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The Complete Guide to Manage Multiple Drupal Websites

The Complete Guide to Manage Multiple Drupal Websites

Drupal allows users to manage multiple websites using a common base of code. It is to note that each website is independent as it has a unique domain, configuration, database, data, etc. However, the dependability on a shared Drupal codebase somewhat connects them. 

Though it encourages the code reusability factor, the matter that a single piece of code can be used to manage multiple independent sites makes it complex. Whether you need information as a client or as a web developer, this guide will help you with the bits of managing multiple Drupal websites. 

What is Multisite in Drupal? 


Drupal Multisite refers to a suite of independent websites that are developed, updated, managed, and deployed together as the codebase in common. The only things they have in common are 

  1. Codebase. 
  2. Drupal Core. 
  3. Drupal Themes. 
  4. Available Drupal modules. 

However, they have a distinct domain, structure, configurations, database, data, enabled themes and modules, etc. A renowned Drupal development company will guide you with the intricacies of multisite development and when it is the most beneficial. 

When is it Ideal to Implement Drupal Multisite? 


Managing Multisite: A Brief Overview


While there are several advantages and disadvantages of Drupal multisite development, certain considerations are a must so that you can manage sites better. It will help save time and manage your resources efficiently. 

Ensure your host provider supports multisite 

Since you need to manage multiple sites using the multisite Drupal code, you will have to be careful that all the deployment and other features function as they should. In this respect, a conflict may arise if your hosting service provider doesn’t facilitate you with Drupal multisite facility. 

You need to consult with your hosting provider before time so that there is no ambiguity in the process. 

Automating Deployment 

When you are confident about building a multisite Drupal structure, you will need to keep in mind that a single deployment code will be used to deploy multiple websites. Therefore, you should have a robust DevOps prior to deployment so that all the sites are deployed smoothly. For this, you should have a seasoned team of professionals who are well-versed with the Drupal concepts. 

Automating test cases 

Automating tests on your multi-sites will benefit websites in more ways than one. You will be able to deploy all the changes to multiple sites using a single code while checking if there is an issue in the live websites. Understandably, you should consider this pointer while making any changes. 

These considerations will help Drupal developers to build multi-sites and manage them effortlessly. The time consumption will be low, and less man force will be needed. 

Risks Involved with Drupal Multisites 

Nonetheless, managing multiple Drupal websites requires technical skills and can’t be practiced by just any novice user. At such a time, hiring help from seasoned professionals of Auxesis Infotech will help you significantly. They will guide you throughout the Drupal multi-site development procedure smoothly.

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