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Roles of Industrial Flow Meters in Various Applications

Various industrial applications use industrial meters to measure the flow rate of a given gas, liquid, slurries, or steam. The type of application determines which flow meter to use. In most cases, engineers and system operators usually use an industrial water meter to determine clean or wastewater flow rate.
The commonly used industrial water meters are ultrasonic and magnetic flow meters. The flow meters measure the flow rate of substances where there are low contents of solids and gases. In cases of high solid and gas ranges, then you should use magnetic flow meters only. This article will discuss the roles of industrial flow meters in various applications.

Industrial applications, flow meters used, and their roles

1. Used in chemical

Many chemical industries use electromagnetic. Ultrasonic flow meters to measure the flow rate of corrosive materials. Acids such as hydrofluoric acids, ammonia, nitric acids, sulphuric acids the measure by a flowmeter. They also use mass flow meters to measure specific liquids and gases and mix various applications.
The flow meters that we use in chemical industries. Prevent leakages during measurements, so many sectors prefer using them, especially measuring acids.

2. Used in water and wastewater

Water and wastewater industries use ultrasonic and magnetic flow meters to measure the flow rate. The ultrasonic flow meter measures low solid and gas contents, while magnetic measurements measure the high range of solids and gases.
Magnetic flow meters are always suitable for the application of sludge due to their high level of accuracy. Under this application, industrial operators can use these flow meters to distribute water. Also, these flowmeters disinfect and protecting industrial materials against drinking water.

3. Used in gas and oil

The industrial meter that we use in this type of application is Coriolis. Coriolis flowmeters can measure the mass and density of the flow of gas and oil. The device can also control water and oil flow while detecting the amount of water present in the oil.
Industrial operators like using Coriolis flowmeters in gas and oil applications since the device has no maintenance cost. They can measure a liquid’s flow rate even when it has a higher concentration of gases. Coriolis can also measure outlet water for the production of crude oils.

4. Used in metal and mining

In this industrial application, positive displacement flow meters are always a better choice in measuring and controlling the flow of fuel in mining where there is no extra power. The flow meter also measures the density and mass flow of smelting furnaces and manages the process of the feed-in hydro cyclone.
System operators prefer these industrial flow meters due to their ability to control the flow of fuel without power and complete solutions in computer flow and elimination of gases.

5. Used in building automotive

Ultrasonic flow meters are suitable for measuring and balancing the flow of energy in building automotive industries. System operators also use electromagnetic flowmeters in controlling energy and water and adding chemicals to different building materials.
The vortex flowmeters measure the flow rate of building steam and losses of evaporation. In contrast, thermal flow meters monitor the flow of hot hair, coiling fans in automotive industries.

6. Used in paper and pulp 

The flow measurement of high abrasive slurries is measured by industrial magnetic flow meters. Paper and pulp industries also use Coriolis and thermal mass flow meters, where Coriolis measures liquids’ flow rate with high viscosity and high rate of conduction. In contrast, thermal mass flow meters measure the flow of various natural gases that we use in balancing fuel.

7. Used in pharmaceuticals

Under this industrial application, the various flow meters are Coriolis, non-intrusive ultrasonic, electromagnetic, and thermal mass flow meters. Below are the functions of each flow meter.

i) Coriolis mass flow meters; Helps in measuring the flow of fuel in fuel nozzle applications.
ii) Non-intrusive ultrasonic flowmeters; Helps in measuring liquid flow rate in hygiene systems where operators can get the exact measurements without coming into contact with the system.
iii) Electromagnetic flow meters; Helps in measuring substances that are critical and require a high level of accuracy.
iv) Thermal mass flow meters; Helps to measure airflow in areas with experienced material coating.

8. Used in marine technology 

Marine technology uses magnetic, ultrasonic, and positive displacement flow meters to determine the flow rate of various liquids and gases. Magnetic flowmeters measure osmosis processes, ultrasonic for checking the flow of fluids with fewer solids, and positive displacement for controlling fuel in ships.

9. Used in utility and power

Industrial water meters measure the flow rate of water plants, water coolants, water vapors, and steams, controlling and regulating the amount of heat in water pipes, etc. The standard flow meters in this application are vortex, electromagnetic, ultrasonic, and thermal mass flow meters.


An industrial water meter is essential in controlling the various flow of liquids, gases, steam, or air. System operators should choose the best flow meter depending on the type of application they want to carry out and the efficiency of the flow meter. 

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