Social media networks in companies have come to acquire great importance. These platforms, which were born to promote personal interrelation by taking advantage of new technologies, have acquired such a development that they are essential.
They are very diverse and with different approaches, but without a doubt, those that cannot be lacking in the communication strategies of a company are Facebook, YouTube, Whats app, and Instagram. By far, although not without importance for companies, networks such as Twitter and LinkedIn would follow.
Importance of social networks in companies
The different social networks serve the company both as sources of information and communication and interaction with their communities. It is extremely important for a company to have a presence on social media, be it in any industry. The need for this presence is only going to rise in the near future.
The use of social networks has reached figures that allow us to affirm that they have definitively settled within the habits of practically the entire workforce in terms of markets and consumption.
Only Facebook reached the figure of 2271 million active users last January of this year of 2019. Users who connect and leave information about their interests with a whole trail of their journey through the network in each session.
Social media networks are a whole new world that moves at great speeds. In them, the strategy is a whole
All this information allows companies an exhaustive analysis from which conclusions are drawn that ultimately lead to actions. This information is very varied and is not only referred to users, but also to competitors.
In the habitat provided by the various social networks, users establish individual interpersonal relationships. But they also group together and constitute communities around shared tastes and affinities and nuclei of common interests.
These groups, communities, and fan pages are a very precise indication for companies of where their audiences are and what they are interested in. In addition, it allows them to build their own communities around the brand and interact constantly with them.
Advantages of using social networks in companies
From the previous observations, some of the most important advantages that the company obtains by setting a strategy in social networks can be extracted.
Meet the public
The ability to analyze, filter, and segment information is practically absolute. They are determined in a very precise way where exactly the target of the company operates; what groups do you frequent; what content they consume and share, their ages, genders, or their time habits
Trying to get this complete information outside of the development in social networks is practically impossible.
Increased web traffic
With this knowledge, companies can create and distribute the content they are demanding to their audiences. These contents are shared and users are directed to the web pages.
Give and receive information at the moment
One of the perks of businesses using social media is the fast-medium and speed at which the information is received and can be broadcasted by the businesses. Social networks are environments designed and developed to favor communication and the exchange of all kinds of information.
Improved customer service
Through social media networks, businesses can analyze and understand the needs and preferences of customers. Criticisms of products or services are used by companies to interact publicly with the protagonists and rectify errors.
Many networks are also used to provide information to users of products and services that improve their experience. This can be done in ways as diverse as guiding them in its use; broadening their application horizons or directly addressing their queries and concerns.
Improve web positioning
SEO positioning criteria are evolving. Currently, quality is aimed more than quantity. The algorithms no longer only evaluate the traffic to the websites, but how it is generated and what users do within the site.
Not being actively present in them necessarily implies a serious deterioration in competitiveness
By improving the content, thanks to the greater knowledge of the target and it’s a better definition, companies achieve a greater influx of quality users. In this way, better SEO positioning is achieved.
Get to know the competition better
Today most companies have a strategy in place on social networks. This is a medium where everything is viewed and experienced in real-time.
By using various strategies and being interactive with your audience on social media will have an impact not only on your brand but your competition will also resort to the same kind of techniques noticing the growth of your business. This, in some cases, helps to get to know your competition better.
Social networks in companies yes, but with strategy
Social networks are used by companies to expose their services, products, and improvements, to launch their news, promote their offers, or carry out advertising campaigns.
In this way, the networks become a true observatory of competitors. This observation allows you to react to their movements and even anticipate.
Social networks are a whole new world that moves at great speeds. In them, the strategy is a whole. They provide companies with ways of interacting with the public that until now could not even be imagined. Not being actively present in them necessarily implies a serious deterioration in competitiveness.