If you are looking for a way to increase fat burning and weight loss and at the same time get some general wellness benefits, Intermittent Fasting may be right for you.
In addition to increasing weight loss and burning fat, other intermittent Fasting benefits include regulating blood sugar, protecting the brain, maintaining heart health, and reducing inflammation.
Foods to Eat While Intermittent Fasting
This is definitely the most important element to consume when you take up the intermittent fast.
Water can act as an elixir when it comes to losing weight. You must keep your body hydrated and ensure that all the toxins are dissolved and eliminated.
All your organs need water to remain fresh and healthy; right from your liver to gut to the digestive tract, water helps to keep these organs working smoothly.
Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day and focus more on the fasting period. It is obvious that it will get a little monotonous and so, a good idea is to consume fruit-infused water.
This refers to water that has fruit and herbs infused into it. Fill up a jar with water and toss in fruit and herbs such as oranges, lemons, mint leaves, and a dash of cinnamon. Consume this every few hours.
Remember that the intermittent fast can be quite taxing at times and lead to side effects such as headaches and nausea. In such a case, only water can help you out and put an end to these.
Fish can be considered a miracle food as it can greatly help with weight loss. According to dietary guidelines, it is important for people to consume at least 6 to 8 ounces of fish every week.
Fish contains a lot of nutrients. It is rich in fats and proteins. It is also rich in vitamin D, and this means you do not have to worry about denying your body these nutrients by taking on the fast.
You do not have to reach for supplements if you are able to consume fish regularly. Fish is also rich in DHA, which helps in brain development. You will see that your mind is fresher and you are able to think well. Your productivity will increase, and stress will be curbed.
You might wonder why avocado is on this list, considering it is one of the fattiest foods out there. However, you must understand that the fasting phase can take a toll on your body and so you must consume foods that can keep you going.
Avocado is rich in mono saturated fat, which is great for those who tend to get hungry quite fast. It keeps you feeling full for longer. You will not find yourself reaching out to eat a snack.
Avocado is quite versatile and can be added to your breakfast or lunch menu. Those who tend to include it in their breakfast menu are generally able to go without food for longer periods of time without complaining about hunger.
Leafy Greens
If there is one type of vegetable that we remember being told to consume by our parents, then it has to be leafy green vegetables.
As we know, leafy green vegetables are loaded with multiple nutrients that are great for your body. These include the likes of kale, broccoli, lettuce, etc. These are loaded with fiber.
Fiber, as you know, keeps your body going when you suffer from digestive issues such as constipation. You are sure to go through it when you adopt the intermittent fast.
In such a case, it becomes that much more important to consume these vegetables to keep your stomach in good shape. Fiber also makes you feel fuller and not feel too hungry between meals.
As mentioned earlier, the goal is to consume foods that are filling and can keep you going for hours, one such being potatoes. These ones are rich in carbs that can keep you sated for hours.
Make sure you either steam and mash them or roast them without the addition of any oil or fat. Deep frying them is never an option. Try to consume them with their skin on as the skin contains a lot of nutrition.
When it comes to digestion, both your liver and gut play a very important role. Both of them need a healthy dose of probiotics in order to function optimally.
If you have an unhealthy gut, then you might suffer from side effects such as constipation and even leaky gut syndrome.
The best way to combat these is by consuming as many probiotics as possible. Some natural foods rich in probiotics include kombucha and kefir.
Add these to your meals, and you are sure to experience positive benefits. An alternative is to go for probiotic supplements. Make sure you know which ones to go for. It would be best to consult a physician first.
Assorted Berries
There is nothing better than consuming fresh berries in the mornings. They are loaded with antioxidants and vital nutrients required to keep your body healthy. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and gooseberries are all great for you.
Just toss them into the blender with some milk or yogurt to make a smoothie. According to studies, those who consumed berries regularly were able to remain within their ideal body weight and did not gain too much weight over longer periods of time.
An important aspect of losing weight is building lean muscles. Lean muscles replace regular ones and prevent fat from getting stored.
The best way to build lean muscle is by consuming foods rich in proteins. One important source of protein is eggs.
Those who consume eggs for breakfast are in a better position to develop lean muscles and not go hungry before the next meal.
Eggs can be quite versatile and cooked in any way you like. Hard-boil them the previous day so that you have a ready meal the next morning.
Simply toss them in a pan to scramble them. It only takes a few minutes to cook them. Whole Grains One aspect of maintaining a clean and healthy diet is going for whole grains.
The intermittent fast promotes consumption of these, as they are easier for the body to digest and keep the system clean.
They are also loaded with proteins and fiber. Do not limit yourself to the usual such as wheat and oats and go for something different such as Bulgar, Amaranth, and Flax.
Also read:- Anti-inflammatory diet recipes: What are the best Options for Rheumatic Arthritis
Foods to Avoid
Processed Foods
Processed foods include the likes of biscuits, wafers, chips, cakes, and sugary drinks such as cola. These will only add to your woes and counteract your weight loss goals.
Try to avoid these at all costs. Do not hit the aisles at the supermarket that carries these foods. Remember to never go shopping on an empty stomach, as you will feel tempted to reach for a packet or snack.
Junk Food Make it a point to cut out all junk food from your diet. There should be no room for burgers, pizzas, and kinds of pasta that contain a lot of fat.
It might be tempting to go for a cheat meal once in a while, but it is important not to do so as it can lead to a habit.
- Alcohol
Although wine is said to be quite healthy, it would be best to limit it to just 1 serving per week. Try your best to avoid consuming hard liquor.
Although it is said that the intermittent Fasting does not tell you what not to eat, it is best to avoid these when you wish to lose weight.
With Intermittent Fasting, a lot of people tend to follow their usual eating habits in terms of the specific foods that they put on their plate during each meal, expecting that they will lose weight just because they have fasted during the morning, night, and a part of the afternoon.
While Intermittent Fasting may help to improve metabolism and support digestive function that will ultimately improve your ability to lose weight, the food you eat still counts.
Just as there are a lot of foods that you can surely include in your Intermittent Fasting to help you lose that extra weight that is causing you concern, there are also some foods that you should always try to avoid if your goal is to lose weight.
About author
I am certified in addiction counseling, public health, health education, mental health and I am also an AIDS-certified registered nurse with more than 30 years of experience and founder of Hindi health point