Relation between Premature ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction

Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are two common sexual weakness males face in adult life. Both lower the quality of sexual life of males. It has been observed that in the majority of cases, one condition feeds others, though the causes and nature of both problems are different.
Manifestation of these problems is different. It is lesser known fact that these problems often come as a pair. If left untreated both weakness create discord in a marital life. Surprisingly, treatment is often within reach at any stage of the problem duration. A man only has to overcome hesitation to get the solution within a reasonable time limit.
Premature ejaculation
Clearly understanding both terms would lead us to get to the relations of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.
Premature ejaculation as the name suggests is ejaculation that happens before its time. The ejaculation could happen within a few minutes of intercourse or at the entry of intercourse. It also occurs before the start of the intimate session. The end result of the inability to complete the intimate session.
There is no specified time duration to determine the cause of the premature release of tension, but it is accepted that any ejaculation that occurs under 2 minutes comes under the premature case. The agreed basic principle is that man is not able to complete the intercourse session.
Erectile dysfunction
The male is not able to get an erection that is sufficient for intercourse. The erection may be soft or dying. It is also difficult to sustain a soft erection throughout the course of intercourse. The net result is discord in the relationship, a gloomy mood, and frustration throughout the day.
The difference between ED and PE
In premature ejaculation, the erection takes place sufficiently with physical stimulation. There is no problem in the erection process. But the problem is early than the desired ejaculation.
Erectile dysfunction makes it difficult to get an erection in the first place. The question of ejaculation does not come here, as the first basic step leading to ejaculation is not fulfilled.
The similarity in both ED and PE cases
The causes of sexual weakness are the same in many cases. Medical experts have observed that emotional and psychological causes, fear of loss of erection, performance anxiety, tiredness, prostate issue, or abuse of recreational drugs. Excess alcoholism also makes it difficult to control ejaculation.
PE creates the condition for the erectile issue
During the clinical examinations, it came to notice that males with premature ejaculation get into the erectile dysfunction phase after ejaculation. The first ejaculation reduces the ability to get another erection soon. So, a male with a premature problem gets erectile difficulty as a temporary phase. This temporary phase in several cases becomes a permanent erectile issue.
ED leads to premature ejaculation
When a man fearing loss of erection rushes to complete the intercourse, it often leads to ejaculation early than the desired duration. Thus, along with erectile issues, he gets into premature ejaculation as well. It becomes a vicious cycle, and a man finds it difficult to get out without medical consultations.
ED doses as common a Treatment option
The medical treatment is using 200 mg Sildenafil Citrate, a higher dose, prescribed by doctors for higher erection difficulties. ED dose gives support to the erection process for 5 hours. For males with erection issues, ED medicine increases the blood flow in the spongy tissue of the male organ. It creates a strong erection with physical stimulation.
Besides medication options, non-medication options for emotional and mental issues are also available. These are counseling sessions from a psychologist to cure mental fear, anxiety or stress of dealing with the opposite sex.
ED medicines reduce refractory time
In males with premature ejaculation, the 5 hours influence period of Cialis 60 mg tablets, gives the ability to get another erection within few minutes of ejaculation. The confidence of getting another erection removes the fear of loss of erection in the first place. It cures premature issues.
However, since a premature issue is not an erection problem, the male needs a lower dose to just retain the ability to get another erection. The higher dose can increase side- effects. Medical consultations will help the affected male to get the best medicine, which gives the desired result without enhancing side effects.
Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are a male sexual weakness. The problems manifest in different ways but can encourage each other without treatment. Both medical and non-medical treatments are available to deal with them permanently. Consultations with doctors will help you get the best solution based on underlying causes.