
UI and UX Experience:
Another pivotal factor helping you to determine which is beneficial for you is the UI UX experience provided by these technologies. Even though React Native allows app developers to reuse the functionality code and write platform-specific code separately, creating an enchanting user experience is challenging. Creating complex custom views, navigation patterns, seamless transitions as well as animations can be quite difficult. This is because you do not get detailed and fine grained control over it. So the winner here is Native development in Quest of finding the best approach for React Native vs Native.
When you compare it with Native technology available, React native enables mobile app developers to use and employ a wider set of opportunities. This is for processing a higher amount of work in a set environment by launching a greater functionality app. So in the case of scalability, it is best you go with react native, as it caters to a larger audience set using cross platform capabilities.
Another pivotal factor for app developers to consider is performance of the app. React native works well with JavaScript using just only a single dedicated thread for the device. It is unable to perform multiple asynchronous tasks and activities parallelly at the same time. So when it comes to raw performance, native development can provide a higher yield for you. However, this is specific for some application development requirements only as the processing power of the device is utilized.
Apps such as number crunching processing, graphic-intensive games, chatting applications, and more benefit using the native approach. While e-commerce apps, some small games, and productivity apps benefit through the cross-platform capabilities offered by React Native.
Programming language:
When considering the native approach, you are limited to using programming languages and environments designed for that specific platform. For example, Kotlin and java for android and Swift for iOS are the top options you can explore using the native route. There are multiple tutorials and helpful resources available on the internet that you can rely on. Considering React native, you have the option only to use JavaScript to use as the platform is designed using JavaScript for React Native.
Even though JavaScript is easier to learn, it has flaws and limitations that make it a poor contender here, hence the winner here in terms of usability is the native approach in React Native vs Native quest of comparison. You can Hire React Native Developer if you are looking for App Development.
Long term Support for App Scope:
The major factor when it comes to designing and considering an app development environment is app support. Because the native approach has always benefited from top companies like Apple and Google releasing long-term support updates for the technologies they use in, it’s beneficial to use the native approach here.
React Native on the other hand has made updates less of a priority. Adding new features and functionality cannot pinpoint when using React Native. So the winner here is the Native approach.
Interactivity with other apps:
The interactivity provided with other apps is yet another factor for you to decide on which approach is best for you. When you go through the native approach, you can add interactivity and use data from other third-party apps easily. This flexibility makes it highly efficient to use the native approach when developing apps. However, the same cannot be said about React Native, as it relies on third party libraries and tools to access data from other apps. which provides a lower level of data access, and the success rate is also low. So the clear distinction here between React Native vs Native is going through the Native approach.
Also Read: Mobile App Development Cost in 2022
It all boils down to what your usage and preferences are for your app development requirements. If you can suffice with sacrificing some bit of performance for cost-effectiveness and some little feature set, then you can go with React Native. However, if performance is a top priority for you and wants long-term support updates essential for your app then go with the native approach.